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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Part III: Writings, 1947-1968 (continued) | |||||||||||||
“Two Poems on Five Tulips,” undated | |||||||||||||
BOX III: 23 | U-V | ||||||||||||
[U is for Uncle. Perhaps you are one], undated | |||||||||||||
“Ulysses,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Unadapted Animal Is Man,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Undertow,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Union Station,” undated See Container III:16, Notebook B, pp. 13-15 | |||||||||||||
[Up from to reef to the quicksilver band], undated | |||||||||||||
“A Valedictory for Rose,” undated | |||||||||||||
[Vega and I are walking this impossible dog], undated | |||||||||||||
“Vermont,” undated | |||||||||||||
“V-J Day,” 1955 | |||||||||||||
“Vodka,” undated | |||||||||||||
“A Voice across a Border,” undated | |||||||||||||
[A voice said: “Go forth and multiply”], undated | |||||||||||||
Wai-Was | |||||||||||||
[The waiter, an employed cadaver who might have passed], undated | |||||||||||||
“A Walk Down a Mountainside,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Watching It Go Over,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Wake,” undated | |||||||||||||
[Walt Whitman took the Earth to bed], undated | |||||||||||||
“War,” undated | |||||||||||||
“A Warning about Bears,” “More about Bears,” “Still More about Bears,” and “Last Words about Bears,” 1960 | |||||||||||||
[Washed and neat to watch TV], undated | |||||||||||||
We-What Someone | |||||||||||||
[We buried the corporal in his new beard], undated | |||||||||||||
“We Have Lost Contact with Abel Company,” undated | |||||||||||||
[We were mentioning some unusual corpses and your name came up], undated | |||||||||||||
“The Weather's of Miss Myra,” undated | |||||||||||||
“A Web,” undated | |||||||||||||
[The weight descends on all mankind], undated | |||||||||||||
“A Welcome to the Reader I Must First Refuse,” undated | |||||||||||||
[Well, sir, whales, pirates – all's one], undated | |||||||||||||
“Wet Cold Morning,” undated For additional material see Container III:17, Notebook C, p. 27 | |||||||||||||
[What do I do more than this night], circa 1964 | |||||||||||||
[What do you think a kite would do], undated | |||||||||||||
[What do you think I saw just now?], undated | |||||||||||||
[What do you think of Bobby Link?], undated | |||||||||||||
[What feeds the hawk then? Shall its chicks], undated | |||||||||||||
[What had I done but remember death's smell], undated | |||||||||||||
[What I could not then believe], undated | |||||||||||||
[What some people do for disaster], undated | |||||||||||||
“What Someone Said When He Was Spanked the Day before His Birthday,” undated | |||||||||||||
What Was-When I Am | |||||||||||||
“What Was Her Name?” undated | |||||||||||||
“What Washes Is Time Enough,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Whatever Hell Is,” undated | |||||||||||||
[Whatever it is you want me to do], undated | |||||||||||||
[Whatever that was, good enough, for all], undated | |||||||||||||
[Whatever the poem may be in school], undated See Container III:16, Notebook B, p. 3 | |||||||||||||
[What's dirty passes. And returns], undated See Container III:16, Notebook B, p. 146 | |||||||||||||
“When a Man Dies,” undated | |||||||||||||
[When a million monkeys], undated | |||||||||||||
[When angry young men have found their cause], undated | |||||||||||||
[When Fletcher Pratt was alive, his house on the shore], undated | |||||||||||||
[When her mother died and there was no one], undated | |||||||||||||
“When I Am Not Dead I,” undated | |||||||||||||
When I was-Wr | |||||||||||||
[When I was the size], undated | |||||||||||||
“When I Went to Get a Drink,” undated | |||||||||||||
[When I'm done doing what I do], undated | |||||||||||||
[When Jane had put a glove upon her right], undated | |||||||||||||
[When Paul has screamed his final scream], undated | |||||||||||||
[Where every day was nothing but itself], undated | |||||||||||||
“While a Pastry Chef Was Designing an Arch of Triumph,” undated | |||||||||||||
[While Egypt was being eternal, everybody], undated | |||||||||||||
“While I Was Shaving,” 1962 | |||||||||||||
[Who is he?], undated | |||||||||||||
“Who We Really Are,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Whom Do You Know Really Who Is,” undated | |||||||||||||
[Why do I have to make], undated | |||||||||||||
“Why Don't You Write for Me?” undated | |||||||||||||
[Why would it make you happier to be married], undated | |||||||||||||
[Will you know then], undated | |||||||||||||
[Willy the Weep and Sad Terry and I], 1962 | |||||||||||||
“The Wish Tree,” undated | |||||||||||||
[Wolf pups play murder], undated | |||||||||||||
[The woods were posted against flower-picking], undated | |||||||||||||
“World Affairs,” undated See Container III:17, Notebook C, pp. 253-256 | |||||||||||||
[A wrong-o from a back street – so far back], undated | |||||||||||||
Y-Z | |||||||||||||
[Yes, certainly we're going], undated | |||||||||||||
[Yes, I do go to more funerals than any], undated | |||||||||||||
“Yesterday,” undated | |||||||||||||
[You are no engine and I am no fire], undated | |||||||||||||
[You will eventually have the feeling that], undated | |||||||||||||
[Your character, Desmond, is your problem, not mine], undated | |||||||||||||
[You've written Poems. You've written Prose], undated | |||||||||||||
“Zeal,” undated | |||||||||||||
Unidentified fragments, undated For additional material see Container III:17, Notebook C, pp. 97-98, 133, 257 | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
Speeches and lectures, 1960-1967, undated | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
Textbooks | |||||||||||||
How Does a Poem Mean? book reviews, 1960 | |||||||||||||
Poetry 230: Programmed Instruction in Reading Poetry in Depth, edited by James M. Reid, Laurence Perrine, and John Ciardi | |||||||||||||
Copies of poems, 1961 | |||||||||||||
Correspondence with publisher, 1961 | |||||||||||||
Lists of poem titles, 1961 | |||||||||||||
By others | |||||||||||||
Articles and essays | |||||||||||||
Fergusson, Francis, “On Reading Dante in 1965: The Divine Comedy As a ’Bridge across Time,'” circa 1965 | |||||||||||||
Frank, Nino, “Dante – The Poet and the Man,” undated | |||||||||||||
Mathews, J. Chesley, “The Interest in Dante by Major American Men of Letters to about 1875,” undated | |||||||||||||
Unidentified author | |||||||||||||
“Melville,” undated | |||||||||||||
[The worst things you've read about Mississippi are, of course, true...], circa 1963 | |||||||||||||
Book reviews | |||||||||||||
Unidentified author, Collected Poems by Lawrence Durrell, undated | |||||||||||||
Poems | |||||||||||||
Graves, Robert | |||||||||||||
“The Quiet Glades of Eden,” 1959 | |||||||||||||
“The Reaching Out of Warmth Is Never Done,” 1960 | |||||||||||||
“Song: A Month of Sundays,” 1960 | |||||||||||||
Grenier, Robert, 1965 | |||||||||||||
“The Depth of Fall” | |||||||||||||
“Dusk Road Game” | |||||||||||||
“Goodbye” | |||||||||||||
“The Light” | |||||||||||||
“Listening” | |||||||||||||
“Street Scene” | |||||||||||||
“Tune for Beanie” | |||||||||||||
“You” | |||||||||||||
Short stories | |||||||||||||
Kinney, Arthur F., “Aftermath,” 1959 | |||||||||||||
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