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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Part III: Writings, 1947-1968 (continued) | |||||||||||||
“Apocrypha,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Armenian Heresy,” undated | |||||||||||||
[As it must be in a world whose poetry is mostly transmitted by school teachers...], undated | |||||||||||||
BOX III: 12 | Ba-Bi | ||||||||||||
“Banned in Boston,” 1965 | |||||||||||||
“The Be-piddlement of Great Concept,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Birth Control: Theology vs. Humanism,” circa 1968 | |||||||||||||
Bl-Book | |||||||||||||
“Bless Our Town,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Book Banners,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Book Banners Again (And Again and Again),” undated | |||||||||||||
“Book Banning and Juvenile Delinquency,” undated | |||||||||||||
Bookkeepers | |||||||||||||
“Bookkeepers and Keepers of Books: A Note to (Some) Librarians,” 1961 | |||||||||||||
Bre-Bri | |||||||||||||
“Bread Loaf Time, Mountain Time,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Bringing Down the Odds,” undated | |||||||||||||
Ca-Cho | |||||||||||||
“A Cadillac Full of Diamonds,” undated | |||||||||||||
[The Camels sign that has been blowing something like smoke rings into Times Square...], undated | |||||||||||||
“The Case of the Happy Plagiarist,” undated See same container, “Dear Reader, III,” and Container III:16, Notebook A, p.53 | |||||||||||||
“The Categorizing Mind,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Caviar and the General: A Hamlet Diary,” 1963 | |||||||||||||
“Choose Something like a Star,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Choosing,” undated | |||||||||||||
Chr-Col | |||||||||||||
“Chrysanthemums,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Class of ’38,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Coconuts,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Color, Creed, and Nation of Origin,” undated | |||||||||||||
Con-Cou | |||||||||||||
“Confessions of a Circuit Rider,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Confessions of a Circuit Rider, I,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Confessions of a Circuit Rider, II,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Confessions of a Circuit Rider, III,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Confessions of a Circuit Rider: Epilogue with Some Static,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Confessions of a Crackpot,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Congratulations to David Denker – And to the NYMC,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Contract for Poets,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Courage of His Confusions,” undated | |||||||||||||
Cr-Cu | |||||||||||||
“Crèche (Advt.),” 1962 | |||||||||||||
“Cross Country,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Cross Country Reports,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Cross Country, USA,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Cuckoo, Jug-jug, Poo-wee, Tu-wit-a-woo,” undated | |||||||||||||
Da-De | |||||||||||||
“Damnation of Pigeons,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Dear Editor: How Do I Become a Writer?” undated | |||||||||||||
“Dear Reader, I” (first essay published in “Manner of Speaking”), 1961 | |||||||||||||
“Dear Reader, II,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Dear Reader, III,” 1961 See also same container, “The Case of the Happy Plagiarist” | |||||||||||||
Don-Dos | |||||||||||||
“Don't Answer That Letter,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Dossiers and an Atmosphere of Discussion,” 1962 | |||||||||||||
Ed-Ep | |||||||||||||
“The Editors Regret,” undated | |||||||||||||
[Edward Estlin Cummings, later to become a literary revolution...], undated | |||||||||||||
“Elephantiasis,” undated | |||||||||||||
“End of Summer,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Epatez les Bourgeoises? Not Bloody Likely,” 1963 | |||||||||||||
BOX III: 13 | Ev-Ex | ||||||||||||
“Eve: An Expert View,” 1966 | |||||||||||||
[Every nation tends to develop some central expression of that collective we call a culture], undated | |||||||||||||
[Everytime I set forth my opposition to book censorship...], undated | |||||||||||||
“Expert Witness,” 1965 | |||||||||||||
Fab-Fat | |||||||||||||
“A Fable of Four Fools and a Bartender,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Family of Ideas,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Fantasy Life, the Human Condition, and Deep Thoughts (Or, No Subject),” undated | |||||||||||||
“Fatso and Bourbon: A Last Mailbag on the Subject,” 1966 | |||||||||||||
Fo-Fr | |||||||||||||
“Foamrubbersville,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Formidable Young,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Fragment of a Document Found in Disabled Time Machine,” undated | |||||||||||||
“From an Old Diary,” undated | |||||||||||||
“From the Journal of Lazarus Smith (Or, No Subject Again),” undated | |||||||||||||
“Fruit,” undated | |||||||||||||
G | |||||||||||||
“Grant's Whom?” undated | |||||||||||||
“Green,” undated | |||||||||||||
Hair | |||||||||||||
“Hair Styles and Harebrains,” 1964-1965 | |||||||||||||
Happy | |||||||||||||
“Happy New Orbit: 1967,” 1967 | |||||||||||||
“Happy New Year Anyway,” circa 1968 | |||||||||||||
“Happy Whichever New Year,” undated | |||||||||||||
Hi-How | |||||||||||||
“Hi Cult,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Homily,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Honesty,” undated | |||||||||||||
“How Free Is Free Verse?” undated | |||||||||||||
I-Im | |||||||||||||
[I don't know what any of you other parents got out of the genetic grab-bag...], undated | |||||||||||||
[I hope Captain Kyser will forgive...], undated | |||||||||||||
“I Hope He Made It,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Ideas of Progress (And of Orchestration),” undated | |||||||||||||
[If man's adaptability to change is the measure of his strength...], undated | |||||||||||||
“I'm Dreaming of an Unendowed Christmas,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Improve Your Mind between Commercials,” undated | |||||||||||||
In and-In essence | |||||||||||||
“In and Out of the Attic,” undated | |||||||||||||
“In and Out of the Dogwood,” undated | |||||||||||||
“In Boston,” undated | |||||||||||||
“In Copenhagen I Could Not Sleep,” undated | |||||||||||||
“In Defense of Dreams,” 1963 | |||||||||||||
[In essence tragedy has to do with the rescue of the individual...], undated | |||||||||||||
In Homage-Is | |||||||||||||
“In Homage to Rico Lebrun,” undated | |||||||||||||
“In November the Avalanche,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Inside Mississippi,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Introducing,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Iowa: The Yokel Apotheosis,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Is Everybody Happy?” undated | |||||||||||||
J-K | |||||||||||||
[John Holmes was my friend but in the sad ironies of the world...], undated | |||||||||||||
“Kathy, the Bad Man, and Charlie McCarthy,” undated | |||||||||||||
La-Lik | |||||||||||||
“Last Exit to Nowhere, I,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Last Exit to Nowhere, II,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Lecture Circuit (Airborne Division),” undated | |||||||||||||
“Life without TV,” undated | |||||||||||||
[Like the conservative party of the Pueblo's...], undated | |||||||||||||
Lio-Lo | |||||||||||||
“The Lion and the Mouse: A Revised Fable,” undated | |||||||||||||
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