The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  John Ciardi papers, 1910-1997
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Part II: Writings, 1910-1997 (continued)
“Ward Three: Faith,” 1980, undated
“Washing Your Feet,” undated
“Washington, D.C.,” 1956
“Washington, D.C., Mobs in Neon,” undated
“Watching a Kettle Boil,” 1961
“Watching a Wart Hog on TV,” undated
“We Stand in the Street and Watch” See Container II:58, “To the Man with a Soul”
[We were not meant to be remembered], undated
“Wednesday,” undated
“Weekend,” undated
“The Weight,” undated
“Welcome to Camp Polecat-in-the-Sky,” undated
“Well, Welcome, Now That You're Here,” 1972
“What and While,” undated
[What did you do when the blue man came?], undated
[What do you do when an owl says “Moo”], undated
[What do you do when you want to be good?], undated
“What Do You Think?” undated
[What else would you like?], undated
“What Johnny Told Me,” 1972
[What scholar is he?], undated
[What shall the sea in all its driven days], undated
“What Was Her Name?” 1965-1968
[What would you think if you went for a drink], undated
[Whatever you ask, you must ask it please], undated
[When I think of all the men there are], undated
[When I think of Marie Madillena], undated
“When I Was a Boy,” undated
[Whenever I've done what I know I should], undated
“Whispers in Church,” undated
[Will you understand for once], undated
“Willis C. Sick,” undated
“Wino,” undated
“The Word,” 1938
“The Worm of Evil,” undated
“Worthies,” undated
[You and I, darling, and the idiot age], undated
[You ask to find a day], 1947
[You could be wrong. It just could be], undated
[You could be wrong. It seems to me], undated
[You could wake rejoiced one morning], undated
“The Young Men” See Container II:58, “To the Man with a Soul”
“Zed,” undated
Unidentified fragments, undated
Radio scripts
“Directions in Modern Poetry,” typescript, 1947
National Public Radio, “A Word in Your Ear,” undated
(8 folders)
BOX II:60 (4 folders)
Short stories
“The Hypnoglyph,” published under pseudonym John Anthony, printed version, undated
Speeches and lectures, 1955-1986, undated
(30 folders)
How Does a Poem Mean?
Book reviews, 1960
Correspondence with publisher, 1959
Royalty statements, 1961-1966
Introduction to Literature
Correspondence with publisher, 1959
Royalty statements, 1961-1966
On Writing, By Writers, contract, 1965
Poetry: A Closer Look
Advertisement, undated
Royalty statements, 1963-1965
Steps to Reading Literature, royalty statements, 1964-1965
By others
Articles and essays
Dos Passos, John, “Where Do We Go from Here?” printed version, undated
Hayford, Harrison, “The Poetry of John Holmes,” printed version, undated
Holmes, John
“John Ciardi: Tufts Poet,” printed version, 1955
“Richard Wilbur,” printed version, 1959
MacKenzie, Glenn
“Autobiography,” typescript, 1960
“Regrets,” typescript, circa 1960
Viereck, Peter, “The Poet in the Machine Age,” printed version, 1949
Weaver, George Russell, “Sex in the World of Tomorrow,” printed version, 1949-1953
Wykert, John, “John Wilson,” printed version, undated
Unidentified author
Ciardi mentioned on pp. 3-4, typescript, undated
“Elizabeth Harriet Greeve,” typescript, undated
Book reviews
Amacher, Anne, The Fugitives: A Critical Account by John M. Bradbury, typescript, 1958
Kohn, Hans, Conservatism Revisited by Peter Viereck, mimeograph, 1949
Viereck, Peter
Harmonium and Transport to Summer by Wallace Stevens, printed version, 1948
Holes in the Sky by Louis MacNeice and Selected Poems of John Oxenham edited by Charles L. Wallis, printed version, undated
BOX II:61 Books
Cifelli, Edward M., John Ciardi: A Biography, advertisement and book review, 1997
MacKenzie, Glenn, The Free Spirit, typescript, 1962-1963
(4 folders)
Pratt, Fletcher, proposed fourth volume to biography of Napoleon Bonaparte, 1806-1807, draft, undated
(2 folders)
Sorce, Rose, La Cucina: The Complete Italian Cookbook, typescript, incomplete, 1952-1953
Spencer, Theodore, unidentified draft, poems, undated
Starbuck, George, Bone Thoughts, photocopy of galley proofs, 1960
Veasey, Jack, Etiquette While Drowning and Other Poems, photocopy of typescript, undated
Viereck, Peter, Terror and Decorum, advertisement, undated
Fitts, Dudley, A Boiotian Eclogue Celebrating the Birth of Jeffrey Harding, typescript, undated
Jaffe, Dan, Some Ticket Holder Wants Your Seat! mimeograph, 1964
MacLeish, Archibald
J.B.: A Play in Verse, photocopy of typescript with emendations, 1960
(2 folders)
This Music Crept by Me on the Water, mimeograph, undated
Peckham, Barbara Ann, Ciardi, the Chameleon, typescript, 1960
Veasey, Jack
Arguments: A Play in One Act, mimeograph, undated
Miriam? (based on The Marble Faun by Nathaniel Hawthorne), photocopy of typescript and holograph, undated
BOX II:62 Poems
Beaver, Almeda L., [Autumn again with its bittersweet day], holograph, undated
Curnow, Allen
“Alice in Aulis Which Is Also Manhattan,” typescript, 1950
“Elegy on My Father,” typescript, circa 1950
“When the Hulk of the World,” typescript, 1950
Denno, P. M.
[Doctor Slop and professional smile], typescript, 1949
[If I were to sit by a fire light], typescript, 1949
Eberhart, Richard
“Concord Cats,” typescript, undated
“Oddments of History,” typescript, undated
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