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Walt Whitman papers in the Charles E. Feinberg collection, 1763-1985

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Supplementary File, 1806-1981 (continued)
Speeches and Writings File, 1866-1978 (continued)
Folder 1 of 2
Folder 2 of 2
BOX 102 Vol. 3
Vol. 4
Author's proof
First proof
BOX 103 Second proof
Vol. 5
Author's proof
First proof
BOX 104 Second proof
Vol. 1
Pp. 1-207
Pp. 208-423
Pp. 424-635
BOX 105 Pp. 636-798, footnotes
Pp. 799-896, footnotes, appendix, and index
Vol. 2
Pp. 1-236
Pp. 237-463
BOX 106 Pp. 464-707
Pp. 708-879, footnotes
Pp. 880-939, index
Vol. 3
Pp. 1-255
BOX 107 Pp. 256-497
Pp. 498-710
Pp. 711-841
Pp. 1-256
BOX 108 Pp. 257-281, includes appendix and index
Vol. 4
Pp. 1-235
Pp. 236-522
Pp. 523-721
BOX 109 Pp. 722-915
Footnotes, appendix, and index
Vol. 5
Pp. 1-150
BOX 110 Pp. 151-349
Pp. 350-542
Pp. 543-783, footnotes, appendix and index
BOX 111 Daybooks and Notebooks (1977-1978), edited by William White
Galley proofs
Vols. 1-2
Folder 1 of 2
Folder 2 of 2
BOX 112 Vol. 3
Folder 1 of 2
Folder 2 of 2
BOX 113 Typescript
Vols. 1-2
Vol. 3
Pp. 1-217
BOX 114 Pp. 218-442
Leaves of Grass (1965), edited by Harold W. Blodgett and Sculley Bradley
Book reviews
Galley proofs
Poems (1955), edited by Gay Wilson Allen and Charles T. Davis, galley proofs
BOX 115 Prose Works 1892 (1963-1964), edited by Floyd Stovall, galley proofs
Vol. 2
Folder 1 of 2
Folder 2 of 2
Selected Poems (1892), edited by Arthur Stedman
Book reviews
Digital content available
[DCN 268]
Digital content available
[DCN 268]
Digital content available
Manuscripts, title page and editor's note
[DCN 114 and DCN 268]
Digital content available
Proof sheets
[DCN 268]
Digital content available
Walt Whitman Looks at the Schools (1950), edited by Florence Bernstein Freedman, typescript
BOX 116 Walt Whitman's Backward Glances (1947), edited by Sculley Bradley and John A. Stevenson
Author's proof
Production materials
Typescript, final draft
Whitman's Manuscripts (1955), edited by Fredson Bowers
Book reviews
Galley proofs
Make-up proofs
Pp. 1-85
BOX 117 Pp. 86-180
Pp. 181-260
Page proofs
Pp. 1-184
BOX 118 Pp. 185-369
Pp. 370-482
Willard, Charles B., Whitman's American Fame (1950)
Manuscript, preliminary draft
Typescript, final draft
BOX 119 Poetry
Digital content available
Speeches and lectures
“Canon Kingsley on Democracy,” 1874
Digital content available
Ingersoll, Robert Green
“Testimonial to Walt Whitman” (1890, Oct. 21), printed copy
Digital content available
“Address at the Funeral of Walt Whitman” (1892, Mar.), galley proof
Digital content available
Komroff, Manuel, “Walt Whitman: the Singer and the Chains” (1966, Apr. 23), typescript copy
Digital content available
Digital content available
Powys, J. C., “Notes on Henry James, Longfellow, Thoreau, and Walt Whitman” (1905 ), draft
Digital content available
Resnick, Nathan
“Eulogy for Cleveland Rodgers” (1957, May 26), press release
“Whitman, Democracy and the Rolling Earth” (1959, May 31), typescript copy
Rolleston, T. W. (Thomas William), “Walt Whitman and His Works” (1883), translated by Maurice Traubel with corrections and notations by Whitman
[DCN 77]
Digital content available
Shuck, Emerson, “Leaves of Grass,” 1955
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