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Lectures and Papers, circa 1565-1994 (continued)
Reflections on Quinn's career and research, Queen Mary College, University of London, London, England
Satirical lecture on early exploration of America
1967, lecture on University College of Swansea, University College of Swansea, Swansea, Wales
“English Catholics and America, 1581-1633,” North West Catholic History Society, Liverpool, England, 1967-1970, undated
“Is British History Necessary?” Historical Association Annual Conference, Liverpool, England, 1968-1971
“Thomas Hariot: His Non-Scientific Connections,” Thomas Harriot Seminar, All Souls College, University of Oxford, Oxford, England
“Cooks Circumnavigation of New Zealand,” Leeds, England, 1969-1971
“Elizabethan Literature of the Sea,” College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va.
“Elizabethan Seamen,” Symposium on the Merchant Seamen in British History, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, England, 1956, 1969
“The Preliminaries to the Jamestown Settlement, 1590-1607: Some Problems,” Society for the History of Discovery, Minneapolis, Minn.
“Some Early English Visitors to New England, before 1608,” Colonial Society of Massachusetts dinner
“Tudor Colonisation: Theory and Practice,” University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England
BOX 103 1970
“The English Contribution to the Discovery of North America in the Fifteenth Century,” Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
“The Source Materials in the Period of Discovery and Early Exploration”
“The Value of Some Early Relations for the Ethnography of the New England Indians,” Congress Internacional de Americanistas, Lima, Peru
“Harriot's Voyages,” Fifth Thomas Harriot Seminar, All Souls College, University of Oxford, Oxford, England, 1971, undated
“A Modern View of Sir Walter Ralegh,” Sherborne, Dorset, England, 1585, 1971, undated
Opening remarks, meeting of the British Society for the History of Medicine, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, England
“Some Reflections on American Universities”
“Alnwick Castle: Notes and Extracts”
“Discovery of America,” Budapest, Hungary, 1967-1976, undated
“Bristol and the Atlantic, circa 1420-1520"
Comments on A. L. Rowse, History Society, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, England
“Law and Religion in North America and Ireland, 1600-1640,” Atlantic Society, 1600-1800 conference, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland
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Lecture on the history of the College of William and Mary, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va.
“War as State Policy,” War as State Policy conference, Attingham Park, Shropshire, England
BOX 104 1974
“English Contributions to Early Overseas Discovery,” The New Worlds and the Old conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.
“Exploration in the Age of Shakespeare,” Age of Shakespeare lecture series, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, England
“New Geographical Horizons: Literature,” First Images of America conference, Renaissance Society of America, Los Angeles, Calif., 1973-1976, undated
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Opening remarks, members' exhibition, Liverpool Bibliographical Society, Liverpool, England
“Privateering: The North American Dimension (to 1625),” Commission Internationale d'Histoire Maritime, San Francisco, Calif., 1974-1975, undated
“Drake's Landing Place”
“Early Printing for and in Ireland,” Botetourt Bibliographical Society, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va.
“Ireland and America: Early Associations,” 1964-1976
Paper on sixteenth-century European migration, Scottish Universities' American Bicentennial conference, Edinburgh, Scotland
Remarks at retirement, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, England
Lecture on Maryland before 1634, Smithsonian Associates, St. Mary's City, Md.
“The Roanoke Colonies Revisited,” Roanoke Island Historical Association, Raleigh, N.C., 1977-1978
1978, “A Historian's America,” St. Mary's College of Maryland, St. Mary's City, Md.
“The Illustrator and the Map in Sixteenth-Century North America,” Michigan Map Society meeting, Chicago, Ill.
BOX 105 “Newfoundland in the Consciousness of Europe at the Beginning of the Early Modern Period,” International Symposium on Early European Settlement and Exploration in Atlantic Canada, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
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“Why Did the English Fail to Colonize Canada Ahead of the French?” Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
1980, Maryland Day lecture
“Renaissance Geography,” Gallaudet College, Washington, D.C.
“Treatment of Native Americans in Europe,” Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Va.
“The Carryover from Earlier Experience and Knowledge to the Virginia Settlements under the Virginia Company,” Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Va.
“Northern Ireland, 1921-1945,” St. Mary's College of Maryland, St. Mary's City, Md.
“The Roanoke Colonies After 400 Years,” North Carolina Maritime Heritage Conference, Wilmington, N.C., 1981-1982
“Sir Francis Drake and Some Contemporary Views of Him,” University of Lancaster, Lancaster, England
“The Elizabethans in Ireland,” Aspects of Imperialism seminar, University College Historical Society, Cork, Ireland
“Roanoke Colonies After 400 Years,” University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C.
“What Happened in St. Helena Sound in March 1605?” Beaufort County Historical Association, Beaufort, S.C.
“Archaeology and History in Early American Settlement,” Maryland, A Product of Two Worlds conference, St. Mary's City, Md., 1983-1984 For additional material see Container 130, Early Maryland in a Wider World
“The Land and the People,” Dare County Library, Manteo, N.C., 1983-1984
“Richard Hakluyt,” Leominster, England
“Settlement Patterns in Early Modern Colonisation,” Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.
“Why Maryland?” Maryland and the Shaping of the American Heritage lecture series, St. Mary's College of Maryland, St. Mary's, Md.
“Atlantic Islands: Fantasy and Reality in Early Maps,” First International Brendan Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 1984-1985
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BOX 106 “Culture Contacts between Indians and Europeans in Eastern North America in the Sixteenth Century,” Anthropological Society of Washington, Washington, D.C.
“History of Salisbury,” Washington and Lee University Alumni College, Salisbury, England, 1984-1985
“The Lost Colony,” Raleigh in Exeter conference, University of Exeter, Exeter, England, 1984-1985
“Religion in North America in the Sixteenth Century,” Sixth International Conference on Canadian Studies, Selva di Fasano, Italy, 1984-1986, undated
“Gosnold and the Discovery of New England,” Hakluyt Society and the Society for the History of Discoveries meeting, New Bedford, Mass.
“Ireland and America, 1500-1640,” America and Ireland, 1500-1800 conference, Society of St. Brendan, Ennis, Ireland, 1986-1989 See also Container 158, same heading
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Opening remarks, Conference on Captain John Smith, Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Va.
“Quinn on Quinn,” American Historical Association meeting, Chicago, Ill.
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“America in the Elizabethan Imagination and in Reality,” Fulbright lecture tour, Boston University, Boston, Mass., and University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.
“Bermuda in the Columbian Era,” Bermuda Maritime Museum banquet, Southampton, Bermuda, 1987-1988
BOX 107 “England, Spain, and America under Elizabeth I and Philip II,” Fulbright lecture tour, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Fla.
“Publicists and Explorers: Influences of Hakluyt and Purchas on Geographical Exploration in the Seventeenth Century,” Fulbright lecture tour, University of California, Los Angeles, Calif.
“Richard Hakluyt's America: A Northeastern View,” Connecticut Historical Society and University of Connecticut, Hartford, Conn.
“Bermuda in the Columbian Era,” John Carter Brown Library, Providence, R.I.
“North America--A Last Resort?” Europe and the Settlement of the Americas: From Columbus to the Puritans, Advanced Seminar in North American History, Sestri Levante, Italy, 1987-1988, undated
“Columbus and the North,” Myth and Reality symposium, 1992 Quincentenary Programs, University of California, Los Angeles, Calif.
“The English Claim to North America”
After dinner address, Seventh Conference of Irish Historians in Britain, York, England, 1989-1990
Comments as chair of session on Early English Colonization: The Lessons of Failure, American Historical Association conference, New York, N.Y.
“Thomas Harriot: The Making of the Scientist,” Liverpool Society for the History of Science and Technology, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, England, 1989-1990
“Thomas Harriot and the Problem of America,” Oriel College, University of Oxford, Oxford, England, 1990-1991
BOX 108 1991
“The Atlantic World in 1492,” Crosscurrents of Culture symposium, New York University, New York, N.Y., 1990-1991
“European Impressions of America: Late Fifteenth Century to Early Sixteenth Century,” New York University, New York, N.Y.
“Richard Hakluyt and The Ideology of Elizabethan Imperialism,” Seminar in Comparative Social and Cultural History, Cambridge, England
“Columbus: An Assessment,” Toronto, Canada
“Editing Hakluyt's ’Discourse of Western Planting,'” Editing Exploration Texts, Twenty-eighth Annual Conference on Editorial Problems, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 1991-1993
“Who Did Discover America Then? Columbus in Perspective,” Society for Nautical Research, London, England, 1992-1993
1993, “Investors in the Roanoke Colonies,” Roanoke Decoded symposium, Fort Raleigh, N.C., 1991-1993
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“America in World History”
“The English Contribution to the Discovery of America”
“The Future of Irish History”
BOX 109 Historical study, several lectures on
“Irish and Amerindians: Some Indications of English Attitudes”
Roanoke colonies, N.C.
“Sir Walter Raleigh and the British Empire”
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