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National Woman's Party records, 1850-2022

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Group V: Printed Matter, 1850-2016 (continued)
BOX V:390 Women and Work
BOX 390 1973-1977
(2 folders)
BOX 391 1977-1984
(2 folders)
BOX V:391 Women workers state reports, 1970
BOX V:391 Women's Bureau bulletins
BOX V:391 1921-1931
(4 folders)
BOX V:392 1932-1939
(6 folders)
BOX V:393 1940-1946
(4 folders)
BOX V:393 Women's Bureau reports, 1941-1945, 1978-1980
(2 folders)
BOX V:393 Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great, 1895-1909
(2 folders)
BOX V:394 Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great, 1895-1909
(2 folders)
BOX OV 37 Maryland Suffrage News and Maryland Women's News, 1919-1921 See Container OV 37, same heading
BOX V:394 Miscellaneous See also Container OV 37, Miscellaneous, headshots
BOX V:394 1850, 1887, 1909-1932
(3 folders)
BOX V:395 1933-2009
(5 folders)
DF 1997
Digital ID: mss34355_210_274
BOX V:396 Undated
(3 folders)
BOX V:396 Music, 1911-1917, 1976, undated
BOX V:396 National Woman's Party Bulletin, 1965, Dec. - 1976, June
(2 folders)
BOX V:396 National Woman's Party information bulletins
BOX V:396 circa 1933-1967
(3 folders)
BOX V:397 1968-1969, undated
BOX V:397 National Woman's Party press releases, 1923, 1933, circa 1951-1994
(4 folders)
BOX V:397 National Woman's Party publications, general, 1924-2010
(2 folders)
BOX V:398 Postcard albums
BOX V:398 1911, circa 1915-circa 1930
(2 folders)
BOX V:399 circa 1920-circa 1930
BOX V:399 Postcards, loose, 1913-2007
BOX OV 38 Posters, circa 1977-1995, undated
BOX V:399 President's Commission on the Celebration of Women in American History, 1999-2000
BOX OV 27 Presidential proclamations See Container OV 27, same heading
BOX V:399 Programs and events, 1947-2011
(2 folders)
BOX V:399 The Revolution 1869 See also Container OV 52, same heading
BOX V:400 Sewall-Belmont House, 1956-2007
(3 folders)
BOX V:400 The Sewall-Belmont News, 2002-2003
DF The Sewall-Belmont News,digital files, 2002-2003
Digital ID: mss34355_212_020
Digital ID: mss34355_212_021
Digital ID: mss34355_212_022
Digital ID: mss34355_212_077
Digital ID: mss34355_242_006
BOX V:400 State laws, 1921-1929
BOX V:400 Stationery, 1948-circa 2010
BOX V:400 Suffrage
BOX OV 48-OV 51 1910-1916, undated posters See Containers OV 48-OV 51, same heading
BOX V:400 1910-1923
(3 folders)
BOX V:401 1913-1919, 1945, 1976-2008
(2 folders)
BOX OV 52-OV 57 The Suffragist See Containers OV 52-OV 57, same heading
BOX V:401 Timelines, circa 1996-2006
(2 folders)
BOX V:401-V:407 Group V: Scrapbooks, 1887-2004
Scrapbooks containing news clippings, photographs, and printed matter documenting the women's suffrage movement, the activities of the National Woman's Party, international conferences, and the campaign for the Equal Rights Amendment.
Arranged alphabetically by name of creator of the scrapbook or topic and chronologically therein.
BOX V:401 Allender, Nina, clippings, 1914
Belmont, Alva, scrapbook collection See also also reels II:164-169, Belmont scrapbooks
Most of the Belmont scrapbooks are on Group II microfilm. Shelf no. 25,010
BOX OV 58 REEL II:169 Addresses, 1915-1922
BOX OV 59 REEL II:169 Collection of Congressional Union for Woman's Suffrage clippings, 1915-1916
Collection of National Woman's Party
BOX OV 60 REEL II:169 Vol. 1, 1917
BOX OV 61 REEL II:169 Vol. 2, 1918-1922
Collection of Personal Clippings
BOX OV 62 REEL II:164 1911-1912, Vol. 4
BOX OV 63 REEL II:164 Vol. 5
BOX OV 64 REEL II:164 Vol. 6
BOX OV 65 REEL II:165 Vol. 7
BOX OV 66 REEL II:165 Vol. 8
BOX OV 67 REEL II:165 1914, Vol. 9
BOX OV 68 REEL II:165 1915-1916, Vol. 10
BOX OV 69 REEL II:165 1917-1923, Vol. 1
BOX OV 70 REEL II:165 1924-1926, Vol. 2
Collection of Woman's Suffrage clippings
BOX OV 71 REEL II:166 1911-1912, Vol. 1
BOX OV 72 REEL II:166 Vol. 2
BOX OV 73 REEL II:166 Vol. 3
BOX OV 74 REEL II:166-167 (reel II:167 not available) Vol. 4
BOX OV 75 REEL II:166-167 (reel II:167 not available) Vol. 5
BOX OV 76 REEL II:166-167 (reel II:167 not available) Vol. 6
BOX OV 77 REEL II:167 (reel not available) Vol. 7
BOX OV 78 REEL II:167 (reel not available) Vol. 8
BOX OV 79 REEL II:167 (reel not available) Vol. 9
BOX OV 80 REEL II:167 (reel not available) Vol. 10
BOX OV 81 REEL II:167-168 (reel II:167 not available) Vol. 11
BOX OV 82 REEL II:167-168 (reel II:167 not available) Vol. 12
BOX OV 83 REEL II:167-168 (reel II:167 not available) Vol. 13
BOX OV 84 REEL II:167-168 (reel II:167 not available) Vol. 14
BOX OV 85 REEL II:167-168 (reel II:167 not available) Vol. 15
BOX OV 86 REEL II:168 1916, Vol. 16
BOX OV 87 REEL II:168 Vol. 17
BOX OV 88 REEL II:168 Vol. 18
BOX OV 89 REEL II:168 1918, Vol. 19
BOX V:402 Hague and Geneva conferences, 1930-1931
BOX R OV 111 Hartford Equal Franchise League See Container R OV 111, same heading
BOX OV 58 REEL II:169 Hempstead Hospital, 1910-1911; Brockholt School of Agriculture, 1911-1912; Department of Hygiene of the Political Equality Association, 1911-1913, 1910-1913
BOX OV 90 REEL II:169 Melinda and her sisters by Mrs. Belmont, comic opera by Alva Belmont, 1916
BOX OV 91 REEL II:169 Miscellaneous newspaper and magazine articles, 1909-1915
National Woman’s Party
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