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Sigmund Freud papers, circa 6th century BCE-1998 CE

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Oversize, 1859-1985 (continued)
“Ideen u[nd] Entdeckungen,” holograph manuscript with photocopy
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BOX OV 4 REEL 2 1912-1913
“Über einige Übereinstimmungen im Seelenleben der Wilden und der Neurotiker” [“Totem und Tabu”] [a]
[Miscellaneous manuscripts], holograph manuscripts with photocopies
Digital content available
“II: Das Tabu und die Ambivalenz der Gefühlsregungen,” photocopy of holograph manuscript
Folder 1, pp. 22-38
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Folder 2, pp. 39-55
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Folder 3, pp. 56-71
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“III: Animismus, Magie und Allmacht der Gedanken,” holograph manuscript
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“IV: Die infantile Wiederkehr des Totemismus,” holograph manuscript
Folder 1, pp. 1-32
Digital content available
Folder 2, pp. 33-77
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[Bibliographic notes], holograph manuscripts with photocopies
Folder 1
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Folder 2
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“Ein Traum als Beweismittel” [a], holograph manuscript
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“Weitere Ratschläge zur Technik der Psychoanalyse: I, Zur Einleitung der Behandlung” [c], holograph manuscript
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“Das Motiv der Kästchenwahl” [f], holograph manuscript
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“Zwei Kinderlügen” [g], holograph manuscript
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“Die Disposition zur Zwangsneurose” [i], holograph manuscript
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“Über fausse reconnaissance ('déjà raconté') während der psychoanalytischen Arbeit” [a], holograph manuscript
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“Der Moses des Michelangelo” [b], holograph manuscript with ink sketch of Michelangelo's “Moses”
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“Zur Einführung des Narzissmus” [c], holograph manuscript
Digital content available
“Zur Psychologie des Gymnasiasten” [f], photocopy of printed publication
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“Zur Geschichte der psychoanalytischen Bewegung” [d], holograph manuscript
Folder 1, pp. 1-36
Digital content available
Folder 1, pp. 37-71
Digital content available
BOX OV 5 REEL 2 “Weitere Ratschläge zur Technik der Psychoanalyse: II, Erinnern, Wiederholen und Durcharbeiten” [g], holograph manuscript
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[Various notes on “Macbeth,” 1914, July ], holograph manuscripts with photocopies
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“Bemerkungen über die Übertragungsliebe” [“Weitere Ratschläge zur Technik der Psychoanalyse: III”] [a], holograph manuscript
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“Zeitgemässes über Krieg und Tod” [b], holograph manuscript
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“Triebe und Triebschicksale” [c], holograph manuscript
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“Die Verdrängung” [d], holograph manuscript
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“Das Unbewusste” [e], holograph manuscript
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“Mitteilung eines der psychoanalytischen Theorie widersprechenden Falles von Paranoia” [f], holograph manuscript
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part. filmed [Letter to Dr. F. van Eeden] [ 1914 ] [g], corrected and signed typewritten proof and photocopy of holograph manuscript
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“Wir und der Tod” [ 1915, Feb. 7 ] [i], holograph manuscript with photocopy
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not filmed [Letter dated 1915, Feb. 7 , on melancholia], holograph manuscript
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not filmed [1915], "Traum vom 8/9 Juli Dr/Fr 3/4 2 beim Erwachen," holograph manuscript with typed transcript
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“Mythologische Parallele zu einer plastischen Zwangsvorstellung” [b], holograph manuscript
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“Eine Beziehung zwischen einem Symbol und einem Symptom” [c], holograph manuscript
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BOX OV 6 REEL 3 “Einige Charaktertypen aus der psychoanalytischen Arbeit” [d], holograph manuscript
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“Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse” [a]
[“I Teil: Die Fehlleistungen (I-IV)”], holograph manuscript
Folder 1, pp. 1-40
Digital content available
Folder 2, pp. 41-72
Digital content available
[“II Teil: Der Traum,” begins “Fünfte Vorlesung”], holograph manuscript
Folder 1, pp. 1-34
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Folder 2, pp. 35-72
Digital content available
Folder 3, pp. 73-108
Digital content available
Folder 4, pp. 109-140
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Folder 5, pp. 141-174
Digital content available
“Neurosenlehre: I. Psychoanalyse und Psychiatrie” [“Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse: III Teil: Allgemeine Neurosenlehre”], holograph manuscript
Folder 1, pp. 1-28
Digital content available
Folder 2, pp. 29-68
Digital content available
Folder 3, pp. 69-108
Digital content available
Folder 4, pp. 109-140
Digital content available
Folder 5, pp. 141-174
Digital content available
Folder 6, pp. 175-214
Digital content available
Folder 7, pp. 215-251
Digital content available
“Eine Schwierigkeit der Psychoanalyse” [a], holograph manuscript
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“Eine Kindheitserinnerung aus Dichtung und Wahrheit” [b], holograph manuscript
Digital content available
“Über Triebumsetzungen, insbesondere der Analerotik” [c], holograph manuscript
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“Metapsychologische Ergänzung zur Traumlehre” [d], holograph manuscript
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“Trauer und Melancholie” [1915] [e], holograph manuscript
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