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National Woman's Party records, 1850-2022

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BOX I:147-160 REEL 97 Group I: Photographs, 1911-1935
Group I available on microfilm. Shelf no. 18,276
Individual and action photographs.
Individual photographs are arranged alphabetically by name of person, and action photographs are arranged alphabetically by subject, except on the microfilm edition where the photographs are arranged chronologically.
Alphabetical list of individual portraits available in an appendix.
Selected photographs have been digitized and are available online at
BOX I:147 REEL 97 Individual photographs Partially available on microfilm
Abbott, Grace-Bang, Dagney
(47 folders)
BOX I:148 REEL 97 Barker, Eleanor-Burns, Lucy
(67 folders)
BOX I:149 REEL 97 Burr, Mrs. Woodut-Dixon, Edna
(64 folders)
BOX I:150 REEL 97 Dixon, Mary B.-Funck, Emma Maddox
(62 folders)
BOX I:151 REEL 97 Galsworthy, John-Hazard, Dora S.
(56 folders)
BOX I:152 REEL 97 Hearst, Phoebe-Juemgling, Amy
(58 folders)
BOX I:153 REEL 97 Kahn, Mrs. Julius-Lord, Eliza Hardy
(63 folders)
BOX I:154 REEL 97 Lorenz, Faun-Mitchell, Charles
(60 folders)
BOX I:155 REEL 97 Moller, Bertha C.-Peyton, Theresa B.
(58 folders)
BOX I:156 REEL 97 Pierce, Vivian-Scott, Phoebe C.
(52 folders)
BOX I:157 REEL 97 Scott, Mrs. Townsend-Vernon, Mabel
(68 folders)
BOX I:158 REEL 97 Vervane, Elsie-Zeisler, Fannie Bloomfield
(45 folders)
BOX I:159 REEL 97 Action photographs Partially available on microfilm
Alaskan pictures, undated
Anthony, Susan B., and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, undated
Atlantic City, N.J., National Woman's Party regional conference, 1934
Belmont, Alva, funeral, 1933
Black Hills, N.Dak., deputation to Calvin Coolidge, 1927
Borah, William, senatorial campaign, 1918
California, 1911, undated
Campaigns, 1913-1918
(4 folders)
Capitol rotunda, undated
Czechoslovak legation, undated
Dedication ceremonies for Alva Belmont house, 1922
President Woodrow Wilson, 1913
U.S. House Rules Committee, 1913-1914
(2 folders)
Detroit, Mich., meeting at the Open Air Theater of George G. Booth, undated
Egyptian feminists, undated
English feminists greet Alice Paul in London, England, undated
Envoys from San Francisco, Calif., 1915
Equal nationality bill, 1930-1934, undated
Florida, 1919
French feminists, undated
Garden of the Gods Pageant, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1925
Garden party at “Marble House,” Newport, R.I., 1915
Geneva, Switzerland, League of Nations, 1930
Grand picket march, 1917
Group pictures, undated
1420 F St., 1913
Alva Belmont house, 1933, undated
(2 folders)
Cameron house, undated
Departments, undated
Jackson Place, 1918-1920
Old Brick Capitol, undated
Hyattsville, Md., meeting, 1913
Inaugural procession, Washington, D.C., 1913
Inez Milholland Memorial, Westport, N.Y., 1924
International Woman Suffrage Association Congress, Paris, France, 1926
Jury service for women, undated
BOX I:160 REEL 97 Lafayette statue demonstrations, 1918-1919
Lobbying for Equal Rights Amendment, 1924-1932, undated
Memorial ceremonies for women leaders of the past, Washington, D.C., 1933
Michigan, 1934
Milholland, Inez, grave site, Lewis, N.Y., 1924
National Council of the National Woman's Party, 1922
National Woman's Party
Conference, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1916
Conventions, 1916-1921
(2 folders)
Luncheon, Santa Barbara, Calif., 1929
Women's Welfare Association, undated
Negatives, undated
New England women's deputation to Calvin Coolidge, 1926
New Jersey, undated
New York, 1915, undated
Open Door Council Conference, Berlin, Germany, 1929
Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1915
Pennsylvania, 1933
Pickets, 1917
(2 folders)
Pilgrims led by Rosalie Jones, 1913
Pioneer statue in Capitol, 1921, 1935, undated
Prison special tour, 1919
Prohibition Convention, Minneapolis, Minn., 1916
Public health nurses, undated
Puerto Rico, undated
Rabinowitsch, Hermaine, undated
Ratification campaign, 1919-1920
Ratification flag, undated
Republican convention, 1920
Seneca Falls, N.Y., pageant 1923
Lobby committee, 1919-1920
Map, undated
Parade, 1914
Suffrage Special, 1916
The Suffragist, undated
Susan B. Anthony pageant, 1915
Watch fires, 1919
Wilmington, Del., biennial convention, 1933
Wisconsin ratification certificate, 1919
Women for Congress campaign, undated
Unidentified, undated
BOX I:161 Group I: Medals and Ribbons, undated
Group I available on microfilm. Shelf no. 18,276
BOX I:161not filmed Undated
BOX II:1-196 REEL II:1-114 Group II: Correspondence, 1877-1974
Group II available on microfilm. Shelf no. 25,010
Correspondence, memoranda, postcards, telegrams, drafts and typescripts, reports, speeches and writings, membership and officers lists, surveys, radio and stage plays, resolutions, chronologies, indexes, biographical sketches, printed matter, and miscellaneous items and enclosures.
Organized in a chronological file and eleven subject files and arranged chronologically therein.
BOX II:1 REEL II:1 Chronological file
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