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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Oversize, 1859-1985 (continued) | |||||||||||||
“Fetischismus” and “Der Humor” [d] [e], corrected galley proofs | |||||||||||||
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1929 | |||||||||||||
“Ernest Jones zum 50. Geburtstag” [a], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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[On his smoking habit], 1929, Feb. 2, typewritten transcript and negative photocopy of holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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1929-1939 | |||||||||||||
“Kürzeste Chronik,” holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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1930 | |||||||||||||
“Das Unglück in der Kultur” [“Das Unbehagen in der Kultur”] [1929] [a], holograph manuscript (bound) and photocopy of holograph chapter headings | |||||||||||||
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[“Ansprache im Frankfurter Goethe-Haus”] [e] | |||||||||||||
Holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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Typewritten transcript | |||||||||||||
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Clippings of printed version, “Goethe und die Psychoanalyse,” in Neue Freie Presse, 1930, Aug. 29, and “Meine Lebensarbeit” in unidentified serial publication | |||||||||||||
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“Vorrede zu der Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse,” 1930, Dec., and “Vorrede zu 'Totem und Tabu,'” 1930, Dec., holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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1931 | |||||||||||||
“Über libidinöse Typen” [a], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“Über die weibliche Sexualität” [b], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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1932 | |||||||||||||
“Zur Gewinnung des Feuers” [a], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“An die Vorsitzenden der psychoanalytischen Vereinigungen,” Ostern 1932, holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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[Max Eitingon], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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1933 | |||||||||||||
“Neue Vorlesungen” [“Neue Folge der Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse”] [1932] [a], “Vorrede” (typewritten) and holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
Folder 1, “Vorrede” and pp. 1-32 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 2, pp. 33-68 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 3, pp. 69-106 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 4, pp. 107-144 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 5, pp. 145-181 | |||||||||||||
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1934 | |||||||||||||
“Sandor Ferenczi” [c], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“Nachtrag” [1932?], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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[Unidentified quotation (for “Neue Vorlesungen XXXI”?)], 1933, Mar. 1, holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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1935 | |||||||||||||
“Nachschrift” [“Nachschrift 1935 zur 'Selbstdarstellung,'” second edition] [a], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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BOX OV 11 REEL 5 | “Die Feinheit einer Fehlhandlung” [b], corrected galley proof | ||||||||||||
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circa 1935 | |||||||||||||
“Chronologie” [bibliography and lists of foreign translations of Freud's writings], holograph manuscript with photocopy | |||||||||||||
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1936 | |||||||||||||
[Brief an Romain Rolland]: [“Eine Erinnerungsstörung auf der Akropolis”] [a], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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1937 | |||||||||||||
“Lou Andreas-Salomé” [a], holograph manuscript and corrected galley proof | |||||||||||||
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“Die endliche und die unendliche Analyse” [c] | |||||||||||||
Holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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Typewritten manuscript with corrections in Freud's hand | |||||||||||||
Folder 1, pp. 1-18 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 2, pp. 19-36 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 3, pp. 37-55 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 4, pp. 56-73 | |||||||||||||
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Corrected galley proofs | |||||||||||||
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“Konstruktionen in der Analyse” [d] | |||||||||||||
Holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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Typewritten manuscript with corrections in Freud's hand | |||||||||||||
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“Wenn Moses ein Ägypter war ...” [e] | |||||||||||||
Holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
Folder 1 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 2 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 3 | |||||||||||||
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Corrected galley proofs | |||||||||||||
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1938 | |||||||||||||
“Ein Wort zum Antisemitismus” [a], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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Letter to the editor of Time and Tide, 1938, Nov. 26 [c], published version | |||||||||||||
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[Statement regarding publication of Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse], typewritten manuscript with corrections in Freud's hand | |||||||||||||
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[Statement read over British Broadcasting Corp., 1938, Dec.], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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BOX OV 12 REEL 5 | 1939 | ||||||||||||
[“Der Mann Moses und die monotheistische Religion”] [1937-1939] [a], “Der Mann Moses, Ein Historischer Roman,” holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
Folder 1, pp. 1-14 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 2, pp. 15-28[j] | |||||||||||||
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“Vorbermerkung I, von dem Marz 1938" [“III: Moses, Sein Volk und die monotheistische Religion”], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
Folder 1, pp. 1-32 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 2, pp. 33-58 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 3, pp. 59-71 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 4, pp. 72-88 | |||||||||||||
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[Translation with Anna Freud of Princess Marie Bonaparte's Topsy, Chow-Chow au Poil d'Or, Paris, 1937, under the title Topsy, der Goldhaarige Chow, Amsterdam] [b], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
Folder 1 | |||||||||||||
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not filmed | Folder 2 | ||||||||||||
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