| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Supplementary File, 1806-1981
(continued) |
Walt Whitman Review, 1955-1981
(continued) |
Proofs |
Galley proofs |
Vol. 8,
Vol. 10, 1964
Vol. 14, 1968
Vol. 16, 1970
Vol. 20, 1974
Vol. 21, 1975
The Bicentennial Walt Whitman, edited by William White |
Page proofs |
Vol. 3, 1957
-Vol. 4, 1958
BOX 132 |
Vol. 5, 1959
Vol. 6, 1960
Vol. 7, 1961
Vol. 8, 1962
BOX 133 |
Vol. 9, 1963
Vol. 10, 1964
Vol. 11, 1965
Vol. 12, 1966
BOX 134 |
Vol. 13, 1967
Vol. 14, 1968
Nos. 1-2 |
Nos. 3-4 |
BOX 135 |
Vol. 15, 1969
Nos. 1-2 |
Nos. 3-4 |
BOX 136 |
Vol. 16, 1970
Vol. 17, 1971
BOX 137 |
Vol. 18, 1972
Vol. 19, 1973
Nos. 1-2 |
Nos. 3-4 |
BOX 138 |
Vol. 20, 1974
Nos. 1-2 |
Nos. 3-4 |
Vol. 21, 1975
BOX 139 |
Vol. 22, 1976
Nos. 1-2 |
Nos. 3-4 |
Vol. 23, 1977
Nos. 1-2 |
BOX 140 |
Nos. 3-4 |
Vol. 24, 1978
Vol. 25, 1979
BOX 141 |
Vol. 26, 1980
Vol. 27, 1981
Indexes |
Walt Whitman in Europe Today (1972), edited by Roger Asselineau
and William White |
Walt Whitman in Our Time (1970), edited by William
White |
BOX 141-184 |
Printed Matter, 1866-1969
Printed articles, book catalogs, brochures and pamphlets, and other printed
items relating to Whitman. |
Organized alphabetically by type of material. Articles are arranged
alphabetically by name of author or title. |
Articles |
BOX 141 |
A., W. W.-Abbott, Leonard D. |
(2 folders) |
Digital content available
- A., W. W., Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass", Pall Mall
- Abbott, Leonard D.
BOX 142 |
Acquaroni, Jose Luis-Asselineau, Roger |
(27 folders) |
Digital content available
- Acquaroni, José Luis
- Adams, R. P.
- Alexander, F.
- Alexander, John Wilson
- Whitman portrait, 1916, July
- Portrait of Walt Whitman, 1909, Oct.
- Portrait of W. W., 1912, June
- Allen, Gay Wilson
- "Critical Guide to L of G," 1958, May
- Editing the Writings of Walt Whitman, 1963
- Meter of Pioneers!, 1949, Jan.
- The Problem of the Metaphor in L of G, 1959, Aug.
- Regarding publication of the first L. of G, 1959, Mar.
- "Walt Whitman: Passage to India," 1959
- Walt Whitman's Reception in Scandinavia, 1946
- Whitman Aboard, 1949
- Whitman and the Influence of Space on American Literature,
1961, May 6
- An American
- American Authors on the Copyright Question, Literary Opinion
American Bookseller
- Ankenbrand, Frank
- Review-"Anne Gilchrist," Atlantic
- Anthony, Katherine
- Appel, John J.
- Aspiz, Harold
- Asselineau, Roger
- Present Studies of Whitman, 1958, Mar.
- Three Uncollected "Leaves of Grass," 1959, May
- Walt Whitman, Child of Adam, Three Unpublished Letters to
Whitman, 1949, Mar.
- Walt Whitman: Taine's History of English Literature,
BOX 143 |
“At Whitman's Graveside”-Beardshear, W. M. |
(18 folders) |
Digital content available
- "At Whitman's Graveside," Poet Lore
- Atkinson, William W.
- "Aus Walt Whitman's Grashalmen," Die
- "Authorship of the "The Two Mysteries" Correction," Arena
- W.R.B, Whitman & Whitmania, Clinical Excepts
- Bacheller, Morris
- Balderston, J. L.
- Baldridge, Richard
- Baker, Elsa
- Did Whitman Borrow from the Orientals?, 1907, Aug.
- What Whitman Learned for the Past, 1911, Oct.
- Barnshaw, Harold D.
Battle Line of Democracy-Comm. on Public
- Bayne, Peter
- Bazalgette, Leon
- Lettres Américaines, 1909, Dec.
- Walt Whitman and Emerson, 1910, Mar.
- Walt Whitman, 1908, Nov.
- Bazalgette memorial number- Europe, 1929, June
- Beardshear, W. M.
BOX 144 |
Beaver, Joseph-Bowers, Fredson |
(20 folders) |
Digital content available
- Beaver, Joseph
- Beerbohm, Max
- Beers, Henry A.
- Bell, Ralcy Husted
- Leaves of Grass, 1899, Sept. 9
- Whitman Number, 1896, Nov.
- Benson, Eugene
- Bicknell, Percy F.
- Binns, H. B.
- Black, G. D.
- Black, George D.
- Blodgett, Harold W.
- "A Poet's Hero," 1962
- "Solitary Singer," 1955, Nov.
- Teaching "Song of Myself," 1961
- Variorium "Leaves of Grass," 1961, May
- "Whitman and Buchanan," 1930, May
- Who Listens to Whitman Today?, 1966, Mar.
- Born, Helena
- Poetry of Social Revolt, 1902, Sept. 20
- Whitman's Ideal Democracy, 1899
- Boughton, Willis
- Bowers, Fredson
BOX 145 |
Boyer, Charles S.-Brossa, Jaime |
(15 folders) |
Digital content available
- Boyer, Charles S.
- Boynton, H. W.
- Boynton, Percy H.
- Walt Whitman, 1919, May 31
- Whitman's Idea of the State, 1916, June 10
- Bracker, Jon
- Bradford, Gamaliel
- Bradley, Sculley
- Review-"W. W.'s Concept of Common Man," 1956, May
- As I Remember it, 1956
- Friend of Walt Whitman, 1933, Mar.
- W. W. : Poet of the Present War, 1942, Oct.
- Bradsher, Earl L.
- Bragman, Louis J.
- Bradeis University Bulletin
- Bromer, Edward S.
- Brossa, Jaime
BOX 146 |
Brown, Henry Harrison-Buehrer, Edwin T. |
(18 folders) |
Digital content available
- Brown, Henry Harrison
- Bruere, R. W.
- Bruno, Guido
- New Facts about Whitman, 1919, May
- W. W., 1919, May
- Bubble & Squeak, Lotus
- Buchanan, Robert
- Walt Whitman, 1867, Nov.
- W. W., -Great Thoughts, 1892, Apr. 16
- Walt Whitman, 1876, June
- Burke, Richard M.
- "Cosmic Consciousness," 1894
- "Illumination of Walt Whitman," undated
- Portraits of Walt Whitman, 1899, Mar.
"Surgery Among the Insane in Canada," 1898,
- "Twenty-Five Years Ago," 1883, June
See same container,Burke,
Richard M., "Surgery Among the Insane in Canada"
- Walt Whitman, 1889, Jan.
- Walt Whitman: Man & Poet, 1898, June
- Walt Whitman: Man & Poet, 1898, Apr.
- Was Walt Whitman Mad?, 1895, Sept.
- Buehrer, Edwin T.
BOX 147 |
Bullen, Henry Lewis-Campbell, Helen |
(24 folders) |
Digital content available
- Bullen, Henry Lewis
- Burnshaw, Stanley
- Burr, Frank
- Burroughs, John
- Art and Life Once More, 1893, Nov. 16
- The Birds of the Poets, 1873, Sept.
- Boston Criticism of Whitman, 1892, Aug.-Sept.
- Democracy and Literature, 1895, Feb.
- Glance into Walt Whitman, 1893, June
- Nature and the Poets, 1879, Dec.
- Poet of Democracy, 1892, May 7
- Poet of Democracy, 1892, May
- Veneering, 1897, June 1
- Walt Whitman, after Death, 1892, Apr. 9
- Walt Whitman and His Art, 1894, Feb.
- Walt Whitman, 1892, Apr. 3
- Walt Whitman and His "Drum Taps," 1866, Dec.
- Butcher, A. V.
- "By the Way," Outlook
- P. A. C.
- Lowells's & Whitman's Columbus, 1895, Apr.
- Short Reading Course in Whitman, 1894, Dec.
- Whitman's "Prayer of Columbus, " 1895, Mar.
- Calder, Ellen M.
- Calvert, Bruce
- Campbell, Helen
BOX 148 |
Canby, Henry Seidel-Chapman,
John Jay
See also Oversize
(25 folders) |
Digital content available
- Canby, Henry Seidel
- "Who Speaks for New World Democracy?," 1943, Jan. 16
- "Problem Child of American Literature," 1943, Oct. 16
- Cantoni, L. S.
- Cape, Emily P.
- Cargill, Oscar
- Carolus
- Thoughts of Whitman, 1910, June
- Walt Whitman, 1912, June
- Carpenter, Edward
- Art and Democrary, 1896, Oct.
- Nature and Realism in Art, 1897, Sept.
- "Never Again"
- Social Progress, 1885, Feb.
Some Friends of Walt
- Walt Whitman in 1884, 1897, Apr.
- W. W.'s Children, 1902
- Walt Whitman's Children, 1902, Feb.
- Carpenter, George R.
- The Lastest Word on Whitman, 1909, July
- Three Whitman Books, 1905
- Whitman the Prophet
- Catel, Jean
- "Causeries du Vendredi"
- No 1, Walt Whitman and Shelley, 1892, May 13
- No. 3, Whitman and Keats, 1892, May 27
- No. 7, Walt Whitman, 1892, Nov.
Century War Book
See Oversize
- "Chanter of Personality"
- Chapman, John Jay
BOX 149 |
Chari, V. K.-Collins, Churton |
(19 folders) |
Digital content available
- Chari, V. K.
- Chase, Richard
- Chatman, Vernon V., III
- Cheney, J. V.
- Chesterton, G. K.
- The Eclipse of Sentiment, 1905, Dec.
- Is He the Greatest Man America has Produced
- Christ, Ronald
- Chronicle & Comment, Bookman
- Ciardi, John
- Free and Lonesom Heart by Emory Holloway, 1960, June
- Whitman's "Blue Book," 1968, May 18
- Clark, G. P.
- Coad, O. R.
- Cobb, R. P .
- Coberly, J. H.
- Cobourn, Alice
- Coffman, S. K., Jr.,
- Coleman, Rufus A.
- Further Remiscences of W. W., 1948
- Trowbridge and Whitman, 1948, Mar.
- Collins, Churton
BOX 150 |
Committee to Save the Walt Whitman
Building-Crowley, Aleister |
(27 folders) |
Digital content available
- Committee to Save the Walt Whitman Building
- Contemporary Club
- "Contrasting Opinions of Walt Whitman," Current Literature
- Converse, F. S.
- Cook, Clarence
- Cook, H. W.
- Cooke, Alice L.
- Cooper, Reuben
- Coq, I. N.
- Coronet Films
- Costelloe, Mary Whitall
- Cournos, John
- Cowley, Malcolm
- Twelve Poems of W. W., 1955, July 25
- W. W.'s Buried Masterpiece, 1959, Oct. 31
- Whitman & the Beatniks, 1959, Oct. 26
- Coyue, James
See Container 146,Bucke, Richard
Maurice, "Surgery Among the Insane in Canada"
- Craig, Gordon
- Crawford, N. A.
- 1887, Nov. 26
- 1890, Apr. 26
- 1890, June 7
- 1891, Dec. 5
- Crockett, S. R.
- Cronyn, G. W.
- Crosby, Margaret
- Crosland, T. W. H.
- Crowley, Aleister
BOX 151 |
Cullimore, Phil-Eccles,
Caroline A.
See also Oversize
(28 folders) |
Digital content available
- Cullimore, Phil
- Cunningham, Clarence
- Dalmas, Philip
- Darrow, Clarence
- Daskam, J. D.
- Davenport, W. E.
- Davidson, Jo
- Davis, Charles T.
- Davis, Rebecca H.
- Deacon, William A.
- "Death of W. W.," Illustrated News of the
See Oversize
- Dearfield Summer School of History and Romance
- De Casseres, Benj
- Dell, Floyd
- Dello Joio, Norman
- Deutsche Presse
- Dickinson, G. Lowes
- Walt Whitman, Dictator
- "Distinguished People," Leisure Hour
Library (publication)
- Doctoroff, John
- Drier, T.
- Drinkwater, John
- Duff, Ulysses F.
- Durant, W. J.
- Eastman, May
- Ebbets, B. T.
- Eberhart, Richard
- Eccles, Caroline A.
BOX 152 |
Edelman, Chaim-Finkel, William L. |
(24 folders) |
Digital content available
- Edelman, Chaim
- Edwards, Ward H.
- Ells, Fred C.
- Ellis, Mrs. Havelock
- Ely, C. B.
- Review-"Emerson and Whitman," Harpers
- Ende, Amelia Von
- "An English Churchman's Appreciation of Walt Whitman," Literary Digest
- Erskine, John
- "Fac-Simile Autobiography of W. W.," Book
- Faner, R. D.
- Farnsworth, Edw. C.
- Fawcett, J. W.
- Feinberg, Charles E.
- "Adventures in Book Collecting," 1962
- The Million and First Book, 1963, May 30
- "Percy Ives, Detroit and Walt Whitman," 1960, Feb.
- Walt Whitman and His Doctors, 1964, Dec.
- Walt Whitman, Spokeman for America, 1961
- "A Whitman Collector Destroys a Whitman Myth," 1958
- "Feminine Soul" in Whitman, Current
- Ferm, Elisabeth B.
- Fielding, Edith
- Finkel, William L.
- Sources of Whitman's Manuscript Notes on Physique, 1950,
- Walt Whitman's Manuscript Notes on Oratory, 1950, Mar.
BOX 153 |
Fletcher, Edward G.-Gilchrist, Grace |
(15 folders) |
Digital content available
- Fletcher, Edward G.
- Flewellyn, Julia C.
- Flint, R. W.
- Freedman, F. B.
- Fukuda, R.
- Fulghum, Jr., W. B.
- Furness, C. J.
- "Walt Whitman and Music," 1937, Nov.
- Walt Whitman Looks at Boston, 1928, July
- Walt Whitman's Estimate of Shakespeare, 1932
- Fussell, Edwin
- "A Futurist of the Sixties," The Living
- Garrison, William H.
- Gilchrist, Anne
- Gilchrist, Grace
- Chats with Walt Whitman, 1898, Apr.
- Chats with Walt Whitman, 1898, Feb.
BOX 154 |
Gilder, Jeannette L.-Goodale, Dora Read |
(17 folders) |
Digital content available
- Gilder, Jeannette L.
- Gilman, Nicholas P.
- Clicksberg, Charles I.
- W. W. in 1862, 1934, Nov.
- W. W. Parody, 1935, Jan.
- Whitman Discovery, 1935
- Gohdes, Clarence
- Secton 50 of Whitman's "Song of Myself," 1960, Dec.
- Whitman and the Good Old Cause, 1962, Nov.
- Golden, Arthur
- New Light on the Leaves of Grass: Whitman's Annotated Copy of
the 1860 (Third) Edition,
- Note on a Whitman Hologram Poem, 1961, July
- Recovered Whitman Poem, 1965
- An Uncollected Whitman Article, 1960, July
- Golden, Harry L.
- "Good, Gray Poet's Last Verses," Once A
- "Good Things in W. W.," Atlantic
- Goodale, David
- Some of Walt Whitman's Borrowing, 1938, May
- Walt Whitman's "Banner at Day-Break," 1860, 1962, Nov.
- Goodale, Dora Read
BOX 155 |
Gosse, Edmund-Hartmann, C. Sadakichi |
(23 folders) |
Digital content available
- Gosse, Edmund
- Note on Walt Whitman Littell's Living Age, 1894, May
- Note on Walt Whitman, 1894, Apr.
- Walt Whitman, 1902
- Whitman Centenary, 1919, July 5
- Gordon, Simon
- Gould, Elizabeth P.
- Anne Gilchrist and Walt Whitman, 1900, Dec.
- Woman's Opinion of Whitman, 1900
- Grant, Douglas
- Grant, Rena V.
- Greene, H. C.
- Greenland, Cyril
- Gridley, C. Oscar
- Grier, E. F.
- Griffin, Robert J.
- Guilbeaux, Henri
- Halsey, John J.
- Handy, M. D.
- Harned, Thomas B.
- Harris, Frank
- Harris, L. H.
- Harris, Roy
- Harte, Walter B.
- Hartmann, Sadakichi
BOX 156 |
Harvey, George-Hollis, C. Carroll |
(27 folders) |
Digital content available
- Harvey, George
- Hatten, Joseph
- Hawley, Mary E.
- Hayes, J. R.
- Hayes, Will
- Heartman, C. F.
- Hendrick, George
- Unpublished Notes on Whitman in William Sloan Kennedy's
Diary, 1962, May
- W. W. & Sadakichi Hartman, 1958
- Henri, Robert
- Henry, Alice
- Henry, H. T.
- Hervey, John L.
- Frederick, Hier P., Jr.
- Re W. W. - The End of a Literary Mystery, 1924, Apr.
- Photo-Bibliography of W. W. Leaves of Grass, 1920
- Whitman Collection, 1960
- Hiett, Helen
- Hill, J. A.
- Hindemith, Paul
- "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd," 1960, Mar.
- Music based on W. W., 1959, Oct.
- Hindus, Milton
- Hinton, Richard
- Hoeltje, H. H.
- Hollis, C. Carroll
- Names in the Leaves of Grass, 1957, Sept.
- R. J. Hinton, 1961
- Whitman & the American Idiom, 1957, Dec.
- Whitman and William Swinton, 1959, Jan.
- Whitman on Periphrastic Literature, 1960
BOX 157 |
Holloway, Emory |
(11 folders) |
Digital content available
- Holloway, Emory
- Childhood Traits in Whitman, 1922, Feb.
- Free and Lonesome Heart, 1960, June 25
- Long, Walt Whitman and the Springs of Courage, 1939,
- More Light on Whitman, 1924, Feb.
- More Temperance Tales by Whitman, 1959, Jan.
- Morris, Wlat Whitman, 1930, May
- Some Recently Discovered Poems of Walt Whitman, 1916, Apt.
- Review- W. W.- Fausset, 1942, Nov.
- Walt Whitman Exhibition, 1925
- Walt Whitman in New Orleans, 1915, Oct.
- W.W. of N. Y. Aurora, 1951, Jan.
BOX 158 |
Holloway, Emory-Hubach, Robert R. |
(13 folders) |
Digital content available
- Holloway, Emory
- Walt Whitman's Love Affairs, 1920, Nov.
- Whitman as Critic in America, 1923, July
- Whitman Pursued, 1955, Mar.
- Whitman's Embryonic Verse, 1925, July
- Whitman's 'Last Words,' 1952, Nov.
- Holmes, O. W.
- Howatt, Maude O.
- Howe, M. A. De Wolfe
- Spell of Whitman, 1906, Dec.
- Walt Whitman, 1898, Jan.
- Howells, W. D.
- Hubach, Robert. R.
- Three Uncollected St. Louis Interviews of W. W., 1942,
- W. W. and Talicssin, 1947, Jan.
- Walt Whitman Visits St. Louis, 1879, 1943 July
Next Page » |