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Charles Evans Hughes papers, 1836-1950

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Subject File, 1905-1947 (continued)
Brazil, 1922
Europe, 1924
Turkey, 1923
Washington Conference
American Advisory Committee
American delegation
Memoranda from delegates and State Department officials
Memoranda to and from John V. A. MacMurray
Report of the proceedings of the conference
Calling of conference
Press releases
Reports on attempts to limit armaments prior to 1921
BOX 161 REEL 124-125 China See also Container 163, Nine Power Treaties
Arms embargo
Customs treaty
Eastern railway
Japanese troops
Leased territories and spheres of influence claimed by foreign powers
Postal service
Sino-Japanese treaties and negotiations
Comments about conference
(2 folders)
Committee on Pacific and Far Eastern Questions
Credentials and lists of delegates
Four Power Treaty
BOX 162 REEL 125 Lansing-Ishii agreement
Minutes of final session, 6 Feb. 1922, incomplete
Naval Armaments Limitation Treaty
(2 folders)
Interpretation of aircraft tonnage problem, 1925
Memoranda of conversations and interviews
Navy Department data
Reports of the General Board
(2 folders)
BOX 163 REEL 125-126 Nine Power Treaties See also Container 161, China
Papers given to State Department, 8 Mar. 1934, by Hughes
Press releases
Russia, Japan, and the Siberian controversy
Shantung controversy
Subcommittee reports
Treaty relating to use of submarines and noxious gases, drafts
BOX 164 REEL 126-127 Printed matter
Evaluations of conference
Memoranda for the American delegation
(3 vols.)
Far East and the Pacific
(4 vols.)
(7 vols.)
Report of the General Board, U.S. Navy Department
BOX 165 REEL 127-128 Warfare and armaments
(2 folders)
Messages to Congress from the president of the United States, Warren G. Harding
Report of the conference, 1922
BOX 166 REEL 128-129 Reports of the delegations to the conference published by participating countries
(3 folders)
Treaties and resolutions
(2 folders)
Sixth International Conference of American States, Havana, Cuba, 1928 See Containers 152-154, Pan American Conference
BOX 167 REEL 129-130 Supreme Court
Appointment of Hughes as associate justice, 1910
Controversial cases or issues
Agricultural Adjustment Act, 1936
(2 folders)
Angelo Herndon case, 1935
Gold clause cases
1935, Jan.-Feb.
(4 folders)
BOX 168 REEL 130-131 1935, Mar.-Dec.
Judiciary reform bill
Feb. 1-14
(4 folders)
BOX 169 REEL 131-132 Feb. 15-28
(5 folders)
BOX 170 REEL 132-133 Mar. 1-13
(5 folders)
BOX 171 REEL 133-134 Mar. 14-31
(5 folders)
BOX 172 REEL 134 Apr.-Dec., undated
(6 folders)
BOX 173 REEL 134-135 National Recovery Act, 1935, undated
(4 folders)
Scottsboro case
Sit-down strikes, 1939
Thomas Mooney case, 1938
Wagner Act, 1937
BOX 174 REEL 135-136 Luncheon, annual arrangements, 1932-1938
Miscellany, 1929-1947
Proof sheets of opinions
Associate justice
Chief justice
Tacna-Arica controversy
(2 folders)
United Nations, preliminary planning for an international organization
BOX 175-180 REEL 136-139 Speeches and Writings File, 1905-1940
Drafts and typewritten, printed, and near-print copies of speeches.
Arranged chronologically. Also a manuscript of Hughes's booklet, Foreign Relations.
BOX 175 REEL 136-137 Speech file
1905-1916, Aug.
(14 folders)
BOX 176 REEL 137 1916
Sept. 1-26
(11 folders)
BOX 177 REEL 137 Sept. 27-Oct. 18
(18 folders)
BOX 178 REEL 137-138 Oct. 19-Nov. 3
(10 folders)
BOX 179 REEL 138 1916, Nov. 4-1924, Oct. 27
(9 folders)
BOX 180 REEL 139 1924, Oct. 28-1940, undated
(9 folders)
Extracts from messages, addresses, and opinions of Hughes, 1906-1927
Writings, Foreign Relations, 1924
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