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David B. Quinn papers, 1109-1994

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Microfilm, circa 1435-1860 (continued)
“The Firste Booke of the Firste decade contayning the Historie of Travaile into Virginia-Britania,” MS Ashmole, 1750
“The Second Booke of the Firste decade contayning the Historie of Travaile into Virginia-Britania,” MS Ashmole, 1750
REEL 3 Tanner, Robert, A briefe Treatise for the ready use of the Sphere, 1592
REEL 4 British Library, London, England
Burghley Papers
Lansdowne MS 115, 1579-1597
REEL 5 Lansdowne MS 37, MS 100, 1582-1583
J. M., New Metamor, Additional MS 14824, 1600
REEL 6 Clarendon Manuscripts, Additional MS 4792, circa 1555-1589
REEL 7 Daniell, William, drawings of South Wales, 1812
REEL 8 Drawings from James Cook's first voyage, Additional MS 15507, 1768-1770
REEL 9 Hawkesworth, John, An Account of the Voyages undertaken by the Order of His Present Majesty for Making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere (vols. 2-3), 1773
REEL 10 Ireland
Additional MS 48015, 1575-1576
Additional MS 48017, 1573-1581, undated
Titus B. XII, XIII, circa 1435, 1574-1598
REEL 11 Le Moyne de Morgues, Jacques, La Clef des Champs, 1586
REEL 12 Moryson, Fynes, “Itinerary in Ireland,” Additional MS 36706, 1617
REEL 13 El Viaie que Hizo Antonio de Espeio en el anno de . . . , 1586
REEL 14 Essex County Record Office, 1573-1576
REEL 15 John Rylands Library, Manchester, England
Bry, Theodor de, Illustrissimo Principia Ac Domino Dn. Christiano, Duci Saxoniae, 1591
REEL 16 Raleigh, Walter, MS 1457-1474, circa 1576-1587
REEL 17 A Summarie and True Discourse of Sir Frances Drakes West Indian Voyage, 1596
REEL 18 Lambeth Palace Library, London, England
MS 597, 600, 601, 607, 611, 614, 616, 621, 632, 635, circa 1575-1613
REEL 19 MS 602, undated
REEL 20 MS 802 (2), no. 14, undated
REEL 21 Public Record Office, London, England
High Court of Admiralty
HCA 13-29, 1591-1592
HCA 13-31, 1594
HCA 13-35, 1601-1602
REEL 22 HCA 24-66, undated
HCA 13-2, 1536-1537
REEL 23 House of Lords, Walter Raleigh bill, 1584
REEL 24 Mixed reel
Colonial Office, CO 1/1, 1585
High Court of Admiralty, HCA 14-22, 1583
State Papers, SP 12/169, SP 12/179, SP 12/183, SP 63/114, 1583-1585
REEL 25 State Papers
SP 61/3-4, SP 62/1, 1550-1555
REEL 26 SP 63/2, SP 63/5, SP 63/9, SP 63/20-23, SP 63/26-28, SP 63/30-31, SP 63/34, circa 1562-circa 1571
REEL 27 SP 63/40, SP 63/118, SP 63/201, SP 63/202, 1573-1585, undated
REEL 28 SP 63/48-60, SP 63/62-63, SP 63/65-67, SP 63/69-70, SP 63/72, SP 63/74, SP 63/76, SP 63/79-82, SP 63/85, SP 63/87-88, SP 63/95-97, SP 63/99, SP 63/104, SP 63/106, SP 63/107-109, SP 63/111-14, SP 63/116-19, SP 63/121, SP 12/45, circa 1573-1585
REEL 29 SP 70/146/390, 1571-1572
REEL 30 University College, Nottingham, England, Francis Willughby and John Ray Illustrations of Birds, Middleton MS, MiLM24, undated
REEL 31 University Library, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England
Inquisition in Mexico, documents relating to Thomas Cavendish, Additional MS 7282, 1587
REEL 32 Jones, Philip, Certaine Sermons preached of late at Ciceter, in the countie of Glocester, 1588
REEL 33 Ireland
National Library of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland
Dineley, Thomas, “Observations in a Voyage through the Kingdom of Ireland,” MSS 392, circa 1680
REEL 34 “A Treatise of Irelande,” MSS 669, undated
REEL 35 Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
The Chronicle of Dublin, MS E.3.28, circa 1540-1550
Collections concerning Ireland and especially Meath, MS E.3.33, undated
Sidney, Henry, Papers, letters of Queen Elizabeth, MS N.1.1, 1565-1570
REEL 36 MS 1739, undated
REEL 37 Wright, Edward
MS D.2.6, 1584-1634
MS D.2.15, Observations, 1594-1608
MS D.2.24, 1595-1607
REEL 38 Netherlands, Algemeen Rijksarchief, Hague, 1972 E205, 1594-1595
REEL 39 Spain
Archivo General de Indias, Seville, Spain
Patronato 19, Ramo 31, 29, Patronato 261, Ramo 11, concerning voyage from St. Augustine, Florida, to the Chesapeake Bay, circa 1609
REEL 40 Indifferente General 541, 1586
Indifferente General 743, “Sobre las Cosas de la Florida,” 1595
Patronato 19, Ramo 29, St. Augustine to Ais, undated
Patronato 179, no. 5, Ramo 7, 1587
Patronato 265
Ramo 40, Humphrey Gilbert, 1583
Ramo 48, 1587-1588
Ramo 50, 1587-1588
Ramo 60, relacio de Gomez de Avila, undated
Patronato 266, Ramo 52-53, 1587
Santo Domingo 224, 1580-1608
Santo Domingo 229, 1591-1602
Santo Domingo 232, 1603-1606
REEL 41 Carrete 2, 1573
Contaduria 2, 1541
Indifferente General 423, undated
Indifferente General 1963, undated
Indifferente General 3257, undated
Patronato 267, 1541-1542
REEL 42 Justicia 3, Juan Ortiz de Matienzov. Lucas Vásquez de Ayllón, 1526
REEL 43 Patronato 265
Santo Domingo 224
Santo Domingo 2528, 1586-1600
REEL 44 Archivo General de Simancas, Valladolid, Spain
Sección Estado
Butler, Richard
E 839, 1598-1606
REEL 45 E 839, undated
REEL 46 Castilla, concerning John Day, E 2, undated
Francia, E 1564, undated
E 839, undated
E 2589, 1612
REEL 47 E 841-42, 1604, undated
REEL 48 Mendoza, Bernardino de, correspondence, B 53, B 56-57, 1584-1586
REEL 49 United States
Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C.
Alley, Hugh, “A Caveatt for the Citty of London,” MS 2058.1, 1598
Drake, Francis, 1585 voyage, Loseley MS Lb 344, undated
Relations of a Venetian Traveller, MS 1317.1, 1557-1565
Sidney, Henry, signet warrant from Queen Elizabeth, MS 1645, 1568
Voyage to Iceland, Loseley MS Lb 340, 1545
REEL 50 Hall, Joseph, Mundus alter de idem and The Discovery of a New World, 1605-1609
REEL 51 Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., Rosier's Narrative of Waymouth's Voyage to the Coast of Maine in 1605, 1860
REEL 52 Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, San Marino, Calif.
Cabot, Sebastian, Declaratio Chartae Novae Navigatomie domini xx almirantis, 1578
Lok, Michael, Martin Frobisher's Third Voyage, 1544
REEL 53 Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés, Gonzalo, drawings, undated
REEL 54 John Carter Brown Library, Providence, R.I.
Advertissement certain contenant les pertes aduenues en l'armée d'Espagne, 1588
REEL 55 Bartolomé de Flores, Obra Nuevamente Compuesta, 1571
REEL 56 La Popelinière, Lancelot Voisin, Les Trois Mondes, 1582
REEL 57 Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, N.Y., “Histoire Naturelle Des Indes,” Clara S. Peck manuscript, undated
REEL 58 University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla., Cedulario de la Florida, original in Archivo General de Indias, Seville, Spain, 1570-1604
REEL 59 Wales, National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, Wales
Chirk Castle 12540, account book of Sir Thomas Myddleton, 1583-1644
REEL 60 Chirk Castle F12629, documents containing Walter Raleigh references, 1592-1598
Castell Gorford I, p 13r-16v, 1607
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