The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  John Ciardi papers, 1910-1997
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Part III: Writings, 1947-1968 (continued)
“Two Poems on Five Tulips,” undated
[U is for Uncle. Perhaps you are one], undated
“Ulysses,” undated
“The Unadapted Animal Is Man,” undated
“Undertow,” undated
“Union Station,” undated See Container III:16, Notebook B, pp. 13-15
[Up from to reef to the quicksilver band], undated
“A Valedictory for Rose,” undated
[Vega and I are walking this impossible dog], undated
“Vermont,” undated
“V-J Day,” 1955
“Vodka,” undated
“A Voice across a Border,” undated
[A voice said: “Go forth and multiply”], undated
[The waiter, an employed cadaver who might have passed], undated
“A Walk Down a Mountainside,” undated
“Watching It Go Over,” undated
“Wake,” undated
[Walt Whitman took the Earth to bed], undated
“War,” undated
“A Warning about Bears,” “More about Bears,” “Still More about Bears,” and “Last Words about Bears,” 1960
[Washed and neat to watch TV], undated
We-What Someone
[We buried the corporal in his new beard], undated
“We Have Lost Contact with Abel Company,” undated
[We were mentioning some unusual corpses and your name came up], undated
“The Weather's of Miss Myra,” undated
“A Web,” undated
[The weight descends on all mankind], undated
“A Welcome to the Reader I Must First Refuse,” undated
[Well, sir, whales, pirates – all's one], undated
“Wet Cold Morning,” undated For additional material see Container III:17, Notebook C, p. 27
[What do I do more than this night], circa 1964
[What do you think a kite would do], undated
[What do you think I saw just now?], undated
[What do you think of Bobby Link?], undated
[What feeds the hawk then? Shall its chicks], undated
[What had I done but remember death's smell], undated
[What I could not then believe], undated
[What some people do for disaster], undated
“What Someone Said When He Was Spanked the Day before His Birthday,” undated
What Was-When I Am
“What Was Her Name?” undated
“What Washes Is Time Enough,” undated
“Whatever Hell Is,” undated
[Whatever it is you want me to do], undated
[Whatever that was, good enough, for all], undated
[Whatever the poem may be in school], undated See Container III:16, Notebook B, p. 3
[What's dirty passes. And returns], undated See Container III:16, Notebook B, p. 146
“When a Man Dies,” undated
[When a million monkeys], undated
[When angry young men have found their cause], undated
[When Fletcher Pratt was alive, his house on the shore], undated
[When her mother died and there was no one], undated
“When I Am Not Dead I,” undated
When I was-Wr
[When I was the size], undated
“When I Went to Get a Drink,” undated
[When I'm done doing what I do], undated
[When Jane had put a glove upon her right], undated
[When Paul has screamed his final scream], undated
[Where every day was nothing but itself], undated
“While a Pastry Chef Was Designing an Arch of Triumph,” undated
[While Egypt was being eternal, everybody], undated
“While I Was Shaving,” 1962
[Who is he?], undated
“Who We Really Are,” undated
“Whom Do You Know Really Who Is,” undated
[Why do I have to make], undated
“Why Don't You Write for Me?” undated
[Why would it make you happier to be married], undated
[Will you know then], undated
[Willy the Weep and Sad Terry and I], 1962
“The Wish Tree,” undated
[Wolf pups play murder], undated
[The woods were posted against flower-picking], undated
“World Affairs,” undated See Container III:17, Notebook C, pp. 253-256
[A wrong-o from a back street – so far back], undated
[Yes, certainly we're going], undated
[Yes, I do go to more funerals than any], undated
“Yesterday,” undated
[You are no engine and I am no fire], undated
[You will eventually have the feeling that], undated
[Your character, Desmond, is your problem, not mine], undated
[You've written Poems. You've written Prose], undated
“Zeal,” undated
Unidentified fragments, undated For additional material see Container III:17, Notebook C, pp. 97-98, 133, 257
(2 folders)
Speeches and lectures, 1960-1967, undated
(2 folders)
How Does a Poem Mean? book reviews, 1960
Poetry 230: Programmed Instruction in Reading Poetry in Depth, edited by James M. Reid, Laurence Perrine, and John Ciardi
Copies of poems, 1961
Correspondence with publisher, 1961
Lists of poem titles, 1961
By others
Articles and essays
Fergusson, Francis, “On Reading Dante in 1965: The Divine Comedy As a ’Bridge across Time,'” circa 1965
Frank, Nino, “Dante – The Poet and the Man,” undated
Mathews, J. Chesley, “The Interest in Dante by Major American Men of Letters to about 1875,” undated
Unidentified author
“Melville,” undated
[The worst things you've read about Mississippi are, of course, true...], circa 1963
Book reviews
Unidentified author, Collected Poems by Lawrence Durrell, undated
Graves, Robert
“The Quiet Glades of Eden,” 1959
“The Reaching Out of Warmth Is Never Done,” 1960
“Song: A Month of Sundays,” 1960
Grenier, Robert, 1965
“The Depth of Fall”
“Dusk Road Game”
“The Light”
“Street Scene”
“Tune for Beanie”
Short stories
Kinney, Arthur F., “Aftermath,” 1959
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