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Horace Traubel and Anne Montgomerie Traubel papers, 1824-1979

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Anne Montgomerie Traubel Correspondence, 1886-1954 (continued)
Johnston, Bertha and Harold, 1914-1952, undated
(3 folders)
BOX 31 Johnston, John, 1891-1919
Johnstone, Calder, 1935-1953
“K” miscellaneous, 1908-1925, 1933, 1941, 1948, undated
Karsner, David, 1913-1935, undated
Karsner, Rose, 1913-1931, undated
Kennerley, Mitchell, 1913-1922
King, George Judson, 1918-1929
“L” miscellaneous, 1898-1936, 1943, undated
Lacey, Margaret, 1912-1921
Law, James D., 1920-1927
BOX 32 Law, Lucy W., 1902-1923, undated
Lawrinson, Elizabeth, 1918-1953
Lawrinson, Ronald and Maud, 1913-1953
Lessing, Otto Edward, 1917-1922
Lewis, Helena, 1920-1924, undated
Library of Congress, 1931-1953
Lion, Oscar and Estelle B.
1920, July-1935, Mar.
(3 folders)
BOX 33 1935, Apr.-1951, Oct., undated
Livezey, Herman, 1926-1937
“M” miscellaneous, 1894-1942, undated
MacDonald, Flora, 1916-1920, undated
MacIntire, Lucy P., 1919-1947
Masters, Edgar Lee, 1936
May, Ruth, 1913-1923, undated
Mayer, Richard, 1920-1942
Maynard, Laurens, 1911-1916, undated
McLanahan, M. Hawley, 1913-1927
Mencken, Henry L., 1924-1939, undated
BOX 34 Mendelssohn, Nathan and Lilian, 1915-1954, undated
(2 folders)
Montgomery, Alberta Victoria, 1918-1942, undated
Moore, John G., 1937-1945, undated
Morris, Harrison S. and Anna W., 1919-1951, undated
Mosher, Thomas Bird
1907, Sept.-1912, Oct.
BOX 35 1912, Nov.-1923, Jan., undated
(2 folders)
Muschamp, Ned, 1920-1931
Muschamp, Stanley and Myrtis, 1912-1951, undated
“N” miscellaneous, 1913, 1919-1927, 1939-1949
Naganuma, Shigetaka
1919, Jan.-1923, Mar.
(2 folders)
BOX 36 1923, Apr.-1952, Dec., undated
Needham, Charles A. and George G., 1919-1922
Newkirk, Garrett, 1939-1940
“O” miscellaneous, 1912-1913, 1920-1922
O'Connor, Ellen M. See Container 25, Calder, Ellen M. O'Connor
Oliver, L. Stauffer, 1913-1952
Ormrod, John and Elsie, 1919-1954, undated
(3 folders)
“P” miscellaneous, 1892, 1901, 1907-1932, 1942, 1949-1953, undated
BOX 37 Patrick, Jennie, 1902-1947
Percival, Olive, 1910-1924, undated
Platt, Emma Haviland, 1904-1935, undated
Platt, Isaac Hull, 1899-1912, undated
Potter, Grace, 1905-1941, undated
Quentzel, Shirley, 1946-1949
“R” miscellaneous, 1898-1899, 1911-1930, 1937-1943, undated
Roane, Annie, 1897-1930, undated
Roberts, Jean W., 1950-1953
BOX 38 Roberts, William and Louise, 1912-1921, undated
Robinson, William J. and Marie, 1919-1936, undated
Rodgers, Cleveland, 1931-1949
“S” miscellaneous, 1887, 1897-1900, 1906-1953, undated
(2 folders)
Sammis, Romanah, 1912-1942
Saunders, Henry S. and Georgina Helen, 1915-1950, undated
BOX 39 Savage, Florence, 1917-1938
Schelling, Felix E., 1924-1927, undated
Seaborn, Edwin and Ida, 1944-1952, undated
(3 folders)
Segsworth, Charles F., 1921-1925, undated
Shay, Frank, 1919-1922, undated
Simpson, Jean, 1924-1954, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 40 Simpson, Mary, 1915-1927
Sixsmith, Charles, 1916-1950
Small, Maynard & Co., 1917-1925
Smith, Alice and Amy, 1906-1948, undated
(2 folders)
Smith, Clyde W., 1909-1924
Smith, George Jay, 1913-1935
Smith, Marshall E. and Cornelia, 1902-1924, undated
Snyder, J. E., 1920-1923
Sprague, Harriet C., 1919-1953, undated
(2 folders)
Sternberg, Constantin von, 1904-1920
Stewart, Catharine and Mary, 1911-1941
BOX 41 Stokes, Rose Pastor, 1909-1923
Stratton, Charles E., 1913-1921, undated
“T” miscellaneous, 1907-1912, 1919-1930, 1940-1941, undated
“U” miscellaneous, 1917-1922, 1932, 1949
Untermeyer, Louis, 1949
“V” miscellaneous, 1941
Valente, John, 1922-1924
Viking Press, 1926-1927
“W” miscellaneous, 1899-1953, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 42 Wallace, James, 1936-1939
Wallace, J. W.
1891, July-1914, Feb.
(4 folders)
BOX 43 1914, Mar.-1926, Jan., undated
(5 folders)
BOX 44 Walling, William English and Anna Strunsky, 1912-1941, undated
Walt Whitman Foundation, 1927-1954
Wescott, Ralph W., 1913-1950, undated
Whiteside, Minnie
1917, Dec.-1946, July
(4 folders)
BOX 45 1946, Aug.-1954, Feb., undated
Wiksell, Gustave Percival
1901, Sept.-1938, Apr.
(4 folders)
BOX 46 1938, May-1940, Jan., undated
(2 folders)
“Y” miscellaneous, 1917-1925, 1938-1942
Zueblin, Charles and Anne, 1920-1925
Unidentified, 1886-1950, undated
(3 folders)
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