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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Part I: Writings, 1957-1969 (continued) | |||||||||||||
“Sequel to Alabama” See Container I:3, Alabama Education Association | |||||||||||||
“Sports Fever and Fevered Sports,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Teach Them Tongues (If You Can),” 1962 | |||||||||||||
“Theodore Roethke: A Passion and a Maker,” circa 1963 | |||||||||||||
“These People,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Tropic of Cancer” See Container I:3, Censorship | |||||||||||||
“Venus, Adonis, and Incipient Geriatrics,” undated | |||||||||||||
“What Is a Dictionary?” circa 1969 | |||||||||||||
“When Do They Know Too Much?” circa 1963 | |||||||||||||
Limericks, undated | |||||||||||||
Poems | |||||||||||||
A-B | |||||||||||||
“About Being High-Hatted,” undated | |||||||||||||
“About, Probably, Fox Bunions,” undated | |||||||||||||
“About Rivers and Toes,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Ah, John,” undated | |||||||||||||
[An aliquod seen in the dark], undated | |||||||||||||
“America,” undated | |||||||||||||
“And Now Go to Sleep,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Answer,” undated | |||||||||||||
“At Night,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Benefits of an Education,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Buffalo,” undated | |||||||||||||
[By time and after, where the dead lay charred], undated | |||||||||||||
C-E | |||||||||||||
[The catalpa's white week is ending there], undated | |||||||||||||
“Conversation at the Beach,” undated | |||||||||||||
“A Crow's Long Scratch of Sound,” 1964 | |||||||||||||
“A Damnation of Pigeons,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Diet,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Dig Fast or Don't Dig at All,” undated | |||||||||||||
[Everyone, I'm sure, has heard], undated | |||||||||||||
“Exigesis [sic] of an Allegorical Text,” undated | |||||||||||||
F-G | |||||||||||||
“A Five Year Step,” undated | |||||||||||||
“For John L.,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Four Things to Note about a Goat,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Friendship,” undated | |||||||||||||
[A frog on a log by a lake], undated | |||||||||||||
“From the Beating End of the Stethoscope,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Galileo and the Laws,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Gallywumpus,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Gold Slug,” undated | |||||||||||||
H | |||||||||||||
[He said there was a Flubbersnack], undated | |||||||||||||
“Hearsay Has It Auntie Is Coming to Dinner,” undated | |||||||||||||
[Here's Benn's uniform. Look at that shoe!], undated | |||||||||||||
“History Is What a Man Does,” undated | |||||||||||||
BOX I: 3 | I-J | ||||||||||||
[I don't know you], undated | |||||||||||||
[I met a polar bear among the floes], undated | |||||||||||||
[I picked a dream out of my head], undated | |||||||||||||
[I want to tell you], undated | |||||||||||||
[I was not sleeping nor awake], undated | |||||||||||||
[I woke in Florida, late & lazy], 1963 | |||||||||||||
[“If I may speak up,” said the lake], undated | |||||||||||||
[If I were a mouse], undated | |||||||||||||
[If you were a needle and I were a thread], undated | |||||||||||||
“I'll Be Glad When This One Goes Home,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Inscription for a Patriot's Tomb,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Instances Toward, Perhaps, Understanding: I. Pico della Mirandola, II. Three Borgia's,” undated | |||||||||||||
[John is wet and John is sad], undated | |||||||||||||
“Just Look at this Mess!” undated | |||||||||||||
L-O | |||||||||||||
“Last Night at My Window,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Lesson for Tonight,” undated | |||||||||||||
[The man leaves a doorway and may return], undated | |||||||||||||
[A man's what recognizes accident], undated | |||||||||||||
“Moneybags Millikin Went to the Bank,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The Monster Den,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Morning,” undated | |||||||||||||
[My car breaks down near his house], undated | |||||||||||||
“Nature Notes from Missouri,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Night Piece,” undated | |||||||||||||
“No,” undated | |||||||||||||
[No one ever heard Fillmore Clutch], 1962 | |||||||||||||
“The Onion Eaters,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Orgoglio,” undated | |||||||||||||
[Our group theatre was bulldozer Athenian], undated | |||||||||||||
P-R | |||||||||||||
[The pepper-and-salt man of considerations], undated | |||||||||||||
“Person to Person,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Peter Peters,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Pete's Here,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Read This before You Come In,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Ritual,” undated | |||||||||||||
“The River,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Rules,” undated | |||||||||||||
S | |||||||||||||
“Said the Man, Said His Wife,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Samson & Delilah,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Scene from a Theater of War,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Scuba,” undated See Part I: Oversize, I:OV 1 | |||||||||||||
“The Shaft,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Sincerity,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Small Elegy,” 1964 | |||||||||||||
[So many faces I saw, trembling to speak], undated | |||||||||||||
[Some are boys and some are boisterous], undated | |||||||||||||
[Some day after the day before], undated | |||||||||||||
“Someone Asked Me,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Someone Threw a Fit at Bed Time But We Made Up,” undated | |||||||||||||
[Someone told me someone said], undated | |||||||||||||
[Someone under a chestnut tree], undated | |||||||||||||
[Somewhere in an armory grey gymnasium], undated | |||||||||||||
“The Starry Heavens, the Moral Law,” undated | |||||||||||||
T | |||||||||||||
“Talking Myself to Sleep in One More Hotel,” undated | |||||||||||||
[There once was a thingem-a-jig], undated | |||||||||||||
[There was a boy who liked to tease], undated | |||||||||||||
“Thirty-year Reunion,” 1968 | |||||||||||||
[This concept with a hole in it], undated | |||||||||||||
“To Nancy, on Not Going to the Ball,” 1969 | |||||||||||||
“To Testify to One Man at a Time,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Trying to Remember,” undated | |||||||||||||
W-Y | |||||||||||||
[What is a girl to do], undated | |||||||||||||
[What regiment, do you suppose], undated | |||||||||||||
“What Someone Said after He Ate All the Cake,” undated | |||||||||||||
[What's happening in Tantrum Town?], undated | |||||||||||||
[When I got out of Tufts], undated | |||||||||||||
[When you come to the door that isn't there], undated | |||||||||||||
“The White Goddess,” undated | |||||||||||||
“Why I Have to Wait All Day to Kiss Benn,” undated | |||||||||||||
“You and I, Darling, and the Idiot Age,” undated | |||||||||||||
Unidentified fragments, undated | |||||||||||||
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