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Philip C. Jessup papers, 1574-1983

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Part I: Subject File, 1924-1959 (continued)
Division of Personnel and Training, 1943-1945
BOX I:148 Division of Program and Requirements, 1943
Division of Studies and Reports, 1943
Division of Supply and Transportation, 1943
Division of Vacancies, 1943
Germany, 1943
Greece, 1943-1945
BOX I:149 Handbook, undated
BOX I:150 Italy, 1943
Jessup, Philip C.
Notebook, 1943
Personal, 1942-1945
Lendlease, 1943
BOX I:151 Manual for the relief administrator, 1943
Memoranda, 1942-1943
Minutes, 1943
BOX I:152 1942-1943
Near East, 1943
North Africa, 1943
BOX I:153 Office of Deputy Director, 1943
Office of Director, 1943
Office of Executive Officer, 1943
Office of General Counsel, 1943
Office of Selskar M. Gunn, 1943
Office of Lithgow Osborne, 1943
Office of Public Information, 1943
OFRRO Bulletin, 1943
Outline of OFRRO, 1943
Secretary's notes, 1943
(8 folders)
BOX I:154 (23 folders)
BOX I:155 Sicily, Italy, 1943
Training, 1943
Transportation, 1943
United Nations Relief Relations Administration, 1943
Weekly progress report, 1943
Weston, Harold, 1943
Yugoslavia, 1943
BOX I:156 State Department, 1930-1952
BOX I:157 United Nations
Amendments to charter, 1945
Application to United Nations, 1945-1946
Arab States, pact of league, 1945
Biographical document series, 1945
Bowman Committee, 1945
Codification Committee, 1947
(13 folders)
BOX I:158 (15 folders)
BOX I:159 (2 folders)
Commissions, 1945
BOX I:160-166 I-IV
BOX I:167 Commissions and committees, progress reports, 1945
Committee of jurists, 1945
BOX I:168 Committee Six, miscellany, 1952
Compendium of procedure rules and regulations, 1945
Coordinating Committee, 1945
Coordination, 1945
Correction of vote, 1954-1955
Court memoranda, 1945
Court statistics, 1945
Darlington Informal Group, 1945
BOX I:169 Defining aggression, 1952
Diplomatic intercourse and immunities, 1952
Documents, M. Montague, 1953-1955
Documents on admission of new members, 1955
BOX I:170 Drafting subcommittee, meetings, 1945
Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, D.C., proposals, 1945
Executive Committee, 1945
General correspondence, 1944-1952
(2 folders)
Handbook, 1947
International Court of Justice, 1945
International criminal jurisdiction, 1952
International law, 1947
Jessup, Philip C., participation, 1948
(8 folders)
BOX I:171 (11 folders)
Jurist's Conference, 1945
Memoranda of conversations, 1945
BOX I:172 1947-1956
BOX I:173 1943-1956
Office memoranda, 1945
Organization, San Francisco, Calif., 1945
(10 folders)
BOX I:174 (17 folders)
BOX I:175 (12 folders)
Organization chart, United Nations Conference, document number 67, 1945
Panel for inquiry and conciliation, 1949
Position document, Committee II, 1945
Preparatory Commission, 1945
Press releases
Procedural rules and regulations, compendium, 1945
San Francisco Chronicle, conference digest, 1945
BOX I:176 Steering Committee, document series, 1945
Subcommittee, 1945
A, meetings, documents
B, meetings, documents
D, meetings, documents
E, meetings, documents
A, reports
C, reports
D, reports
Subcommittee minutes, 1945
Texts, working papers compilation, United States, 1945
Committee Eight
Economic and Social Council
General Assembly
General organization
International Health Organization
International law
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 1947
BOX I:177 United States
I, document series, 1945
II/1-2, document series, 1945
II/3-4, document series, 1945
III, document series, 1945
IV, document series, 1945
Adm number 1-45, 1945
Adm number 46, preparation of report to president, 1945
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