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Sigmund Freud papers, circa 6th century BCE-1998 CE

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Oversize, 1859-1985 (continued)
“Die Verneinung” [h], holograph manuscript (continued)
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“Einige psychische Folgen des anatomischen Geschlechtsunterschieds” [j] [ 1926 ], holograph manuscript
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“Karl Abraham” [b], holograph manuscript
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“Hemmung, Symptom und Angst” [1925] [d], holograph manuscript
Folder 1, pp. 1-38
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Folder 2, pp. 39-73
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“Die Frage der Laienanalyse” [e], holograph manuscript
Folder 1, pp. 1-42
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Folder 2, pp. 43-91
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“Psychoanalysis” [“Psycho-Analysis: Freudian School”] [for the thirteenth edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica] [f], holograph manuscript
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“Noten zur Laienalyse” [1926-1927?], holograph manuscript
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“Samuel Butler (1835-1902),” holograph manuscript
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“Nachwort zur Diskussion über 'die Frage der Laienalyse'” [a], holograph manuscript
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“Nachtrag zum vorstehenden Aufsatz” [“Nachtrag zur Arbeit über den Moses des Michelangelo”] [b], holograph manuscript
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“Die Zukunft einer Illusion” [c]
Holograph manuscript
Folder 1, pp. 1-28
Digital content available
Folder 2, pp. 28a-51
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Uncorrected galley proofs
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BOX OV 10 REEL 5 “Der Humor” [d], holograph manuscript
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“Fetischismus” [e], holograph manuscript
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“Fetischismus” and “Der Humor” [d] [e], corrected galley proofs
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“Ernest Jones zum 50. Geburtstag” [a], holograph manuscript
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[On his smoking habit], 1929, Feb. 2, typewritten transcript and negative photocopy of holograph manuscript
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“Kürzeste Chronik,” holograph manuscript
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“Das Unglück in der Kultur” [“Das Unbehagen in der Kultur”] [1929] [a], holograph manuscript (bound) and photocopy of holograph chapter headings
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[“Ansprache im Frankfurter Goethe-Haus”] [e]
Holograph manuscript
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Typewritten transcript
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Clippings of printed version, “Goethe und die Psychoanalyse,” in Neue Freie Presse, 1930, Aug. 29, and “Meine Lebensarbeit” in unidentified serial publication
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“Vorrede zu der Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse,” 1930, Dec., and “Vorrede zu 'Totem und Tabu,'” 1930, Dec., holograph manuscript
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“Über libidinöse Typen” [a], holograph manuscript
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“Über die weibliche Sexualität” [b], holograph manuscript
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“Zur Gewinnung des Feuers” [a], holograph manuscript
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“An die Vorsitzenden der psychoanalytischen Vereinigungen,” Ostern 1932, holograph manuscript
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[Max Eitingon], holograph manuscript
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“Neue Vorlesungen” [“Neue Folge der Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse”] [1932] [a], “Vorrede” (typewritten) and holograph manuscript
Folder 1, “Vorrede” and pp. 1-32
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Folder 2, pp. 33-68
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Folder 3, pp. 69-106
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Folder 4, pp. 107-144
Digital content available
Folder 5, pp. 145-181
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“Sandor Ferenczi” [c], holograph manuscript
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“Nachtrag” [1932?], holograph manuscript
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[Unidentified quotation (for “Neue Vorlesungen XXXI”?)], 1933, Mar. 1, holograph manuscript
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“Nachschrift” [“Nachschrift 1935 zur 'Selbstdarstellung,'” second edition] [a], holograph manuscript
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BOX OV 11 REEL 5 “Die Feinheit einer Fehlhandlung” [b], corrected galley proof
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circa 1935
“Chronologie” [bibliography and lists of foreign translations of Freud's writings], holograph manuscript with photocopy
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[Brief an Romain Rolland]: [“Eine Erinnerungsstörung auf der Akropolis”] [a], holograph manuscript
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“Lou Andreas-Salomé” [a], holograph manuscript and corrected galley proof
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“Die endliche und die unendliche Analyse” [c]
Holograph manuscript
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Typewritten manuscript with corrections in Freud's hand
Folder 1, pp. 1-18
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Folder 2, pp. 19-36
Digital content available
Folder 3, pp. 37-55
Digital content available
Folder 4, pp. 56-73
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Corrected galley proofs
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“Konstruktionen in der Analyse” [d]
Holograph manuscript
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Typewritten manuscript with corrections in Freud's hand
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