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National Woman's Party records, 1850-2022

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Group IV: Addition II, 1876-1968 (continued)
BOX IV:9 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., 1923-1924
BOX IV:10 Miscellany, 1947-1949, 1962, 1968, undated
BOX IV:10 Vermont cottage rental, 1946
BOX IV:10 Walker, E., journal of European trip, 1900
BOX IV:10 White Cupboard Inn, Woodstock, Vt., 1945
BOX IV:10 Woman's National Foundation, 1921, undated
BOX IV:10 Women's University Club, New York, N.Y., 1948-1949, undated
BOX IV:10 Woodbrooke Association, 1944-1949
BOX IV:10 West, Helen Hunt
BOX IV:10 Correspondence, 1917, 1930-1940, 1948, 1961, undated
BOX IV:10 Democratic party
BOX IV:10 Anti-third term Democrats, Wendell Willkie presidential campaign, 1940
BOX IV:10 National Committee, 1934-1937
BOX IV:10 National committeewoman campaign, 1936
BOX IV:10 Presidential elector campaign, 1948, undated
BOX IV:10 Miscellany, 1920, 1935-1943, 1949, 1956-1958, undated
BOX IV:10 National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, 1940-1941, undated
BOX IV:10 National Woman's Party, 1935-1963, undated
BOX IV:10 Printed matter, 1920, 1935-1942, 1956
BOX IV:10 Speeches and writings, 1920, 1940, undated
BOX IV:11 Real estate, 1954-1956, undated
BOX IV:11 Speeches and writings, 1938, undated
BOX IV:11 Woman's Journal, 1904
BOX IV:11-18 Group IV: Addition III, 1898-1975
Correspondence, administrative files, agenda and minutes of meetings, financial and legal records, reports, broadsides and posters, notes, speeches and writings, press releases, printed matter, and miscellaneous items and enclosures.
Organized by type of material and alphabetically by subject or type of material therein.
BOX IV:11 Correspondence
BOX IV:11 Berrien, Laura M., 1945
BOX IV:11 Eastman, Crystal, 1920-1921, undated
BOX IV:11 Fendall, Mary Gertrude, 1926
BOX IV:11 Hayden, Gillette, 1921-1922, undated
BOX IV:11 Hopkins, Alison T. and J. A. H., 1921 See also Container IV:14, Committee of 48
BOX IV:11 “H” miscellaneous, 1921
BOX IV:11 “L” miscellaneous, 1945
BOX IV:11 Paul, Alice, 1922-1940, 1947, undated
(3 folders)
BOX IV:12 Pell, Sarah, 1926, 1937
BOX IV:12 Pollitzer, Anita, 1921-1926, 1934-1940, undated
(5 folders)
BOX IV:12 “R” miscellaneous, 1920-1921
BOX IV:12 Thompson, Ella, 1921, undated
BOX IV:12 Vernon, Mabel, 1922
BOX IV:12 Whittemore, Margaret and Marjory N., 1919-1926
BOX IV:12 Administrative files
BOX IV:12 Agenda and minutes of meetings
BOX IV:12 Executive Council, 1938-1941
BOX IV:13 Miscellaneous, 1925
BOX IV:13 National Council, 1921-1945
(3 folders)
BOX IV:13 Constitution and by-laws, 1934, 1947, undated
BOX IV:13 Correspondence, 1916-1926, 1934-1955
BOX IV:13 Equal Rights, 1935-1944, undated
BOX IV:13 Financial records
BOX IV:13 Audit reports, 1934-1950
BOX IV:13 Correspondence, 1934-1936
BOX IV:13 Miscellaneous, 1922-1930, undated
BOX IV:13 Statement of accounts, 1935, 1942-1943, undated
BOX IV:13 Two Million Dollar Fund, 1921-1937
BOX IV:13 (2 folders)
BOX IV:14 (1 folder)
BOX IV:14 Founders lists, 1935-1938
BOX IV:14 National Council membership, 1936, undated
BOX IV:14 Reports
BOX IV:14 Activity, 1943-1944
BOX IV:14 Legislative secretary, 1921-1927
BOX IV:14 Miscellaneous, 1925, 1952-1953
BOX IV:14 Virginia chapter, 1921-1922, undated
BOX IV:14 Subject file
BOX IV:14 American Federation of Labor, 1935
BOX IV:14 Committee of 48 See also Container IV:11, Hopkins, Alison T. and J. A. H.
BOX IV:14 Conferences and conventions
BOX IV:14 1923, 20-21 July, seventy-fifth Equal Rights Anniversary Conference, Seneca Falls, N.Y.
BOX IV:14 Correspondence, 1923
(2 folders)
BOX IV:14 Miscellany, 1923, undated
BOX IV:15 Scrapbook, 1922-1923
BOX IV:15 1937, 14-15 Dec., National Conference, Washington, D.C.
BOX IV:15 1938, 7-9 Oct., Biennial Convention, Detroit, Mich.
BOX IV:15 1949, 1-3 Apr., National Convention, Washington, D.C.
BOX IV:15 Equal Rights Amendment, labor, and special legislation for women, 1921-1936, 1944-1945, 1959, undated
BOX IV:15 Equal Rights International, 1937-1938
BOX IV:15 Field, Sara Bard, undated
BOX IV:15 Florence Bayard Hilles Library, Washington, D.C., 1943
BOX IV:15 International Woman Suffrage Alliance
BOX IV:15 Correspondence, 1923-1926
BOX IV:15 World Congress, Paris, France, 1926
BOX IV:15 Correspondence
BOX IV:15 Miscellany
BOX IV:15 Press releases and related material
BOX IV:15 Married workers, 1933-1939
BOX IV:16 Pollitzer, Anita, 1923-1924, 1933-1935, undated
BOX IV:16 Presidential campaign, 1936
BOX IV:16 Candidates, 1898, 1936, undated
BOX IV:16 Democratic party, 1936, undated
BOX IV:16 Statistics, 1932-1936, undated
BOX IV:16 Wisconsin equal rights movement, 1921-1922, undated
BOX IV:16 World Woman's Party, 1935-1940, undated
BOX IV:16 Miscellany
BOX IV:16 Broadsides, posters, and other items, 1913-1917, 1923, 1935, 1943, 1959, undated See also Oversize
BOX IV:16 Newspaper clippings
BOX IV:16 1902, 1914-1917, 1923, 1929-1945
(3 folders)
BOX IV:17 1946-1951, 1975, undated
(4 folders)
BOX IV:17 Notes, undated
BOX IV:17 Printed matter
BOX IV:17 Congressional hearings and reports, 1925-1945
(3 folders)
BOX IV:17 Miscellaneous
BOX IV:17 1919-1922, 1934-1936, 1943-1945
BOX IV:18 1946, 1971, undated
BOX IV:18 Scrapbooks, 1923-1924, 1933
(4 folders)
BOX IV:18 Speeches and writings, 1921-1926, 1935-1944, 1970, undated
BOX V:1-V:275 Group V: Administrative Files, 1910-2020
The Group V Administrative Files series includes material concerning the internal work of the organization and the administration of the Sewall-Belmont House / Belmont-Paul Women's Equality National Monument.
Arranged alphabetically into eleven subseries.
BOX V:1-V:12 Board of Directors, 1918-2019
In 1987 the Board of Directors succeeded the National Council. This subseries is a continuation of National Council files and includes meeting minutes and other board documents, a copy of the 1918 certificate of incorporation, a 1921 newspaper clipping, and digital files from the staff common drive
Arranged in four groups: a chronological file, a general file, meetings and minutes, and organizational structure.
BOX V:1 Chronological file
BOX V:1 1918-1921, 1977-1992
(7 folders)
BOX V:2 1993-2007
(7 folders)
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