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National Woman's Party records, 1850-2022

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Group V: Alphabetical File, 1887-2015 (continued)
"Flying for the Country," Amy Goodpaster Strebe, PowerPoint presentation and lecture, 2010 (continued)
Digital ID: mss34355_212_037
DF "How We Got the Vote," narrated by Jean Stapleton, 2014 digital copy of 16 mm film, 1976
Digital ID: mss34355_212_067
BOX V:324 Miscellaneous, 1971, 1983-1985, 1995-1999, undated
DF "Remember the Ladies: Alice Paul and the Suffrage Protests of 1917," 2009
Digital ID: mss34355_212_060
DF DF "Take up that Song," Geva Theatre, Rochester, N.Y., 150th Anniversary of Seneca Falls Convention of 1848, 1998
Digital ID: mss34355_210_012
DF VOA News NTSC, history of women suffrage and National Woman's Party, in Chinese, circa 2008
Digital ID: mss34355_210_017
DF "Washington Women in Public Relations," Woman of the Year interviews, 2013
Digital ID: mss34355_212_041
DF "Women in the U.S. Senate: The Changing Face of Power" photographer Melina Mara narrates video of her photographs of women senators, 2003
Digital ID: mss34355_212_056
DF "Women's Suffrage and Equality," Sharon Smith Holston, FIHE Women's Leadership Institute, PowerPoint presentation, 2006
Digital ID: mss34355_212_062
BOX V:324 Vietnam, 1975
BOX V:324 Violence against women, 1989-1991
BOX V:324 Violence Against Women Act, 1991-1996
BOX V:325 Virginia women's organizations, 1974-1989
BOX V:325 Vogue, 1983-1984
BOX V:325 Volunteerism, circa 1986
BOX V:325 Votaw, Carmen Delgado, 1984-1990
BOX V:325 Voting, 1984-1992
BOX V:325 "V" miscellaneous, 1972-1999, undated
DF Walker, Iris Calderhead, digitized documents, 1880-1919, 1931, 1966, 1982
Digital ID: mss34355_242_010
BOX V:325 Warner, John, 1981-1983
BOX V:325 Washington Council of Agencies, 1994
BOX V:325 Washington D.C. Convention Center and Visitor's Association, 1989
BOX V:325 Washington Equal Times, 1978
BOX V:325 Washington Forum, 1982
BOX V:325 Washington Post, 1978-1991
BOX V:325 Washington Women's Art Center, 1977-1983
BOX V:325 Washington Women's Network, 1977-1980
BOX V:326 Wednesday Group Report, circa 1984
BOX V:326 Welfare, 1974-1987
BOX V:326 Wellesley College, 1984
BOX V:326 Westebbe, Barbara, 1972-1983
BOX V:326 White House fellowships, 1972-1985
BOX V:326 Wiley, Anna Kelton, 1934, 1946-1947, 1956
BOX V:326 Willard, Frances E., 1974-1982
BOX V:326 Wilson, Woodrow, 1917-1918
BOX V:326 WIN Program, 1974
BOX V:326 Winkler, Lucy Rice, 1959, 1966, 1973
BOX V:326 Wold, Jane, 1972-1973
BOX V:326 Woman's Life, 1981-1984
DF Wolfe-Suarez, Ginger, photographs of her art installation inspired by NWP suffrage banners, Mills College Art Museum, Oakland, Calif., 2008
Digital ID: mss34355_210_009
BOX V:326 Woman's Newspaper of Princeton, 1984
BOX V:326 Woman's Party Corporation, 1992-1993
DF Woman's Party Corporation digital files, 1991-1992
Digital ID: mss34355_210_196
BOX V:326 Woman's Suffrage Day, 1972-1973
BOX V:327 Women and the Constitution Conference, Atlanta, Ga., 1987-1988
BOX V:327 Women and the economy, 1981-1984
BOX V:327 Women Executives International Tourism Association, 1984-1985
BOX V:327 Women in Communication, Inc., 1982-1992
(2 folders)
BOX V:327 Women in Community Service, 1981-1982
BOX V:327 Women in developing countries, 1988-1989
BOX V:327 Women in Government Relations, 1979-1991
(2 folders)
BOX V:327 Women in prison, 1975-1983
BOX V:327 Women in public service, 1972-1992
BOX V:328 Women in public service, 1972-1992
BOX V:328 Women in sports, 1971-1982
BOX V:328 Women in the Mainstream, Inc., 1983-1984
BOX V:328 Women in the military, 1942, 1973-1996
(6 folders)
BOX V:329 Women in the military, 1942, 1973-1996
BOX V:329 Women in the workplace, 1904, 1973-1992
(3 folders)
BOX V:329 Women Today, 1978-1987
BOX V:329 Women USA, 1979-1984
BOX V:329 Women's Action Alliance, 1975-1981
(2 folders)
BOX V:329 Women's Action Organization, 1990
BOX V:330 Women's Bank, 1976-1978
BOX V:330 Women's centers, 1976-1994
BOX V:330 Women's Economic Justice Center, 1988-1990
BOX V:330 Women's Equal Opportunity Act, 1991
BOX V:330 Women's Equality Act, 1980
BOX V:330 Women's Equity Action League, 1973-1992
(3 folders)
BOX V:330 Women's groups, miscellaneous, 1975-1995, undated
BOX V:331 Women's groups, miscellaneous, 1975-1995, undated
BOX V:331 Women's health, 1990-1994
BOX V:331 Women's Heritage Museum, Palo Alto, Calif., 1985, 1990-1992
BOX V:331 Women's History Consortium, 1992
BOX V:331 Women's History Month, 1985-1993
BOX V:331 Women's History Week, 1982-1987
BOX V:331 Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press, 1976-1987
(2 folders)
BOX V:331 Women's International Network, 1983, 1990
BOX V:332 Women's Joint Legislative Committee for Equal Rights, 1954-1956
BOX V:332 Women's Legal Defense Fund, 1976-1991
BOX V:332 Women's lobby, 1974-1976
BOX V:332 Women's National Republican Club, 1986-1989
BOX V:332 Women's Progress Commemoration Commission, 1999-2001
BOX V:332 Women's Research and Education Institute, Washington DC, 1980-1991
BOX V:332 Women's studies programs and associations, 1979-1989, undated
BOX V:332 Women's Vote Project, 1983-1991
(2 folders)
BOX V:333 Women's Vote Project, 1983-1991
(4 folders)
BOX V:333 Wonder Woman Foundation, 1982-1984
BOX V:333 Woo, Ellen Lui, 1982-1989
BOX V:333 World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for Women, Nairobi, Kenya, 1983-1985
BOX V:334 World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for Women, Nairobi, Kenya, 1983-1985
(5 folders)
BOX V:335 World Woman's Party
BOX V:335 1938-1957, 1973-1986, undated
(4 folders)
DF 2003-2011
Digital ID: mss34355_212_054
BOX V:335 Writings
BOX V:335 Academic research, circa 1990-2000
(2 folders)
BOX V:335 Dramatizations, 1971, 1942, 2008 See also OV 11, Marks, Jeannette
DF International women's issues, 2003-2011
Digital ID: mss34355_212_054
BOX V:335 Miscellaneous, 1937-1996, undated
BOX V:336 Status of women, 1947, 1968-1977, 1992-1993, undated
BOX V:336 Suffrage and the women's movement
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