| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Correspondence, 1876-1950
(continued) |
Secretary of State, 1921-1925
(continued) |
BOX 37 REEL 29-30 |
Jillson, William E. |
Johnson, Lehman |
Johnson, Robert Underwood |
Jones, H. Lester |
Jordan, David Starr |
Joy, Henry B. |
Judson, Harry Pratt |
Jusserand, J. J. |
"Ka-Kin" miscellaneous |
(4 folders) |
BOX 38 REEL 30-31 |
"Kip-Ky" miscellaneous |
(3 folders) |
Keen, W. W. |
Kellen, William V. |
Kellogg, Frank B. |
(2 folders) |
Kemp, W. Thomas |
Kennan, Chester T. |
BOX 39 REEL 31-32 |
Kent, Fred I. |
Ketcham, James C. |
King, William L. Mackenzie |
Kohlsaat, H. H. |
"LaB-Lev" miscellaneous |
(5 folders) |
BOX 40 REEL 32-33 |
"Lew-Ly" miscellaneous |
(7 folders) |
Lamont, Thomas W. |
Lasker, Albert D. |
Leon, Maurice |
Lewis, Merton E. |
Lewis, William D. |
Lewisohn, Adolph |
BOX 41 REEL 33 |
Lindsay, Samuel McCune |
Lockwood, George B. |
Lodge, Henry Cabot (1850-1924) |
"Maca-Macy" miscellaneous |
(6 folders) |
BOX 42 REEL 34 |
"Mad-Mey" miscellaneous |
(6 folders) |
BOX 43 REEL 34-35 |
"Mia-Mort" miscellaneous |
(7 folders) |
BOX 44 REEL 35 |
"Mos-My" miscellaneous |
(4 folders) |
McClure, S. S. |
McConnell, Grace E. |
McCormick, Medill |
MacCracken, Henry Noble |
McDonald, James |
McDowell, William F. |
McElroy, John |
Macmillan Co. |
McMorran, C. W. |
Mainwaring, William D. |
Mallet-Prevost, Severn |
Manufacturers Record |
Marburg, Theodore |
BOX 45 REEL 35-36 |
Marcosson, Isaac F. |
Marriotte, James C. |
Marsh, Harry W. |
Martin, James S. |
Martin, Warren F. |
Mather, Winifred
Holt |
Maxey, George W. |
Mellon, Andrew W. |
Meloney, Marie M. |
Merchants' Association of New
York |
Meyer, Agnes and Eugene |
Michigan, University of, Ann
Arbor, Mich. |
Miles, Basil |
Miley, Annie C. |
Millard, C. N. |
Miller, Nathan L. |
Minnigerode, C. Powell |
Minor, Anne Rogers |
Moon, Eva Perry |
Moore, Alexander P. |
Moore, Frederick |
Moore, J. B. |
Moore, John Bassett |
Moot, Adelbert |
Morgan, John Pierpont |
Morgan, Ruth |
Muzzey, David S. |
BOX 46 REEL 36-37 |
"Nas-Ni" miscellaneous |
(7 folders) |
BOX 47 REEL 37-38 |
"Nob-Ny" miscellaneous |
(2 folders) |
National Republican
Newberger, David M. |
New, Harry S. |
Newton, Walter H. |
Nielsen, Fred K. |
"O" miscellaneous |
(4 folders) |
BOX 48 REEL 38-39 |
O'Brian, John Lord |
Ochs Oakes, George W. |
Ogden, Rollo |
Ordway, Samuel H. |
Osborn, Henry Fairfield |
Owen, Georgiana H. |
"Pa-Pew" miscellaneous |
(5 folders) |
BOX 49 REEL 39-40 |
"Pf-Py" miscellaneous |
(8 folders) |
Pam, Max |
Pan American Society |
BOX 50 REEL 40 |
Pan American Union |
1920-1924 |
(6 folders) |
BOX 51 REEL 40-41 |
1924-1925 |
(2 folders) |
Parker, Alton B. |
Parker, Edwin B. |
Passmore, Lincoln K. |
Patchin, Ira H. |
Pavichich, Ante Tresich |
Payne, George Henry |
Payne, John B. |
Peabody, George Foster |
Peabody, Henry W. |
Pearson, Raymond A. |
Peck, Ferdinand W. |
Pepper, Charles M. |
Pepper, George Wharton |
Peter, Agnes |
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