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Sigmund Freud papers, circa 6th century BCE-1998 CE

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Supplemental File, 1765-1998 (continued)
Subject File, 1765-1998 (continued)
Teil I: “Chronologisches Verzeichnis”
Teil II: “Verzeichnis der Briefwechsel”
(2 folders)
“Literatur zur Konkordanz der Freud-Briefe,” undated
“Register zu den Registern von Freud-Literatur,” 1980
(3 folders)
BOX 56 (1 folder)
Transcripts of patient case files, undated
Fichtner, Gerhard, and Albrecht Hirschmüller, “Freud's 'Katherina': Hintergrund, Entstehungsgeschichte und Bedeutung einer frühen psychoanalytischen Krankengeschichte,” 1984
Fliess, Wilhelm
Bonaparte, Marie, Princess, notes on Freud-Fliess correspondence, 1937
Pfennig, Richard, Wilhelm Fliess und seine Nachentdecker, 1906
Transcripts of Freud letters for Sigmund Freud, Aus den Anfängen der Psychoanalyse. Abhandlungen und Notizen aus den Jahren 1887-1902 edited by Princess Marie Bonaparte, Anna Freud, and Ernst Kris, 1950
(4 folders)
BOX 57 (6 folders)
Fodor, Nancy, “Freud and the Poltergeist,” 1956
“Four Famous Cases: Bibliographies to Four of Freud's Cases: Dora, the Rat Man, Little Hans, and Wolf-Man,” 1968
Freud, Sigmund
Bibliographies, 1962-1965
Case histories, bibliography, 1968
Exhibit catalogs, 1956 , 1972-1980
BOX 58 Family history, 1765 , 1877-1968 , undated See also Oversize
Lecture and student lists, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, undated
(2 folders)
Letters and publications, auction lists, 1956-1987, undated
(6 folders)
BOX 59 (2 folders)
Freud Museum, London, England, 1975
New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, N.Y., 1957, undated
Medical history
Case history by Max Schur, undated
Correspondence between Ernest Jones, Max Schur, and Anna Freud, 1954-1956 , 1964 , undated
Transcripts of documents from Hans Pichler, Max Schur, and others, 1923-1949
Museum, Vienna, Austria, catalog, 1975
Publications, lists of titles, dates, editions, and printings, undated
Friedemann, Adolf, “Was Weiss Man von der Seele? Sigmund Freud, ein Porträt,” 1967
Gedo, John E., and Ernest Wolf, “The 'Ich' Letters,” 1970
German psychoanalytic institutes, miscellaneous printed matter, 1930 , 1953-1954 , undated
Gicklhorn, Josef
Freud's work at the Kinder-Krankeninstitut, Vienna, Austria, undated
“Wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Notizen zu den Studien von S. Syrski (1874) und S. Freud (1877) über männliche Flussale,” undated
Gicklhorn, Josef and Renée
Correspondence with Suzanne Cassirer Bernfeld, K. R. Eissler, and others concerning Freud research, 1951-1965, undated
(2 folders)
Fragmentary research file, undated
Miscellaneous reports, 1953-1954, undated
Gicklhorn, Renée, writings on Freud's childhood, 1967 , 1976 , undated
BOX 60 Goldhammer, Leo, “Theodor Herzl und Siegmund Freud,” undated
Goldman, Steven, “Freuds Briefe an eine Patientin,” undated
Goldschmidt, Lucien, evaluation and explanation of Freud's Allgemeines Krankenhaus case files, undated
Gomperz, Heinrich, “Freuds Bedeutung für die Geisteswissenschaften,” 1931
Graphological analysis of Freud's handwriting by Dr. [?] Sendak, 1930
Greenwald, M., “Meetings with Sigmund Freud,” 1941
Grimm, Otto, correspondence with Leslie Adams concerning Freud research, 1951-1953
“The Growth of the Psycho-Analytic Movement,” map and chart, undated See Oversize
Hall, G. Stanley, register of papers at Clark University and list of Freud correspondence, undated
Hartel, Wilhelm August, Ritter von, to Theodor Gomperz concerning Freud, 1911
Hesse, Hermann, miscellaneous writings, undated
Hinterberger, Heinrich, catalog and circular of books and pamphlets, undated
Hirschmüller, Albrecht, “Eine bisher unbekannte Krankengeschichte Sigmund Freuds und Josef Breuers aus der Entstehungszeit der 'Studien über Hysterie,'” undated
Hirst, Albert, “Analysed and Reeducated by Freud Himself,” undated
Hitschmann, Eduard, autobiographical notes with references to Freud, undated
Hoffmann, Paul, program and publicity for his dramatic readings of Freud's writings, 1976 See also Oversize
Hôtel du Brésil, Paris, France, photographs, undated
Imago Publishing Co., circular for Band 16 of Freud's Gesammelte Schiften, undated
Institute of Psycho-analysis, London, England, announcement regarding a proposed English edition of Freud's writings, undated
International Psycho-Analytical Association, Rundbriefe, 1921-1933
(3 folders)
Internationalen Psychoanalytischen Kongress, programs, 1927-1939
Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1929-1937, undated
BOX 61 Jelliffe, Smith Ely, and W. A. White, inventory of letters from Freud compiled by Arcangelo D'Amore, 1977
Jewish National and University Library, Jerusalem, Israel, list of Freud letters, undated
Jung, C. G.
Chronology of relationship with Freud compiled by Wolfgang Saurlander, undated
Correspondence concerning publication of letters between Jung and Freud, 1960-1963
Karpas, Jules L., letter regarding Morris Jacob Karpas, 1991
Karpe, Richard, “The Rescue Complex in Anna O's Final Identity,” 1959
Kastler, A., “Une lettre de Sigmund Freud à Albert Einstein sur le thème: Pourquoi la Guerre?” undated
Kempf, Edward J., account of interview with Freud, 1923 , 1949
Kiel, Norman
Clippings re Freud, 1988-1990, undated
(2 folders)
Reviews of Freud's work
Index, undated
Autobiography, 1925-1936
The Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud, by A. A. Brill, 1938
Beyond the Pleasure Principle, 1923-1925 , 1951
Bruch Stück einer Hysterie-Analyse, 1906-1909
Civilization and Its Discontents, 1925-1932
Collected works, various editions, 1906-1914 , 1920-1967
(2 folders)
Delusion and Dream, 1907 , 1917-1922 , 1971
The Ego and the Id, 1924-1927
The Future of an Illusion, 1928-1929
A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis, 1920-1921
BOX 62 Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego, 1922-1926 , 1974
History of an Infantile Neurosis, 1928 , 1971-1972
History of the Psychoanalytic Movement, 1923
Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety, 1926-1929 , 1937-1940
Interpretation of Dreams, 1899-1930 , 1954-1956 , 1974
(4 folders)
Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis, 1923 , 1967 , 1978
Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious, 1905-1928 , 1961-1969
Leonardo da Vinci, A Psychosexual Study of an Infantile Reminiscence, 1910-1925 , 1947 , 1966
BOX 63 Letters between Freud and others, various editions, 1954-1985, undated
(2 folders)
Miscellaneous short writings, 1893-1933 , 1954-1959 , 1974
(2 folders)
Moses and Monotheism, 1939-1940
New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis, 1933-1935
On Aphasia, 1954-1959
On Dreams, 1899-1914 , 1952-1954
(2 folders)
On Psychoanalysis, 1911-1912 , 1977
An Outline of Psychoanalysis, 1949-1950
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, 1904-1918
The Question of Lay Analysis, 1927-1928 , 1948-1952
Reflections on War and Death, 1918-1921 , 1933-1955
BOX 64 Studies on Hysteria, 1895-1899 , 1933 , 1958-1959 , 1972
Thomas Woodrow Wilson: A Psychological Study, 1967-1969
Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality, 1905-1915 , 1921 , 1950 , 1963-1964
Totem and Taboo, 1912-1920 , 1952
Knoepfmacher, Hugo
“Sigmund Freud and the B'nai B'rith,” undated
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