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Sigmund Freud papers, circa 6th century BCE-1998 CE

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Additions, 1912-1977 (continued)
Letters, 1927-1939 (continued)
Digital content available
Writings filed with correspondence, circa 1939
Digital content available
BOX 136 Supplemental file
Centenary of Freud's birth, exhibit material, circa 1956
Captions and credits
(3 folders)
Lists and notes
Bernays and Freud families See Oversize
People identified and unidentified See Oversize
Portraits of Freud
Paintings, drawings, cartoons, busts, statues, and medals See Oversize
Photographs See Oversize
Residences and other places associated with Freud See Oversize
Writings and documents by or about Freud See Oversize
Wall text and captions See also Oversize
Career and training
(5 folders)
BOX 137 Honors and tributes
(2 folders)
Klumpner, George H., index to the works of Freud, 1970
Nunberg, Herman and Margarete
English translations and transcripts of Freud correspondence
Andreas-Salomé, Lou, 1912
Bonaparte, Marie, Princess
English translations, 1926-1932
Transcripts, probably made by Bonaparte, 1926-1933
Freud to the Nunbergs, 1919 , 1939, undated
Laforgue, René, 1923-1937
Unidentified Freud letters, 1919 , 1937-1938
Photographs, 1939 , 1948 , 1970s
Printed matter, 1962-1977, undated
“Rat man” case history, undated
Recollections by Margarete Nunberg, fragment, undated
BOX 138 2019 addition
General correspondence
Federn, Paul, 1913
Digital content available
Hartmann, Heinz, originals, 1927-1939
Digital content available
BOX VA 1-VA 3 Artifacts and Painting, circa 6th century BCE-1936 CE
Pocket watch, a small Greek statue, and an oil portrait painting of Freud.
BOX VA 1 Pocket watch, undated
Digital content available
BOX VA 2 Small Greek statue, circa 6th century - 1st century BCE
Digital content available
BOX VA 3 Oil portrait painting of Freud, 1936
Digital content available
BOX X 1-X 2 Closed, 1952-1956
Arranged and described according to the series, containers, and folders from which the items were removed.
BOX X 1 Interviews and Recollections
Interviews (Container 112-119)
Freud, Ernestine Drucker, 1953 Closed until 2053
(3 folders)
Heller, Judith Bernays, 1953 Closed until 2057
(3 folders)
BOX X 2 Weiss, Edoardo, 1952 Closed until 2057
Identity withheld
Interviewee A, 1956 Closed until 2038
Interviewee B, 1953 Closed until 2057
BOX OV 1-OV 20 Oversize, 1859-1985
Writings, university and military records, legal documents, correspondence, patient case files, notes, exhibit material, newspaper clippings, family tree, sketch, photograph, and map and chart.
Arranged and described according to the series, containers, and folders from which the items were removed.
BOX OV 1 Family Papers
Subject File
Freud, Amalia and Jacob
Miscellaneous legal documents, including Freud family birth and death data, 1859 (Container 13)
Digital content available
Freud, Josef, documents regarding conviction for counterfeiting rubles, 1865-1866 (Container 14)
Digital content available
General Correspondence
Fliess, Wilhelm, 1896-1897 (Container 26)
Digital content available
Jung, C. G.
From Freud
Originals, 1907 (Container 32)
Digital content available
Subject File
Allgemeines Krankenhaus, Vienna, Austria, patient case files
Set A, 1881-1883 (Container 45)
Digital content available
Set B, 1881-1883 (Container 45)
Digital content available
Military records
Originals, 1886-1887 (Container 49)
Digital content available
Photocopies, 1885-1888 (Container 49)
Digital content available
Newspaper and magazine clippings
Photocopies and originals, 1932 (Container 49)
Digital content available
Notes, undated (Container 50A)
Digital content available
University records
As student, 1873 (Container 50A)
Digital content available
Certificate of classes taken, 1879 (Container 50A)
Digital content available
BOX OV 2 REEL 1 Writings* (Container 50A)
Microfilm shelf no. 21,186
*Titles are cited as they appear on the manuscripts, with brackets denoting either a differing published title from that on the manuscript or a descriptive summary of material which remained untitled and/or unpublished. Dates bracketed after a title indicate the probable year a manuscript was written.
“Beobachtungen über Gestaltung und feineren Bau der als Hoden beschriebenen Lappenorgane des Aals” [b]**, photocopy of printed publication
**Bracketed letters in lower case after an entry refer to the code used by James Strachey in Indexes and Bibliographies, volume 24 of The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud (London: Hogarth Press and Institute of Psycho-analysis, 1974) and, for works published after 1974, by Ingeborg Meyer-Palmedo and Gerhard Fichtner, Freud-Bibliographie mit Werkkonkordanz (Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer Verlag, 1989). The letter designations were established in these bibliographic guides for ordering purposes and do not necessarily reflect the sequence in which the manuscripts were written or published within a given year.
Digital content available
not filmed circa 1882
“Verzeichnis der Briefe und Liebeszeichen die Ich von meiner theuren Martha erhalten habe,” holograph manuscript
Digital content available
not filmed 1883-1886
“Unsere Geheim-Chronik begonnen am 25 Jan. 83,” holograph chronicle with alternating entries by Sigmund Freud and Martha Bernays on various dates in 1883, 1884, and 1886
Digital content not yet available
“Die Struktur der Elemente des Nervensystems” [1882] [f], photocopy of printed publication
Digital content available
“Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cocawirkung” [a], offprint inscribed by Freud to Josef Breuer
Digital content available
“Ein Fall von Muskelatrophie mit ausgebreiteten Sensibilitätsstörungen (Syringomyelie)” [c], offprint inscribed by Freud to Josef Breuer
Digital content available
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