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BOX II:38-49 Part II: Speeches and Writings File, 1938-1974
Correspondence, speeches, speech drafts, notes and outlines, invitations, and handwritten and typewritten drafts of books, articles, book reviews, poems, reports, and research notes.
Arranged by type of material and chronologically therein.
BOX II:38 Speeches
1949, Oct. 19, welcome to Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru at dinner
Dec. 8, Century dinner
Dec. 15, “A Review of the Palestine Conciliation Commissioner's Work,” State Department Bulletin, vol. 27
Mar. 21, “Reflections on the International Scene,” Columbia University, New York, N.Y., Dean's Day
Oct. 14, Inter-Faith Group
Oct. 15, India House
Oct. 21, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J.
Dec. 2, Town Hall Club
“Intermediacy,” lecture no. 4
“International Law in 1953 A.D.”
Feb., New School for Social Research, New York, N.Y.
Apr. 8, Wilmington Rotary
July, Honolulu Press Association, Honolulu, Hawaii
Nov. 5, “Can We Go It Alone?” Opinions Unlimited, Falls Village
Young Democrats
Nov. 1, “Adlai Stevenson Is the Author of the Plan To End the War in the Middle East”
Foreign policy
Mar. 1, “American Foreign Policy,” Wilmington Rotary
Nov. 15, basic issues lecture, Columbia University, New York, N.Y.
Feb. 27-Mar. 7, Thomas Cooley lectures, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.
May 15, West Brooklyn Independent Democrats
June 11, Williamsburg, Va.
Oct. 1, “The Function of International Law in International Relations,” Army War College
“The International Opportunity,” Resources for the Future
Jan. 27, “American Diplomacy, Form and Substance,” Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Feb. 18, State Department Foreign Service Institute
Apr. 4, Thirteenth Annual AIRC Conference, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
May 4, “An Uncertain Sound,” Conference Group of United States National Organizations on the United States, New York, N.Y.
June 14, broadcast, CBS News, invitation to learning
Nov. 29, “Modern Developments and Trends in International Law,” lecture, Helsinki, Finland
Dec. 15, “International Law as Applied in the Courts,” Delhi University, Bombay, India, law faculty
Jan. 3, Tunis
Jan. 30, “International Law in the Courts,” Colombo, Ceylon
Feb. 15, “Legal Problems of the UN,” Baghdad, Iraq
Mar. 2, PACC
BOX II:39 Dec., “Why Is the UN Located Here?” Public School 8, Brooklyn, N.Y.
1962, Oct. 5, American Association, Hague, Netherlands
1963, Dec., Columbia University, New York, N.Y.
1964, Feb. 19, Utrecht, Netherlands
1965, Jan. 26, Columbia University, New York, N.Y., seminar on the problem of peace
Dec. 17, “The Expedient Things,” University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Dec. 28, “The Educational Imperative,” AALS, Washington, D.C.
Carnegie-Harvard Group, New York City Bar Association, New York, N.Y.
June 19, Amsterdam-Leiden-Columbia session, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Oct. 24, “Achievements and Prospects of the United Nations in the Maintenance of Peace,” Columbia University, New York, N.Y., seminar on the problem of peace
Oct., Root-Jessup Council, Hamilton College, Clinton, N.Y.
Nov. 29, Binger-Cambridge
Nov. 29, “Has Court a Role in Peace-Keeping?” Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, Medford, Mass.
New York City Bar Association, New York, N.Y.
Mar. 18, “The International Judicial Process,” Chicago Bar Association, Chicago, Ill.
June 13, American High School, Hague, Netherlands
June 27, “Peaceful Change,” WOO Group
Apr. 4, Judges' Conference on “The Future of the World Court”
Apr. 25, introduction of secretary of state at ASLI
Sept. 29, “Concerning the Function and Role of the International Court of Justice,” University of Georgia School of Law, Athens, Ga.
Oct. 1, School of Advanced International Studies
Oct. 20, New Haven, Conn., Bar Association
“The Administration of Justice,” International Joint Conference of the American Geographical Society and the American Division of the World Academy of Art and Science, New York, N.Y.
Mar. 3, “Solving International Problems, the Roles of Friends, Foes, and Colleagues,” Council on Foreign Relations staff
Mar. 15, Toronto, Canada
Mar. 25, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
May 21-23, Institute on Man and Science, New York, N.Y.
Oct. 22, Columbia University, New York, N.Y.
Dec. 17, Litchfield Co. University Club
Jan. 18, U Thant dinner
Feb. 15, Council on Foreign Relations
Apr. 12, Frank Tannenbaum lecture
Apr., “The United Nations and the Rule of Law,” PMC and Potsdam Military
May 8, New York City Bar Association, New York, N.Y.
Aug. 23, session on environment, International Law Association, New York, N.Y.
“American Political Theory of Participation in UN”
Cambridge lecture notes
Executive Program, Business Administration, Arden House
“International Law and International Organization”
Michigan lecture
“Pathways to Peace, the World Court's Potential for Peace”
“Role of International Law in International Relations”
Toastmaster's remarks
“What Is Recognition?”
Undated and untitled notes
BOX II:40 Speech invitations, 1955-1963
(6 folders)
(2 folders)
The Birth of Nations (1974)
(4 folders)
BOX II:42 Correspondence
Research data
Chamizal dispute
(2 folders)
Council on Foreign Relations Study Group on Law and Politics
(2 folders)
BOX II:43 (1 folder)
Italian colonies
Vietnam-Bao Dai
BOX II:44 Elihu Root (1938)
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