| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 1-10 REEL 1-4 |
Spanish American Documents, 1433-1877
Letters, decrees, order books, reports, instructions, dispatches, printed
material, and miscellaneous legal documents relating to the history of Spanish
America. |
Arranged numerically by the item number recorded in Hans P. Kraus Collection of Hispanic American Manuscripts by J. Benedict Warren. |
BOX 1 REEL 1 |
Item nos. |
1-116, Decrees and letters from the archives
of Juan de Zumárraga, 1527-1660
1, Royal cedula to the audencia of the
Island of Española |
Digital content available
2, Royal cedula to the [Royal Treasury]
officials of New Spain |
Digital content available
3, Duplicate of a royal cedula to the
audencia of New Spain issued in Toledo, August 24, 1529 |
Digital content available
4, Royal cedula to Juan de Zumárraga,
confirmed bishop-elect of Mexico |
Digital content available
5, Royal cedula to the audencia of New
Spain |
Digital content available
6, Royal cedula to Juan de Zumárraga,
bishop-elect of Mexico |
Digital content available
7, Royal cedula to Juan de Zumárraga,
confirmed bishop-elect of Mexico |
Digital content available
8, Royal cedula to [Juan de Zumárraga],
bishop of Mexico |
Digital content available
9, Royal cedula to the audiencia of New
Spain |
Digital content available
10, Royal cedula to the audiencia of New
Spain |
Digital content available
11, Royal cedula to the audiencia of New
Spain |
Digital content available
12, Royal cedula to the audiencia and
treasury officials of New Spain |
Digital content available
13, Royal cedula to the audiencia of New
Spain |
Digital content available
14, Royal letter to Juan de Zumárraga,
bishop of Mexico |
Digital content available
15, Royal cedula to Antonio de Mendoza,
Viceroy of New Spain |
Digital content available
16, Royal letter to Juan de Zumárraga,
bishop of Mexico |
Digital content available
17, Duplicate of a royal cedula to Antonio
de Mendoza, Viceroy of New Spain, issued in Valladolid, December 7, 1537 |
Digital content available
18, Notarized copy of a royal cedula to
the audiencia of New Spain |
Digital content available
19, Notarized copy of a royal cedula to
the audiencia of New Spain and the bishop of Mexico |
Digital content available
19A, Letter to His Imperial Catholic
Majesty [Charles I of Spain] |
Digital content available
20, Royal letter to the bishops of Mexico,
Guatemala, and Antequera [Oaxaca] |
Digital content available
21, Royal cedula to Antonio de Mendoza,
Viceroy of New Spain |
Digital content available
22, Royal cedula to Antonio de Mendoza,
Viceroy of New Spain |
Digital content available
23, Royal cedula to Antonio de Mendoza,
Viceroy of New Spain |
Digital content available
24, Royal cedula to Antonio de Mendoza,
Viceroy of New Spain |
Digital content available
25, Royal cedula to Antonio de Mendoza,
Viceroy of New Spain |
Digital content available
26, Royal cedula to the provincial of the
Franciscan Order in New Spain |
Digital content available
27, Royal cedula to the royal [treasury]
officials of New Spain |
Digital content available
28, Royal cedula to the audiencia of New
Spain and to [Juan de Zumárraga], bishop of Mexico |
Digital content available
29, Royal cedula to Antonio de Mendoza,
Viceroy of New Spain |
Digital content available
30, Copy of a royal cedula to Juan de
Zumárraga, bishop of Mexico |
Digital content available
31, Royal cedula to Antonio de Mendoza,
Viceroy of New Spain |
Digital content available
32, Cedula to Juan de Zumárraga, bishop of
Mexico |
Digital content available
33, Notarized copy of a cedula to the
governors of Guatemala, Higueras, and Honduras and other justices in the
Spanish Indies |
Digital content available
34, Royal cedula to Antonio de Mendoza,
Viceroy of New Spain |
Digital content available
35, Copy of a cedula to Antonio de
Mendoza, Viceroy of New Spain |
Digital content available
36, Notarized copy of a royal cedula to
Antonio de Mendoza, Viceroy of New Spain |
Digital content available
37, Royal cedula to Juan de Zumárraga,
bishop of Mexico |
Digital content available
38, Notarized copy of a royal cedula to
Vasco de Quiroga, bishop of Michoacán |
Digital content available
39, Royal cedula to Juan de Zumárraga,
bishop of Mexico |
Digital content available
40, Royal cedula to Juan de Zumárraga,
bishop of Mexico |
Digital content available
41, Royal cedula to the audiencia of New
Spain |
Digital content available
42, Royal cedula to Juan de Zumárraga,
bishop of Mexico |
Digital content available
43, Notarized copy of a royal cedula to
the audiencias of New Spain, Guatemala, and New Galicia |
Digital content available
44, Royal cedula to Alonso de Montúfar,
archbishop of Mexico |
Digital content available
45, Royal letter to Alonso de Montúfar,
archbishop of Mexico |
Digital content available
46, Royal cedula to the audiencia of
Mexico |
Digital content available
47, Royal cedula to the audiencia of
Mexico |
Digital content available
48, Royal cedula to [Alonso de Montúfar],
archbishop of Mexico |
Digital content available
49, Notarized copy of a power of attorney
to Bachiller Juan de la Riba, vicar general of the archdiocese of Mexico,
or to his successor, to Juan de Salazar and Francisco Ramírez, attorneys
for cases in the audiencia of New Spain, and to Juan Ruiz Rubio, canon of
the cathedral of Mexico, and Juan Ortiz de Oribe, the last two of whom
were at the royal court |
Digital content available
50, Royal cedula to the audiencia of New
Spain |
Digital content available
51, Royal cedula to the audiencia of New
Spain |
Digital content available
52, Royal cedula to [Luis de Velasco],
Viceroy of New Spain |
Digital content available
53, Royal cedula to [Luis de Velasco],
Viceroy of New Spain |
Digital content available
54, Copy of a royal cedula to [Alonso de
Montúfar], archbishop of Mexico |
Digital content available
55, Copy of a royal cedula to the
archbishops and bishops and other archdiocesan and diocesan officials of
the islands and mainland of the Ocean Sea. Toledo, August 27, 1560. Also,
copy of the response of the archdiocesan authorities of Mexico to the
cedula |
Digital content available
56, Copy of a royal cedula to the
archbishop and bishops of the Spanish Indies |
Digital content available
57, Royal cedula to the audiencia of New
Spain |
Digital content available
58, Royal cedula to [Luis de Velasco],
Viceroy of New Spain |
Digital content available
59, Royal cedula to [Alonso de Montúfar],
archbishop of Mexico |
Digital content available
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