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Oversize, 1859-1985 (continued) | |||||||||||||
As student, 1873 (Container 50A) | |||||||||||||
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Certificate of classes taken, 1879 (Container 50A) | |||||||||||||
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BOX OV 2 REEL 1 | Writings* (Container 50A) | ||||||||||||
Microfilm shelf no. 21,186
*Titles are cited as they appear on the manuscripts, with brackets denoting either a differing published title from that on the manuscript or a descriptive summary of material which remained untitled and/or unpublished. Dates bracketed after a title indicate the probable year a manuscript was written. |
1877 | |||||||||||||
“Beobachtungen über Gestaltung und feineren Bau der als Hoden beschriebenen Lappenorgane des Aals” [b]**, photocopy of printed publication | |||||||||||||
**Bracketed letters in lower case after an entry refer to the code used by James Strachey in Indexes and Bibliographies, volume 24 of The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud (London: Hogarth Press and Institute of Psycho-analysis, 1974) and, for works published after 1974, by Ingeborg Meyer-Palmedo and Gerhard Fichtner, Freud-Bibliographie mit Werkkonkordanz (Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer Verlag, 1989). The letter designations were established in these bibliographic guides for ordering purposes and do not necessarily reflect the sequence in which the manuscripts were written or published within a given year. | |||||||||||||
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not filmed | circa 1882 | ||||||||||||
“Verzeichnis der Briefe und Liebeszeichen die Ich von meiner theuren Martha erhalten habe,” holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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not filmed | 1883-1886 | ||||||||||||
“Unsere Geheim-Chronik begonnen am 25 Jan. 83,” holograph chronicle with alternating entries by Sigmund Freud and Martha Bernays on various dates in 1883, 1884, and 1886 | |||||||||||||
Digital content not yet available | |||||||||||||
1884 | |||||||||||||
“Die Struktur der Elemente des Nervensystems” [1882] [f], photocopy of printed publication | |||||||||||||
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1885 | |||||||||||||
“Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cocawirkung” [a], offprint inscribed by Freud to Josef Breuer | |||||||||||||
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“Ein Fall von Muskelatrophie mit ausgebreiteten Sensibilitätsstörungen (Syringomyelie)” [c], offprint inscribed by Freud to Josef Breuer | |||||||||||||
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1886 | |||||||||||||
“Beobachtung einer hochgradigen Hemianästhesie bei einem hysterischen Manne (Beiträge zur Kasuistik der Hysterie I),” with published response by Leopold Königstein [d] | |||||||||||||
Negative photocopy of printed publication | |||||||||||||
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Offprint | |||||||||||||
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Offprint inscribed by Freud to Josef Breuer, printed publication and photocopy of same | |||||||||||||
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1887 | |||||||||||||
“Kritische Einleitung in die Nervenpathologie,” photocopy of holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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1892 | |||||||||||||
“Probleme” [Draft A],* holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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*Draft writings identified partially with a bracketed alphabetical designation from “A” to “N” refer to early Freud manuscripts as described and published in The Complete Letters of Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess, 1887-1904 (Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1985), translated and edited by J. Moussaieff Masson. | |||||||||||||
1892-1894 | |||||||||||||
[Translation of lectures by J. M. Charcot], holograph manuscripts described as Lecture I, pp. 12-13 (sheets 15-16), Lecture XVII, pp. 195-201 (sheets 11-22), and Lecture XVIII, pp. 202-208 (sheets 1-11) | |||||||||||||
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1893 | |||||||||||||
“Die Aetiologie der Neurosen” [Draft B], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“Etwas Motivenbericht” [Draft C], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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circa 1893 | |||||||||||||
[Ten points on the origin of hysterical manifestations], holograph manuscript with photocopy | |||||||||||||
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1894 | |||||||||||||
“Zur Aetiologie und Theorie der grossen Neurosen” [Draft D], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“Wie die Angst entsteht” [Draft E], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“Sammlung III” [Draft F], photocopy of holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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[Notes on a manuscript by Wilhelm Fliess], photocopy of holograph manuscript and typed transcript | |||||||||||||
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1895 | |||||||||||||
“Melancholie” [Draft G], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“Paranoia” [Draft H], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“Migraine feste Punkte” [Draft I], photocopy of holograph manuscript (2 copies) | |||||||||||||
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“Frau Regine Kunn 27 J[ahre]” [Draft J], redacted photocopy of holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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1896 | |||||||||||||
“ Die Abwehrneurosen (Weihnachtsmärchen)” [Draft K], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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1897 | |||||||||||||
[Draft L], with letter to Wilhelm Fliess, 1897, May 2, holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“Architektur der Hysterie” [Draft M], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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[Draft N], with letter to Wilhelm Fliess, 1897, May 31, holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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1897-1898 | |||||||||||||
[Collection of notes on various subjects, beginning “Aus älteren Aufzeichnungen von 1897 an”], holograph manuscripts with photocopies and typewritten transcriptions | |||||||||||||
I-A | |||||||||||||
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II-A | |||||||||||||
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III-A | |||||||||||||
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1898 , "Die Sexualität in der Aetiologie der Neurosen," Wiener Klinische Rundschau, printed publication | |||||||||||||
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1901 | |||||||||||||
[“Zur Psychopathologie des Alltagslebens”] [b] | |||||||||||||
[“III: Vergessen vom Namen und Wortfolgen”], holograph manuscript (numbered 1-10 with an additional page) with photocopy | |||||||||||||
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[IV: “Über Kindheits- und Deckerinnerungen”], holograph manuscript (numbered 1-5) with photocopy | |||||||||||||
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1904-1905 | |||||||||||||
[Notes on diverse subjects, including on the psychology of human love], holograph manuscript with photocopy | |||||||||||||
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1906 | |||||||||||||
“Professor Sigmund Freud” [“Antwort auf eine Rundfrage”] [f], photocopy of printed publication | |||||||||||||
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1907 | |||||||||||||
“Der Wahn und die Träume in W. Jensen's 'Gradiva'” [a], photocopies from 1907 and 1908 published editions and transcript of “Anzeige” from 1907 edition | |||||||||||||
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“Zur sexuellen Aufklärung der Kinder” [c], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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1908 | |||||||||||||
“Charakter und Analerotik” [b], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“Über infantile Sexualtheorien” [c], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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BOX OV 3 REEL 1 | “Die 'kulturelle' Sexualmoral and die moderne Nervosität” [d], holograph manuscript | ||||||||||||
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1909 | |||||||||||||
“Allgemeines über den hysterischen Anfall” [a] [1908], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“Bemerkungen über einen Fall von Zwangsneurose” [d] [Rat Man], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
Folder 1, pp. 1-40 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 2, pp. 41-77 | |||||||||||||
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not filmed | “Reisejournal, [Aug. 21-24]” holograph manuscript and partial transcript | ||||||||||||
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1909-1910 | |||||||||||||
[Notes on dreams and dream symbols with first page titled “3 Sammelbögen,” 1909, Apr. 20], holograph manuscripts with photocopies | |||||||||||||
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