| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Supplementary File, 1806-1981
(continued) |
Ancillary Correspondence, 1806-1960
(continued) |
Terry, Ellen, 1924
See RBSC, Whitman, Walt, Leaves of Grass, 1871
(continued) |
Digital content available
Unknown to Mrs. F. W. Bain, 1922
Digital content available
Unknown to Charles W. Eldridge, 1902
Digital content available
Untermeyer, Louis, to Owen Small, circa 1931
Digital content available
Wall, Bernhardt, to Mr. Hope, 1921
Digital content available
White, William, to Vernon Sternberg, 1960
Digital content available
Wilson, Frederick W., to William Sloane
Kennedy, 1888
Digital content available
Yale, K. B., to [Abby] Price, 1860
Digital content available
Young, Owen D., to H. M. Crist, 1930
Digital content available
Unidentified |
Digital content available
BOX 74-119 |
Speeches and Writings File, 1866-1978
Handwritten manuscripts, typescripts, proofs and offprints, notes, research
material, correspondence, printed matter, and miscellaneous items relating to
articles, books, poems, and speeches by writers other than Whitman. |
Organized alphabetically by type of material and therein alphabetically by name
of author or, in cases in which authorship is unknown, by title. |
BOX 74 |
Articles and other writings |
“An American Poet, Walt Whitman: Muscle
and Pluck Forever,” Revue des Deux Mondes (1888, July 13), translation,
holograph copy with corrections by Whitman |
Digital content available
Ball, M. V., “Whitman and Socialism”
(undated), signed draft |
Digital content available
Bernbrock, John, “Whitman's Language
Study” (undated), typescript |
Digital content available
Bertz, Edward, “Walt Whitman” (1889, June), holograph copy with corrections
by Whitman |
Digital content available
Bradley, Sculley, “The Whitman Story,”
In The American Tradition (1952, Apr. 13), script for
television series |
Digital content available
Bucke, Richard Maurice |
“An Impromptu Criticism” (1888, Dec. 27), proof sheets with
notations and corrections |
Digital content available
“Leaves of Grass and Modern Science,” Conservator (1890, May), proof sheets with
corrections by Whitman
See also Container 92, same heading
Digital content available
“Memories of Walt Whitman,” Walt Whitman Fellowship Papers (1897, May), page proofs with
corrections |
Digital content available
“Was Whitman Mad?” Walt Whitman Fellowship Papers (1895, Nov.), typescript with
corrections |
Digital content available
Burroughs, John |
“Mr. Howell's Agreements with Whitman”
(1892), galley proof |
Digital content available
“Science and Technology” (1888), galley proof |
Digital content available
“Two Critics of Walt Whitman”
(undated), galley proofs with corrections |
Digital content available
“Walt Whitman Again,” Conservator (1895, Oct.), signed
draft |
Digital content available
“Walt Whitman and His Drum Taps,”Galaxy (1866, Dec.), galley
proofs |
Digital content available
“Whitman's Self-Reliance,” Walt Whitman Fellowship Papers (1894, Nov.) |
Draft |
Digital content available
Page proofs and proof sheet with
signed notations |
Digital content available
Untitled draft with corrections by
Whitman |
Digital content available
Capek, Abraham, “Walt Whitman and His
Leaves of Grass” (undated), introduction to Seven Seas, typescript |
Digital content available
Carlisle, E. Fred, “Alienation and
Transcendence in Leaves of Grass” (1965), typescript |
Digital content available
Carpenter, Edward (1844-1929), article
concerning Towards Democracy
See RBSC, Carpenter, Edward, Who Shall Command the Heart (Part IV of
Towards Democracy), 1902
Digital content available
Duckett, William H., diary
notes, 1886-1887, with introductory note
by Whitman |
[DCN 84] |
Digital content available
Feinberg, Charles E. |
“Percy Ives, Detroit and Walt Whitman,”
Detroit Historical Study Bulletin (1960, Feb.) |
Research material |
Digital content available
Typescript |
Digital content available
“A Whitman Collector Destroys a Whitman
Myth,” Papers of the Bibliographical Society (1958), typescript |
Digital content available
Freedman, Florence B., “A Motion Picture
First for Walt Whitman” (undated), typescript |
Digital content available
“A French Opinion of Walt Whitman,” New York Commercial Advertiser (1872, June 19), galley proof
with notation by Whitman |
Digital content available
Frend, Grace Gilchrist, “Anne Gilchrist
and Walt Whitman” (undated), unpublished typescript |
Digital content available
Harte, Walter B., “Walt Whitman and the
Younger Writers” (undated), signed draft |
Digital content available
Hartmann, C. Sadakichi |
“Portraits of Walt Whitman” (1921, Oct. 10), draft |
Digital content available
“To Walt Whitman” (circa 1888), proof annotated by William Michael
Rossetti |
Digital content available
Hawkins, W. T., “In Memory of Walt
Whitman,” Annandale Observer (1901, June 14),
offprint |
Digital content available
“Ingersoll's Speech,” Camden Post (1890, June 2), proof
sheet |
Digital content available
BOX 75 |
Jellicorse, John Lee, “The Poet as
Persuader” (undated), doctoral dissertation |
Corrected pages |
Digital content available
Notes |
Folder 1 of 3 |
Digital content available
Folder 2 of 3 |
Digital content available
Folder 3 of 3 |
Digital content available
Printed copy |
Chapters 1-3 |
Digital content available
Chapters 4-5 |
Digital content available
BOX 76 |
Chapters 6-7 |
Digital content available
Chapter 8 |
Digital content available
Johnston, Alma Calder, “Memories of Dr.
Richard Maurice Bucke”
See RBSC, Elliot, Charles N., Walt Whitman as Man, Poet and Friend,
Digital content available
Johnston, John, “Whitman Day, 1910,”
Annandale Observer (1910, June 10),
offprint |
Digital content available
Kennedy, William Sloane |
“The Death of John Ruskin,” signed
draft |
[DCN 343] |
Digital content available
“Dutch Traits of Walt
Whitman,” Conservator (1891, Feb.)
See also Container 92, same heading
Draft |
Digital content available
Galley proofs with signed
corrections and notations by Whitman |
Next Page » |