The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  John Ciardi papers, 1910-1997
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Part III: Writings, 1947-1968 (continued)
Faulkner, William, The Wishing Tree, 1967
Frost, Robert, In the Clearing, 1962
Fruchter, Norman, Coat upon a Stick, undated
Holmes, John, Writing Poetry, 1960
O'Hara, John, From the Terrace, undated
An Alphabestiary
Author's proofs, 1966
Draft, undated
(2 folders)
Galley proofs, 1965
As If: Poems New and Selected, printer's copy, 1955
Dialogue with an Audience, introduction, drafts, 1962, undated
Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, translation
Inferno, translator's note, printer's copy, undated
Correspondence, 1960-1961
Holograph, cantos III, IV, XVI, XIX, and miscellany, undated
BOX III: 9 Typescript C with notes by editor, 1961
(7 folders)
Printed versions, cantos XIX and XXVII, 1959-1960, undated
Translator's note, typescript, undated
Holograph, cantos I, VII, IX, XXIX, and miscellany, undated
Typescript, cantos I, III, XXXI, and XXXIII, undated
Printed version, canto XXI, 1967
I Met a Man
Book reviews, 1961
Holograph, undated
BOX III: 10 Typescript, 1959
(3 folders)
Printer's copy, undated
In Fact
Author's proofs, 1962-1963
Typescript A, undated
(2 folders)
Typescript B, 1962
Printer's copy, 1962
In the Stoneworks, table of contents, undated
John J. Plenty and Fiddler Dan, drafts, 1963, undated
The King Who Saved Himself from Being Saved
Holograph, undated
(2 folders)
Typescript, undated
Galley proofs, 1965
Printer's copy, 1967
BOX III: 11 The Man Who Sang the Sillies
Draft, undated
Page proofs, 1961
Manner of Speaking, introduction, draft, undated
The Monster Den or Look What Happened at My House – And to It
Drafts, undated
Page proofs, 1967
Person to Person, 1964
Draft, typescript, annotated
(2 folders)
Galley proofs, A-B
(2 folders)
Page proofs
Printer's copy
(2 folders)
Scrappy the Pup, book reviews, 1960
Treat It Gentle: An Autobiography [of jazz musician Sidney Bechet], edited by Joan Reid, Desmond Flower, and John Ciardi, book reviews, 1960-1961
The Wish Tree, correspondence with publisher, 1962
Saturday Review, “Manner of Speaking”
“1962,” Ab-Ac
[The 1962 automobiles are currently having their horns blown...], undated
“About (Maybe) the Sources of Certainty,” undated
“Across the River and into New Jersey,” 1961
“The Age of Permission,” undated
“The Air Age,” 1962
“Alcohol and Civilization,” undated
“Analogy and Mind,” undated
“And the Frame around It,” undated
“Aphorisms,” undated
“Aphorisms and Doodles,” undated
“Apocrypha,” undated
“The Armenian Heresy,” undated
[As it must be in a world whose poetry is mostly transmitted by school teachers...], undated
BOX III: 12 Ba-Bi
“Banned in Boston,” 1965
“The Be-piddlement of Great Concept,” undated
“Birth Control: Theology vs. Humanism,” circa 1968
“Bless Our Town,” undated
“The Book Banners,” undated
“The Book Banners Again (And Again and Again),” undated
“Book Banning and Juvenile Delinquency,” undated
“Bookkeepers and Keepers of Books: A Note to (Some) Librarians,” 1961
“Bread Loaf Time, Mountain Time,” undated
“Bringing Down the Odds,” undated
“A Cadillac Full of Diamonds,” undated
[The Camels sign that has been blowing something like smoke rings into Times Square...], undated
“The Case of the Happy Plagiarist,” undated See same container, “Dear Reader, III,” and Container III:16, Notebook A, p.53
“The Categorizing Mind,” undated
“Caviar and the General: A Hamlet Diary,” 1963
“Choose Something like a Star,” undated
“Choosing,” undated
“Chrysanthemums,” undated
“Class of ’38,” undated
“Coconuts,” undated
“Color, Creed, and Nation of Origin,” undated
“Confessions of a Circuit Rider,” undated
“Confessions of a Circuit Rider, I,” undated
“Confessions of a Circuit Rider, II,” undated
“Confessions of a Circuit Rider, III,” undated
“Confessions of a Circuit Rider: Epilogue with Some Static,” undated
“Confessions of a Crackpot,” undated
“Congratulations to David Denker – And to the NYMC,” undated
“Contract for Poets,” undated
“The Courage of His Confusions,” undated
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