| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
General Correspondence, 1933-1967
(continued) |
Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) |
Long, Edward V. |
Lovett, Robert A. |
“La-Le” miscellaneous |
BOX 10 |
“Li-Ly” miscellaneous |
Magruder, Calvert |
Mansfield, Mike |
Marshall, George C. |
Marshall, Thurgood |
Matthews, Burnita S. |
McCarran, Pat |
McCloy, John J. |
McGowan, Carl |
McGranery, James P. |
McGrath, Earl J. |
McGrath, J. Howard |
McGuire, Matthew F. |
McKeever, Porter |
McKelway, Benjamin M. |
McLaughlin, Robert E. |
“Mc” miscellaneous |
(2 folders) |
Meade, James M. |
Mearns, David C. |
Meeker, Leonard C. |
Miller, Wilbur K. |
Monroney, Mike |
Morris, Richard B. |
Morse, David A. |
Murphy, Frank |
Murphy, Robert D. |
“Mab-Man” miscellaneous |
BOX 11 |
“Mar-My” miscellaneous |
(3 folders) |
National Conference of Bar Examiners |
National Labor Relations Board |
The Notre Dame Lawyer
“N” miscellaneous |
(7 folders) |
BOX 12 |
O'Boyle, Patrick A. |
O'Brian, John Lord |
O'Hara, John F. |
O'Mahoney, Joseph C. |
O'Meara, Joseph |
(3 folders) |
O'Neill, Eleanor |
“O” miscellaneous |
Palmer, Dwight R. G. |
Perkins, Frances |
Perlman, Philip B. |
Pine, David A. |
Powell, Lewis F. |
Prettyman, E. Barrett |
Price, Byron |
“Pa-Pe” miscellaneous |
(2 folders) |
BOX 13 |
“Ph-Py” miscellaneous |
(2 folders) |
“Q” miscellaneous |
Rabb, Maxwell M. |
Rauh, Joseph L. |
Reed, Stanley F. |
Reston, James |
Rhyne, Charles S. |
Rockwell, Alvin J. |
Rogers, William P. |
Rogge, Oetje John |
Romulo, Carlos P. |
Roosevelt, Eleanor |
Roosevelt, Franklin D. |
Rosenman, Samuel I. |
Rostow, Eugene V. |
Royall, Kenneth C. |
Rusk, Dean |
Russell, Richard B. |
Rutledge, Neal P. |
“Ra-Ro” miscellaneous |
(2 folders) |
BOX 14 |
“Ru-Ry” miscellaneous |
Satterthwaite, Joseph C. |
Schlesinger, Arthur Meier (1917- ) |
Shea, Francis M. |
Sirica, John J. |
Smith, Frank S. |
Sobeloff, Simon Ernest |
Spaeth, Carl B. |
Steelman, John R. |
Stephens, Harold M. |
Stevenson, Adlai E. (1900-1965) |
Stevenson, Adlai E. (1930- ) |
Stewart, Joseph W. |
Stewart, Potter |
“Sa-Sc” miscellaneous |
(2 folders) |
BOX 15 |
“Se-Sy” miscellaneous |
(7 folders) |
Tamm, Edward A. |
Tangley, Lord Edwin Savory Herbert |
Taylor, Telford |
Thomas, Elbert D. |
Truman, Harry S. |
Tully, Grace G. |
Tweed, Harrison |
Tydings, Joseph D. |
“T” miscellaneous |
BOX 16 |
“U” miscellaneous |
Valenti, Jack |
Vinson, Fred M. |
Vorster, Balthazar J. |
“V” miscellaneous |
Walker, John |
War Department |
Warren, Earl |
Washington, George T. |
Wechsler, Herbert |
Wheeler, Burton K. |
Whitaker, Charles E. |
Wiggins, James R. |
Winant, John G. |
“W” miscellaneous |
(3 folders) |
Youngdahl, Luther W. |
“Y” miscellaneous |
“Z” miscellaneous |
Unidentified |
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