The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  John Ciardi papers, 1910-1997
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Part II: Writings, 1910-1997 (continued)
“The Nature of Poetry,” 1960
“Non-fiction – Whatever That Is,” undated
“Nurses As Writers,” 1970-1971
“Nutty But Sincere,” 1973
“Oedipus and Charlie,” undated
“On (Half) Rhyming Dante,” 1954
“On the Importance of Unimportant Poems,” 1982
“On the Impossibility of Translating Poetry,” 1954
“Peter Viereck – The Poet and the Form,” undated
“Place,” undated
“A Plea for Witches,” 1952
“Poetry and the Practical Man,” 1955
“Poetry and the University Presses,” undated
“Poetry As Knowledge,” 1961
“Poetry for Pleasure,” 1960
“Poetry in Three Dimensions,” 1963
“Radio,” 1946
“Rilkean Nonsense,” undated
“Robert Frost: American Bard,” 1962
“Rummage Sale on (More or Less) Parnassus,” undated
“Scholars and Gentlemen,” undated
“The Semantics of Race,” undated
“Sentient Universe,” undated
“Shore-Scene,” 1936
“Short-Change,” 1935
“Should Poetry Be Talked about at All?” undated
“The Silences of Poetry,” 1958
“The Small Private College,” undated
“Spook Etymology,” 1981
“To My Generation,” 1947
“Toward the Century Mark and for the Centuries: A Visit with Robert Frost,” undated
“U.S. Noose and Whirled Report,” undated
“An Ulcer, Gentlemen, Is an Unwritten Poem,” 1955
[Wallace Stevens is dead...], undated
“Walt Whitman,” undated
“The Well Read Man,” 1963
“What Good Is Poetry?” undated
“What's in a Name?” 1976
“William Carlos Williams and His Poetry,” 1983
“Winfield Townley Scott,” undated
“Words for the Holidays,” 1978
Book reviews
Alling, Kenneth, Kingdom of Diagonals, undated
Anania, Michael, Riversongs, 1978
Bogan, Louise, Achievement in American Poetry 1900-1950, undated
Booth, Philip, Available Light, undated
Borestone Mountain Poetry Awards, undated
Burke, Kenneth, Book of Moments, 1955
Campbell, Roy, Selected Poems, undated
A Child's History of America, written and illustrated by America's children, circa 1976
Cleland, John, Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, undated
Crews, Harry, Walk in the Country, undated
Cullen, Countee, On These I Stand, 1947
Deutsch, Babette, Poetry in Our Time, undated
Emrich, Duncan, American Folk Poetry: An Anthology, 1974
Evans, Oliver, Young Man with a Screwdriver, undated
Farber, Norma, et al., Poets of Today, II, undated
FitzGerald, Frances, America Revisited, undated
Graves, Robert, New Collected Poems, undated
Happy Birthday America, 1976
Ingalls, Mildred, The Metaphysical Sword, 1941
Isaacs, J., The Background of Modern Poetry, undated
Johnson, Thomas H.
Emily Dickinson, An Interpretive Biography, undated
The Poems of Emily Dickinson, undated
Leet, Judith, Pleasure Seeker's Guide, undated
Multiple reviews, undated
New Poems by American Poets, undated
Percy, Walker, The Message in the Bottle, undated
Scott, Winfield Townley, Mr. Whittier and Other Poems, undated
Sewell, Elizabeth, The Structure of Poetry, 1952
Sexton, Anne, 45 Mercy Street, undated
Sullivan, A. M., Stars and Atoms Have No Size, 1947
Swenson, Mary, Almanac, undated
Vittorini, Elio, In Sicily, 1949
Williams, Miller, Halfway from Hoxie, 1974
Williams, William Carlos, The Desert Music and Other Poems, 1954
BOX II:21 Books
39 Poems
Advertisement, undated
Author's proofs, 1959
Book reviews, 1960
Printed version, corrected text copy, 1959
Royalty statements, 1960-1967
An Alphabestiary, undated
As If: Poems New and Selected
Advertisement, undated
Author's first proofs, 1955
(2 folders)
Author's second proofs, 1955
Book reviews, 1956
Contract, 1955
Draft, 1955
(2 folders)
Royalty statements, 1958-1967
The Birds of Pompeii
Announcement of poetry reading and publicity, 1985
Draft, undated
BOX II:22 Ciardi Himself: Fifteen Essays in the Reading, Writing, and Teaching of Poetry
Draft, 1964, undated
Material not used, undated
The Collected Poems of John Ciardi, edited by Edward M. Cifelli
Advertisement, 1997
Book reviews, 1997
Correspondence with publisher, 1997
Material not used, 1941-1991, undated
(5 folders)
Dialogue with an Audience
Correspondence with publisher, 1974
Draft, 1962
(6 folders)
Material not used, 1962
Royalty statements, 1963-1966
BOX II:23 Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, translation
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