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Clara Barton papers, 1805-1963

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2023 Addition, 1835-1963 (continued)
Office of Correspondence with the Friends of the Missing Men of the U.S. Army (Senate testimony), 1869
Roll of Missing Men, no. 4, 1866 See Oversize
Corsica, France, travel narrative, undated
Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1871, 1887
Guion Line, U.S. Mail Streamers, track chart, 1887
Lectures (broadsides, address), 1888, undated
The New Jersey Signal (newspaper), 1858
Paris, France, 1869-1872, 1884, 1892
Printed matter, European attractions and Plymouth, Mass., 1896, undated
Prints and illustrations, undated See also Oversize
Watercolors painted by Barton, undated
"Workroom for Women" (Strasbourg, France, original drawing), Emile Schweitzer, 1874 See Oversize
Andersonville Prison "relics," 1866
Baba (horse), 1898, 1912
Barton, Clara (portraits), circa 1865, 1881, undated
Birthplace, Oxford, Mass., undated
BOX 191 Decorations and medallions, circa 1902
Diyarbakir, Turkey (fire tower), circa 1896 See Oversize
Easter Sunday, 1922
Glen Echo, Md., house, undated
The Home Journal cover, 1900
Hubbell, Julian B., undated See Oversize
Italy, undated
Medical and surgical room, small stores, circa 1893
Paris, France, undated
Philippines, circa 1898
Red Cross leaders, undated
School house, Bordentown, N.J., undated
Strasbourg, France, 1870
Summer house, Oxford, Mass., undated
Zimmerman, Hannah [?], circa 1871
Red Cross file
Incorporation, 1881-1882
International Red Cross Conferences
Geneva, Switzerland, 1884
Vienna, Austria, 1897
St. Petersburg, Russia, 1902
Miscellany, 1888-1898, 1929
"The Red Cross of the Geneva Convention," Barton, 1878
Relief operations
Armenia and Turkey, 1895
Charleston, S.C., 1886
Johnstown, Pa., 1889 See Oversize
Mississippi and Ohio river valleys, 1882-1884
Russia, 1892, 1897
Sea Islands, S.C., 1893-1895
BOX 192 Spanish-American War (Cuba and Puerto Rico), 1898-1900
Resignation, 1904
Sheldon, Joseph, address before the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, 1892
World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition, New Orleans, La., 1885
BOX OV 1-OV 18 Oversize, 1866-1919
Certificates, accounts, reports, plans, appointments, passports, printed matter, photographs, diplomas, illustrations, commemorative medals and decorations, memorabilia, a scrapbook, and an illustrated bandage.
Arranged and described according to the series, containers, and folders from which the items were removed.
BOX OV 1 Subject File
Civil War
Office of Correspondence with the Friends of the Missing Men of the U.S. Army
Roll of Missing Men, no. 3, 1866 (Container 82; Reel 65)
Franco-Prussian War
Reports and writings, 1871, undated (Container 84; Reel 65)
Women's Reformatory Prison, Sherborn, Mass.
Appointment, 1883 (Container 85; Reel 66)
Red Cross File
International Committee of the Red Cross
Third International Red Cross Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 1884, Sept.
Miscellany, circa 1884 (Container 87; Reel 67)
Fourth International Red Cross Conference, Karlsruhe, Germany, 1887, Sept.
Appointment and passport, 1887 (Container 87; Reel 67)
Fifth International Red Cross Conference, Rome, Italy, 1892, Apr., 1892 (Container 88; Reel 68)
American National Red Cross
World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition, New Orleans, La., 1884, Dec.-1885, June
Miscellany, undated (Container 94; Reel 73)
Constitution, undated (Container 94; Reel 73)
Miscellany, undated (Container 97; Reel 75)
Relief operations
Spanish-American War
Passports, passes, and letters of introduction, 1898 (Container 143; Reel 102)
Speeches and Writings File
Articles and other writings
Printed copies, 1883-1884 (Container 149; Reel 105)
BOX OV 2 Scrapbooks
1898-1899, Spanish-American War (Container 161; Reel 113)
BOX OV 3 Miscellany
Barton (Clara) Memorial Association
Miscellany, 1912 (Container 165; Reel 116)
Estate of Clara Barton
Miscellany, 1919 (Container 168; Reel 117)
Commemorative medals and decorations (Containers 177 & 178; Reel 123)
BOX OV 10 Gold Masonic emblem, undated
Digital content available
German Official Red Cross Field Badge, 1870-1871
Digital content available
Iron Cross of Germany, 1871
Digital content available
BOX OV 11 Gold Cross of Remembrance, 1871
Digital content available
Gold knot brooch, 1897
Digital content available
Official medal of the International Red Cross, 1882
Digital content available
Serbian decoration, 1883
Digital content available
Gold badge of the Waffengenosen, 1885
Digital content available
Silver medal, 1885
Digital content available
BOX OV 12 Grand Army and Woman’s Relief Corps medal, 1886
Digital content available
Royal jewel of smoky topaz surrounded by pearls, 1887
Digital content available
Royal Jewel of red topaz set in gold brooch, 1887
Digital content available
Silver medal, Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics Institution, 1887
Digital content available
Gold locket set with diamonds and sapphire, from the Ladies of Johnstown, Pa., 1889
Digital content available
Gold badge,“Sorosis,” New York, 1890
Digital content available
BOX OV 13 Gold badge, “Clara Barton Lodge of the Sisters of the G.A.R.,” Gloucester, Mass., 1890
Digital content available
Sealing wax set of gold and ivory, 1896
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