The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Charles Evans Hughes papers, 1836-1950
Correspondence, 1876-1950 (continued)
Secretary of State, 1921-1925 (continued)
BOX 37 REEL 29-30 Jillson, William E.
Johnson, Lehman
Johnson, Robert Underwood
Jones, H. Lester
Jordan, David Starr
Joy, Henry B.
Judson, Harry Pratt
Jusserand, J. J.
"Ka-Kin" miscellaneous
(4 folders)
BOX 38 REEL 30-31 "Kip-Ky" miscellaneous
(3 folders)
Keen, W. W.
Kellen, William V.
Kellogg, Frank B.
(2 folders)
Kemp, W. Thomas
Kennan, Chester T.
BOX 39 REEL 31-32 Kent, Fred I.
Ketcham, James C.
King, William L. Mackenzie
Kohlsaat, H. H.
"LaB-Lev" miscellaneous
(5 folders)
BOX 40 REEL 32-33 "Lew-Ly" miscellaneous
(7 folders)
Lamont, Thomas W.
Lasker, Albert D.
Leon, Maurice
Lewis, Merton E.
Lewis, William D.
Lewisohn, Adolph
BOX 41 REEL 33 Lindsay, Samuel McCune
Lockwood, George B.
Lodge, Henry Cabot (1850-1924)
"Maca-Macy" miscellaneous
(6 folders)
BOX 42 REEL 34 "Mad-Mey" miscellaneous
(6 folders)
BOX 43 REEL 34-35 "Mia-Mort" miscellaneous
(7 folders)
BOX 44 REEL 35 "Mos-My" miscellaneous
(4 folders)
McClure, S. S.
McConnell, Grace E.
McCormick, Medill
MacCracken, Henry Noble
McDonald, James
McDowell, William F.
McElroy, John
Macmillan Co.
McMorran, C. W.
Mainwaring, William D.
Mallet-Prevost, Severn
Manufacturers Record
Marburg, Theodore
BOX 45 REEL 35-36 Marcosson, Isaac F.
Marriotte, James C.
Marsh, Harry W.
Martin, James S.
Martin, Warren F.
Mather, Winifred Holt
Maxey, George W.
Mellon, Andrew W.
Meloney, Marie M.
Merchants' Association of New York
Meyer, Agnes and Eugene
Michigan, University of, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Miles, Basil
Miley, Annie C.
Millard, C. N.
Miller, Nathan L.
Minnigerode, C. Powell
Minor, Anne Rogers
Moon, Eva Perry
Moore, Alexander P.
Moore, Frederick
Moore, J. B.
Moore, John Bassett
Moot, Adelbert
Morgan, John Pierpont
Morgan, Ruth
Muzzey, David S.
BOX 46 REEL 36-37 "Nas-Ni" miscellaneous
(7 folders)
BOX 47 REEL 37-38 "Nob-Ny" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
National Republican
Newberger, David M.
New, Harry S.
Newton, Walter H.
Nielsen, Fred K.
"O" miscellaneous
(4 folders)
BOX 48 REEL 38-39 O'Brian, John Lord
Ochs Oakes, George W.
Ogden, Rollo
Ordway, Samuel H.
Osborn, Henry Fairfield
Owen, Georgiana H.
"Pa-Pew" miscellaneous
(5 folders)
BOX 49 REEL 39-40 "Pf-Py" miscellaneous
(8 folders)
Pam, Max
Pan American Society
BOX 50 REEL 40 Pan American Union
(6 folders)
BOX 51 REEL 40-41 1924-1925
(2 folders)
Parker, Alton B.
Parker, Edwin B.
Passmore, Lincoln K.
Patchin, Ira H.
Pavichich, Ante Tresich
Payne, George Henry
Payne, John B.
Peabody, George Foster
Peabody, Henry W.
Pearson, Raymond A.
Peck, Ferdinand W.
Pepper, Charles M.
Pepper, George Wharton
Peter, Agnes
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