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John Ciardi papers, 1910-1997

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Part I: Writings, 1957-1969 (continued)
“Sequel to Alabama” See Container I:3, Alabama Education Association
“Sports Fever and Fevered Sports,” undated
“Teach Them Tongues (If You Can),” 1962
“Theodore Roethke: A Passion and a Maker,” circa 1963
“These People,” undated
“Tropic of Cancer” See Container I:3, Censorship
“Venus, Adonis, and Incipient Geriatrics,” undated
“What Is a Dictionary?” circa 1969
“When Do They Know Too Much?” circa 1963
Limericks, undated
“About Being High-Hatted,” undated
“About, Probably, Fox Bunions,” undated
“About Rivers and Toes,” undated
“Ah, John,” undated
[An aliquod seen in the dark], undated
“America,” undated
“And Now Go to Sleep,” undated
“The Answer,” undated
“At Night,” undated
“The Benefits of an Education,” undated
“The Buffalo,” undated
[By time and after, where the dead lay charred], undated
[The catalpa's white week is ending there], undated
“Conversation at the Beach,” undated
“A Crow's Long Scratch of Sound,” 1964
“A Damnation of Pigeons,” undated
“Diet,” undated
“Dig Fast or Don't Dig at All,” undated
[Everyone, I'm sure, has heard], undated
“Exigesis [sic] of an Allegorical Text,” undated
“A Five Year Step,” undated
“For John L.,” undated
“Four Things to Note about a Goat,” undated
“Friendship,” undated
[A frog on a log by a lake], undated
“From the Beating End of the Stethoscope,” undated
“Galileo and the Laws,” undated
“The Gallywumpus,” undated
“The Gold Slug,” undated
[He said there was a Flubbersnack], undated
“Hearsay Has It Auntie Is Coming to Dinner,” undated
[Here's Benn's uniform. Look at that shoe!], undated
“History Is What a Man Does,” undated
BOX I: 3 I-J
[I don't know you], undated
[I met a polar bear among the floes], undated
[I picked a dream out of my head], undated
[I want to tell you], undated
[I was not sleeping nor awake], undated
[I woke in Florida, late & lazy], 1963
[“If I may speak up,” said the lake], undated
[If I were a mouse], undated
[If you were a needle and I were a thread], undated
“I'll Be Glad When This One Goes Home,” undated
“Inscription for a Patriot's Tomb,” undated
“Instances Toward, Perhaps, Understanding: I. Pico della Mirandola, II. Three Borgia's,” undated
[John is wet and John is sad], undated
“Just Look at this Mess!” undated
“Last Night at My Window,” undated
“The Lesson for Tonight,” undated
[The man leaves a doorway and may return], undated
[A man's what recognizes accident], undated
“Moneybags Millikin Went to the Bank,” undated
“The Monster Den,” undated
“Morning,” undated
[My car breaks down near his house], undated
“Nature Notes from Missouri,” undated
“Night Piece,” undated
“No,” undated
[No one ever heard Fillmore Clutch], 1962
“The Onion Eaters,” undated
“Orgoglio,” undated
[Our group theatre was bulldozer Athenian], undated
[The pepper-and-salt man of considerations], undated
“Person to Person,” undated
“Peter Peters,” undated
“Pete's Here,” undated
“Read This before You Come In,” undated
“Ritual,” undated
“The River,” undated
“Rules,” undated
“Said the Man, Said His Wife,” undated
“Samson & Delilah,” undated
“Scene from a Theater of War,” undated
“Scuba,” undated See Part I: Oversize, I:OV 1
“The Shaft,” undated
“Sincerity,” undated
“Small Elegy,” 1964
[So many faces I saw, trembling to speak], undated
[Some are boys and some are boisterous], undated
[Some day after the day before], undated
“Someone Asked Me,” undated
“Someone Threw a Fit at Bed Time But We Made Up,” undated
[Someone told me someone said], undated
[Someone under a chestnut tree], undated
[Somewhere in an armory grey gymnasium], undated
“The Starry Heavens, the Moral Law,” undated
“Talking Myself to Sleep in One More Hotel,” undated
[There once was a thingem-a-jig], undated
[There was a boy who liked to tease], undated
“Thirty-year Reunion,” 1968
[This concept with a hole in it], undated
“To Nancy, on Not Going to the Ball,” 1969
“To Testify to One Man at a Time,” undated
“Trying to Remember,” undated
[What is a girl to do], undated
[What regiment, do you suppose], undated
“What Someone Said after He Ate All the Cake,” undated
[What's happening in Tantrum Town?], undated
[When I got out of Tufts], undated
[When you come to the door that isn't there], undated
“The White Goddess,” undated
“Why I Have to Wait All Day to Kiss Benn,” undated
“You and I, Darling, and the Idiot Age,” undated
Unidentified fragments, undated
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