The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  National Woman's Party records, 1850-2022
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Group V: Administrative Files, 1910-2020 (continued)
Campaigns, 1910-2009 (continued)
BOX V:24 New York, 1945, 1959, 1968-1980
BOX V:24 North Carolina, 1970-1982
(2 folders)
BOX V:24 North Dakota, 1947
BOX V:25 Ohio, 1959, 1972-1980
(2 folders)
BOX V:25 Oklahoma, 1970-1982
BOX V:25 Oregon, 1973-1976
BOX V:25 Pennsylvania, 1944, 1961, 1971-1979
(3 folders)
BOX V:25 Rhode Island, 1975-1976
BOX V:25 South Carolina, 1972-1982
BOX V:26 South Carolina, 1972-1982
(2 folders)
BOX V:26 South Dakota, 1970-1976
BOX V:26 Tennessee, 1968-1975
BOX V:26 Texas, 1966-1980
BOX V:26 Utah, 1973-1979
BOX V:26 Vermont, 1973-1978
BOX V:26 Virginia, 1921-1922, 1969-1982
(3 folders)
BOX V:27 Virginia, 1921-1922, 1969-1982
(4 folders)
BOX V:27 Wisconsin, 1921-1922
BOX V:27 Statements of support, 1935-1985
(3 folders)
BOX V:28 Statements of support, 1935-1985
(5 folders)
BOX V:28 Status updates, 1972-1979
BOX V:28 United Nations, 1945-1967
(2 folders)
BOX V:29 United States Congress
BOX V:29 Bayh, Birch, 1970-1971
BOX V:29 California, 1956-1960
(2 folders)
BOX V:29 Congressional Record, 1938-1978, 1987
(3 folders)
BOX V:30 Congressional Record, 1938-1978, 1987
BOX V:30 Hayden rider, 1953-1964
BOX V:30 House Judiciary Committee, 1925-1932, 1945-1972, 2009
(3 folders)
BOX V:30 Pledge cards, 1934-1937
BOX V:30 Questions and answers, 1943-1951, 1963
BOX V:30 Resolutions, 1943-1972, 1997
BOX V:31 Resolutions, 1943-1972, 1997
(2 folders)
BOX V:31 Senate Judiciary Committee, 1923, 1931-1949, 1956-1970
(4 folders)
BOX V:32 Sponsors, 1943-1972
(2 folders)
BOX V:32 Surveys, 1989-1991
(3 folders)
BOX V:32 Votes, 1970
(2 folders)
BOX V:33 Video order forms, 1998-1999
(2 folders)
BOX V:33 Women's Joint Legislative Committee for Equal Rights, 1954-1956
BOX V:33 Miscellaneous campaigns, 1932-1937, 1985-1986, undated
BOX V:33 Suffrage
BOX V:33 Campaign textbook, 1916
BOX V:33 Committees, 1916-1920
BOX V:33 Correspondence, 1913-1920
BOX OV 5 Pickets list on parchment scrolls See Container OV 5, same heading
BOX V:33 Press releases, 1917-1920
(5 folders)
BOX V:34 Press releases, 1918, Mar.-July
(9 folders)
BOX V:35 Press releases, 1918, Aug.-Oct.
(4 folders)
BOX V:35 Printed matter See Containers V:400-V:401, Printed Matter, Suffrage
BOX V:35 Prison conditions, 1917-1920
BOX V:35 Programs and events, 1913-1921
(2 folders)
BOX V:35 Reports, 1917-1920
(2 folders)
BOX V:36 Speeches, 1916-1923
BOX V:36 State legislatures, 1912-1921
BOX V:36 United States Congress, 1912-1919
(2 folders)
BOX V:36-V:40 Committees, 1939-2019
Correspondence, meeting minutes, memos, and other documents from standing and special committees.
Arranged alphabetically by committee name and chronologically therein.
BOX V:36 Ad Hoc Committee, 1992-1994
BOX V:36 Audit Committee, 2004-2008
(2 folders)
BOX V:36 Development Committee, 2005
BOX V:36 Emergency Committee for Passage of the Equal Rights Amendment, 1970
BOX V:37 Executive Committee
BOX V:37 1917-1921, 1938-1948, 1973-1980
(8 folders)
BOX V:38 1981-2004
(6 folders)
DF 2003-2005
Digital ID: mss34355_212_059
BOX V:39 2005-2019
(7 folders)
BOX V:40 Governance Committee, 2004-2007
(2 folders)
BOX V:40 Miscellaneous committees, 1922-1941, 1954, 1975-2005, undated
(3 folders)
DF Miscellaneous committees, Digital files, 1990
Digital ID: mss34355_210_075
BOX V:40 Mormons for the ERA Committee, 1979
BOX V:40 Women's Suffrage Statue Committee, 1995-1996
BOX V:40-V:43 Congressional Voting Cards, 1915-2019
Card files used in lobbying members of Congress. Card files 1 and 2 document the push for women's suffrage and files 3, 4, and 5 provide details on ERA lobbying. The cards in each file are organized alphabetically by state delegation. Each card is devoted to one member of Congress and contains NWP lobbyists' notes describing each meeting with that member, personal information about that member, and an assessment of their level of support or opposition to suffrage or the ERA. Correspondence originally folded and filed with the cards has been removed and placed in a correspondence file with a removal slip with location added to the card file.
Card files 1-5 arranged chronologically followed by a removed correspondence file and the NWP's finding aid to the card file.
BOX OV 6 Card file 1, 1915-1919
BOX OV 7 Card file 2, 1915-1919
BOX OV 8 Card file 3, 1920-1932
BOX OV 9 Card file 4, 1920-1932
BOX OV 10 Card file 5, 1953-1954
BOX V:40 Correspondence removed from card files
BOX V:40 1915, correspondence
BOX V:40 1915-1932, Alabama-Connecticut
(3 folders)
BOX V:41 1920-1932, Delaware-Rhode Island
(11 folders)
BOX V:42 1920-1932, South Carolina-Wisconsin
(3 folders)
BOX V:42 1953-1954, Arkansas-Oklahoma
(8 folders)
BOX V:43 1953-1954, Oregon-Wyoming
(2 folders)
BOX V:43 Finding aid for Congressional Voting Cards, 2019
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