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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Oversize, 1859-1985 (continued) | |||||||||||||
[Statement read over British Broadcasting Corp., 1938, Dec.], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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BOX OV 12 REEL 5 | 1939 | ||||||||||||
[“Der Mann Moses und die monotheistische Religion”] [1937-1939] [a], “Der Mann Moses, Ein Historischer Roman,” holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
Folder 1, pp. 1-14 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 2, pp. 15-28[j] | |||||||||||||
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“Vorbermerkung I, von dem Marz 1938" [“III: Moses, Sein Volk und die monotheistische Religion”], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
Folder 1, pp. 1-32 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 2, pp. 33-58 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 3, pp. 59-71 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 4, pp. 72-88 | |||||||||||||
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[Translation with Anna Freud of Princess Marie Bonaparte's Topsy, Chow-Chow au Poil d'Or, Paris, 1937, under the title Topsy, der Goldhaarige Chow, Amsterdam] [b], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
Folder 1 | |||||||||||||
Digital content not yet available | |||||||||||||
not filmed | Folder 2 | ||||||||||||
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BOX OV 13 REEL 6 | 1940 | ||||||||||||
“Abriss der Psychoanalyse” [1938] [a], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
Folder 1 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 2 | |||||||||||||
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“Some elementary lessons in Psycho-Analysis” [1938] [b], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“Das Medusenhaupt” [1922] [c], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“Zur Theorie des hysterischen Anfalles von Dr J. Breuer und Dr Sigm. Freud im Wien” [“With Breuer, Jr, 'Zur Theorie des hysterischen Anfalls'”] [1892] [d], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“Die Ichspaltung im Abwehrvorgang” [1938] [e], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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1941 | |||||||||||||
[“Brief an Josef Breuer”], 1892, June 29 [1892] [a], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“III” [“Notiz 'III'”] [1892] [b], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“Eine erfüllte Traumahnung” [1899] [c], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“Vorbericht” [“Psychoanalyse und Telepathie”] [1921] [d] | |||||||||||||
Holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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Typewritten manuscript with holograph corrections not in Freud's hand | |||||||||||||
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[“Ansprache an die Mitgleider des Vereins B'Nai B'rith (1926)”] [1926] [e], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“Ergebnisse, Ideen, Probleme” [1938] [f], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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1942 | |||||||||||||
“Psychopathische Personen auf der Bühne” [1905-1906] [a], typewritten transcript and negative photocopy of holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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1950 | |||||||||||||
[“Entwurf einer Psychologie, 1895"] [Part of “Aus den Anfängen der Psychoanalyse,” 1887-1902] [a], holograph mansucript | |||||||||||||
Folder 1, pp. 1-80 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 2, pp. 81-100 | |||||||||||||
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1951 | |||||||||||||
[“A letter on Homosexuality”] [1935] [a], photocopy of holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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1955 | |||||||||||||
[“Original Record of the Case of Obsessional Neurosis (the 'Rat Man')”] [1907-1908] [a] | |||||||||||||
Holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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not filmed | German transcript | ||||||||||||
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“Gutachten über eine elektrische Behandlung der Kriegsneurotiker,” 1919-1920 [1920] [c], positive and negative photocopies of holograph manuscript, also transcript and negative photocopy of related background items | |||||||||||||
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1956 | |||||||||||||
“Bericht über meine mit Universität-Jubiläums Reisestipendium unternommene Studienreise nach Paris und Berlin, October 1885-Ende März 1886" [1886] [a], negatives and negative prints of holograph manuscript with holograph transcript not in Freud's hand and typewritten transcript | |||||||||||||
Negatives and negative prints of holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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Holograph transcript not in Freud's hand | |||||||||||||
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Typewritten transcripts | |||||||||||||
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not filmed | 1957 | ||||||||||||
“Traüme im Folklore,” with Ernst Oppenheim [1911] [a], photocopy of holograph manuscript, including unidentified poetry and writings by someone other than Freud | |||||||||||||
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not filmed | 1966 | ||||||||||||
[“Introduction to S. Freud and W. C. Bullitt, Thomas Woodrow Wilson, Twenty-Eighth President of the United States: A Psychological Study”] [b] [1938], corrected typescript | |||||||||||||
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1985 | |||||||||||||
“Übersicht der Übertragungsneurosen” [1915], photocopy of holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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BOX OV 14 REEL 6 | Undated | ||||||||||||
“Abschliessende Bemerkungen,” holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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not filmed | [Autobiographical note], holograph manuscript with photocopy | ||||||||||||
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“Bemerkungen zu Otto Rank, 'Der Kunstler',” holograph manuscript with photocopy | |||||||||||||
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“Citate und Analogien,” photocopy of holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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[Commentary on an article by Theodor Reik], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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not filmed | “Einige Theoretische Gesichtspunkte zur Paranoia,” photocopy of holograph manuscript with typed transcript | ||||||||||||
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[Jahresbilanz], holograph manuscript with photocopy | |||||||||||||
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“Kriegswitze” [eleven war jokes], holograph manuscript with typed transcript and photocopy | |||||||||||||
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“Meine individuelle Traumcharakteristik (Typische Traüme),” photocopy of holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“My Subconscious Jewishness,” clipping from the Current Jewish Record | |||||||||||||
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[Notes and doodles], negative and positive photocopies of holograph manuscripts | |||||||||||||
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[Notes for a contribution to the Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, II, 1914, re: homosexuality and hormones (?)], holograph manuscript with photocopy | |||||||||||||
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[Notes on dreams: absurdity, déjà vu, and principles], holograph manuscripts with photocopies | |||||||||||||
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[Résumé], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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not filmed | [Skizze], holograph manuscript with photocopy of typewritten transcript | ||||||||||||
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not filmed | [Unidentified fragments], holograph manuscript and typed transcripts | ||||||||||||
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[Unidentified hand and typewritten manuscripts] | |||||||||||||
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[Unidentified jottings] [“nachlass”], holograph manuscripts | |||||||||||||
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