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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Writings, circa 1351-1994 (continued) | |||||||||||||
“Ireland and Sixteenth-Century European Expansion,” in Historical Studies I: Papers Read before the Second Irish Conference of Historians, edited by T. Desmond Williams, circa 1558-1630, 1955-1956 (continued) | |||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
“Local History in Perspective,” Morgannwg | |||||||||||||
1959 | |||||||||||||
“Die Anfänge des Britischen Weltreiches bis zum Ende der Napoleonischen Kriege,” Historia Mundi: Eine Handbuch der Weltgeschichte, 1938-1939, 1954-1959 | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
“Notes by a Pious Colonial Investor, 1608-1610,” William and Mary Quarterly, 1958-1959 | |||||||||||||
BOX 115 | 1960, “Edward Hayes, Liverpool Colonial Pioneer,” Transactions of the Historical Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1557-1613, 1958-1961, undated | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
1961 | |||||||||||||
“The Argument for the English Discovery of America between 1480 and 1494" Geographical Journal, 1480-1536, 1942-1962 | |||||||||||||
(6 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 116 | “Henry VIII and Ireland, 1509-1534,” Irish Historical Studies, 1507-1633, 1961-1962 | ||||||||||||
“Simão Fernandes, a Portuguese Pilot in the English Service, circa 1573-1588,” Actas, Congresso Internacional de História Descobrimentos, 1575-1583, 1960, 1969 | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
1962, “The Voyage of Étienne Bellenger to the Maritimes in 1584: A New Document,” Canadian Historical Review | |||||||||||||
1963, “John White and the English Naturalists,” History Today | |||||||||||||
BOX 117 | 1964, “Sailors and the Sea,” in Shakespeare Survey, edited by Allardyce Nicoll, circa 1569-1607, 1958-1964 | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
1965 | |||||||||||||
“England and the St. Lawrence, 1577 to 1602,” in Merchants and Scholars, edited by John Parker, 1961-1965 | |||||||||||||
“Exploration and the Expansion of Europe,” Rapports, 1, Comité International des Sciences Historiques, XIIe Congrès International des Sciences Historiques, 1964-1965 | |||||||||||||
“A Map of the Norse World,” New Statesman | |||||||||||||
1966 | |||||||||||||
“Advice for Investors in Virginia, Bermuda, and Newfoundland, 1611,” William and Mary Quarterly, 1611, 1964-1966 | |||||||||||||
“État Présent des Études sur la Découverte de l'Amérique au XVe Siècle,” Journal de la Société des Américanistes, 1965-1966 | |||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 118 | “The First Pilgrims,” William and Mary Quarterly, circa 1584-1598, 1954-1966 | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
“The Munster Plantation: Problems and Opportunities,” Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society | |||||||||||||
“The Road to Jamestown,” in Shakespeare Celebrated, edited by Louis B. Wright, 1964, undated | |||||||||||||
“Les Toponymes Amérindiens du Canada Chez les Anciens Voyageurs Anglais, 1591-1602,” with Jacques Rousseau, Cahiers de Géographie de Québec, 1962-1966 | |||||||||||||
1967 | |||||||||||||
“Calendar of the Irish Council Book, 1 March 1581 to 1 July 1586,” Analecta Hibernica, 1586, 1964-1969, undated | |||||||||||||
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“John Cabot's Matthew,” Times Literary Supplement | |||||||||||||
“John Day and Columbus,” Geographical Journal | |||||||||||||
“Martin Pring at Provincetown in 1603?” with Warner F. Gookin, New England Quarterly, 1626, 1965-1967 | |||||||||||||
1968 | |||||||||||||
“La Contribution des Anglais à la Découverte de l'Amérique du Nord au XVIe Siècle,” in La Découverte de l'Amérique: Esquisse d'une Synthèse: Conditions Historiques et Conséquences Culturelles, edited by Manuel Ballesteros-Gaibrois, 1966 | |||||||||||||
BOX 119 | Foreword to Kinsale: The Spanish Intervention in Ireland at the End of the Elizabethan Wars, by John J. Silke, 1968, undated | ||||||||||||
1969 | |||||||||||||
“A Contemporary List of Hariot References,” Renaissance Quarterly, circa 1587-1602, 1948-1968, 1975, undated | |||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
“A List of Books Purchased for the Virginia Company,” Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, 1623, 1968-1969, undated | |||||||||||||
“Thomas Hariot (1560-1621): An Original Practitioner in the Scientific Art,” Times Literary Supplement | |||||||||||||
1970 | |||||||||||||
“Additional Sidney State Papers, 1566-1570,” Analecta Hibernica, 1566-1570, 1967-1970 | |||||||||||||
“Thomas Hariot and the Virginia Voyages of 1602,” William and Mary Quarterly, 1602, 1963-1970, undated | |||||||||||||
“’Virginians' on the Thames in 1603,” Terrae Incognitae, 1966-1970 | |||||||||||||
1971 | |||||||||||||
“Raleigh Ashlin Skelton: His Contributions to the History of Discovery,” Imago Mundi, 1961-1972 | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 120 | “Sixteenth-century Ireland, 1485-1603,” with R. Dudley Edwards, in Irish Historiography, edited by T. W. Moody, 1967-1971 | ||||||||||||
“Voyage of Triall, 1606-1607: An Abortive Virginia Venture,” American Neptune, 1603-1610, 1969-1971 | |||||||||||||
1972, “Richard Hakluyt and His Successors,” Annual Report of the Hakluyt Society, 1972-1973 | |||||||||||||
1974 | |||||||||||||
“James I and the Beginnings of Empire in America,” Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 1973 | |||||||||||||
“Stephen Parmenius of Buda: The First Hungarian in North America,” New Hungarian Quarterly, 1974-1976 | |||||||||||||
“Thomas Harriot and the New World,” in Thomas Harriot, Renaissance Scientist, 1971-1974 | |||||||||||||
“The Vinland Map and the Historian,” Geographical Journal, 1973-1974 | |||||||||||||
1975 | |||||||||||||
“An Anglo-French ’Voyage of Discovery' to North America in 1604-1605, and Its Sequel,” in Miscellanea Offerts à Charles Verlinden, circa 1604-1605, 1973-1975 | |||||||||||||
“The First Approaches to America,” Observer Magazine | |||||||||||||
“Privateering: The North American Dimension to 1625,” with Selma Barkham, in Course et Piraterie, edited by M. Mollat | |||||||||||||
BOX 121 | 1976 | ||||||||||||
“The Attempted Colonization of Florida by the French, 1562-1565,” in The Works of Jacques Le Moyne de Morgues, A Huguenot Artist in France, Florida and England | |||||||||||||
Correspondence, 1962-1976, undated | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
Drafts, undated | |||||||||||||
Research, circa 1564-circa 1606, 1951-1971, undated | |||||||||||||
(4 folders) | |||||||||||||
“Did Bristol Sailors Discover America?” The Times | |||||||||||||
“Edward Walshe's The Office and Duety in Fightying for Our Country (1545),” Irish Booklore | |||||||||||||
“Ireland in 1534,” with Kenneth W. Nicholls, in A New History of Ireland, edited by T. W. Moody, F. X. Martin, and F. J. Byrne, 1969-1976 | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 122 | “Renaissance Influences in English Colonisation,” Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 1975 | ||||||||||||
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1977, “John Denton Desires William Kearney to Print Books for Use in Down, circa 1588: A Sidelight on Printing in Ireland,” Irish Booklore, circa 1588, 1976-1977 | |||||||||||||
1978 | |||||||||||||
“An Archival Approach to Early American History,” Library Journal, 1977-1978 | |||||||||||||
“Documenting Canada's White History,” Archivaria | |||||||||||||
“The Preliminaries to New France: Site Selection for the Fur Trade by the French, 1604-1608,” in Festschrift für Hermann Kellenbenz, edited by Jürgen Schneider, 1977-1978 | |||||||||||||
“Where Was the Lost Colony Lost?” souvenir program, Paul Green's The Lost Colony pageant, Manteo, N.C. | |||||||||||||
1979, “England and the Azores, 1581-1583: Three Letters,” Centro de Estuduos de Cartografia Antigo, Seccþo de Lisboa, Série Separatas, 1580-1583, 1978, undated | |||||||||||||
1980, “Frobisher's Eskimos in England,” Archivaria, 1979 | |||||||||||||
1981 | |||||||||||||
“La Femme et l'Enfant Inuit de Nuremberg, 1566,” Récherches-Amérindiennes de Québec, 1980-1985 | |||||||||||||
“Jean Rotz and the Americas,” in The Boke of Idrography, edited by Helen Willis, circa 1600, 1977-1981, undated See also Oversize | |||||||||||||
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1982, “Turks, Moors, Blacks and Others in Drake's West Indian Voyage,” Terrae Incognitae, 1586, 1981, undated | |||||||||||||
BOX 123 | 1983, foreword to Admiral of the Ocean Sea: A Life of Christopher Columbus, by Samuel Eliot Morison, 1982 | ||||||||||||
1984 | |||||||||||||
“American Students and British Students,” Precinct | |||||||||||||
“Early Accounts of the Famous Voyage,” in Sir Francis Drake and the Famous Voyage, 1577-1580 | |||||||||||||
Correspondence, 1977-1982 | |||||||||||||
Drafts, undated | |||||||||||||
Research, 1974-1979 | |||||||||||||
“John Horace Parry (1914-1982),” American Philosophical Society Yearbook, 1983, 1983 | |||||||||||||
“Spanish Armada Prisoners' Escape from Ireland,” Mariner's Mirror, 1588-1592, 1983-1984 | |||||||||||||
“Wales and the West,” in Welsh Society and Nationhood: Essays Presented to Glanmor Williams, edited by R. R. Davies, R. A. Griffths, I. G. Jones, and K. O. Morgan, 1981-1984 | |||||||||||||
1985, “Travel by Sea and Land,” in William Shakespeare: His World, His Work, His Influence, edited by John F. Andrews, 1578-1631, 1983-1985 | |||||||||||||
1986, “Artists and Illustrators in the Early Mapping of North America,” Mariner's Mirror, circa 1551-circa 1620, 1982, undated | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
1987 | |||||||||||||
“David Beers Quinn,” William and Mary Quarterly | |||||||||||||
BOX 124 | “Ireland, 1460-1534,”in A New History of Ireland, edited by T. W. Moody, F. X. Martin, and F. J. Byrne, circa 1430-1613, 1962-1982, undated | ||||||||||||
(7 folders) | |||||||||||||
“The New Prey: Eskimos in Europe in 1567, 1576, and 1577,” with William C. Sturtevant, in Indians and Europe, edited by Christian Feest, 1984-1988 | |||||||||||||
“North Carolina: My First Contacts, 1948-1959,” in Raleigh and Quinn: The Explorer and His Boswell, edited by H. G. Jones, 1948, 1986-1987 | |||||||||||||
BOX 125 | 1988, “Colonies in Their Beginning: Some Examples from North America,” in Essays on the History of North American Discovery and Exploration, edited by Stanley H. Palmer and Dennis Reinhartz, 1984-1988, undated | ||||||||||||
1989, “Stephanus Parmenius Budaeus: A Hungarian Pioneer in North America” | |||||||||||||
1990 | |||||||||||||
“Amis and Politics at Swansea,” in Kinglsey Amis: In Life and Letters, edited by Dale Salwak, 1988 | |||||||||||||
“Henri Quatre et la Nouvelle France,” Henri IV, le Roi et la Reconstruction du Royaume: Volumes des Actes du Colloque Pau-Nérac, 14-17 Septembre 1989, 1990 | |||||||||||||
“Maps of the Age of European Exploration,” in From Sea Charts to Satellite Images, edited by David Buisseret, 1985-1990 | |||||||||||||
1992 | |||||||||||||
“Columbus and the North: England, Iceland, and Ireland,” William and Mary Quarterly | |||||||||||||
Correspondence, 1989-1991 | |||||||||||||
Drafts, 1989-1992 | |||||||||||||
Research, undated | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
Foreword to The Buccanneers' Atlas: Basil Ringrose's South Sea Waggoner, edited by Derek Howse and Norman J. W. Thrower, 1982, undated | |||||||||||||
“The Italian Renaissance and Columbus,” Renaissance Quarterly, 1991-1992 | |||||||||||||
BOX 126 | 1994 | ||||||||||||
“The Early Cartography of Maine in the Setting of Early European Exploration of New England and the Maritimes,” in American Beginnings: Exploration, Culture and Cartography in the Land of Norumbega, edited by Emerson W. Baker, 1987-1994, undated | |||||||||||||
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