| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Subject File, 1905-1947
(continued) |
China |
(3 vols.) |
Far East and the Pacific |
(4 vols.) |
Japan |
(7 vols.) |
Report of the General Board, U.S. Navy
Department |
BOX 165 REEL 127-128 |
Warfare and armaments |
(2 folders) |
Messages to Congress from the president of
the United States, Warren G. Harding |
Miscellany |
Report of the conference,
BOX 166 REEL 128-129 |
Reports of the delegations to the
conference published by participating countries |
(3 folders) |
Treaties and resolutions |
(2 folders) |
Sixth International Conference of American
States, Havana, Cuba, 1928
See Containers 152-154, Pan American
BOX 167 REEL 129-130 |
Supreme Court |
Appointment of Hughes as associate justice,
Controversial cases or issues |
Agricultural Adjustment Act,
(2 folders) |
Angelo Herndon case,
Gold clause cases |
1935, Jan.-Feb.
(4 folders) |
BOX 168 REEL 130-131 |
1935, Mar.-Dec.
Judiciary reform bill |
Feb. 1-14
(4 folders) |
BOX 169 REEL 131-132 |
Feb. 15-28
(5 folders) |
BOX 170 REEL 132-133 |
Mar. 1-13
(5 folders) |
BOX 171 REEL 133-134 |
Mar. 14-31
(5 folders) |
BOX 172 REEL 134 |
Apr.-Dec., undated
(6 folders) |
BOX 173 REEL 134-135 |
National Recovery Act, 1935, undated
(4 folders) |
Scottsboro case |
Sit-down strikes,
Thomas Mooney case,
Wagner Act, 1937
BOX 174 REEL 135-136 |
Luncheon, annual arrangements,
Proof sheets of opinions |
Associate justice |
Chief justice |
Tacna-Arica controversy |
(2 folders) |
United Nations, preliminary planning for an
international organization |
BOX 175-180 REEL 136-139 |
Speeches and Writings File, 1905-1940
Drafts and typewritten, printed, and near-print copies of speeches. |
Arranged chronologically. Also a manuscript of Hughes's booklet, Foreign Relations. |
BOX 175 REEL 136-137 |
Speech file |
1905-1916, Aug.
(14 folders) |
BOX 176 REEL 137 |
Sept. 1-26
(11 folders) |
BOX 177 REEL 137 |
Sept. 27-Oct. 18
(18 folders) |
BOX 178 REEL 137-138 |
Oct. 19-Nov. 3
(10 folders) |
BOX 179 REEL 138 |
1916, Nov. 4-1924, Oct. 27
(9 folders) |
BOX 180 REEL 139 |
1924, Oct. 28-1940, undated
(9 folders) |
Extracts from messages, addresses, and
opinions of Hughes, 1906-1927
Writings, Foreign Relations, 1924
BOX 181-186 REEL 139-142 |
Biographical File, 1906-1951
Autobiographical and biographical writings and notes,typewritten draft and galley
proofs of a biography by Merlo J. Pusey, memoranda, and clippings. |
Arranged alphabetically by type of material. |
BOX 181 REEL 139-40 |
Ancestry |
"Autobiographical Notes" |
(24 folders) |
BOX 182 REEL 140 |
Beerits, Henry C., memoranda on the life of
Hughes |
Ancestry and early life |
Gas and insurance investigations |
Entry into politics and election as
governor |
First term as governor |
Renomination and reelection as
governor |
Second term as governor |
Presidential campaign of 1916 |
Activities during the years
1916-1921 |
Calling the Washington Conference |
Four Power Treaty |
Treaty for the Limitation of Naval
Armament |
Article 19 of the Naval Treaty:
fortifications in the Pacific |
Far Eastern questions |
Mandates controversy |
Separate peace with Germany, the League of
Nations, and the Permanent Court of International Justice |
Dawes Plan |
Funding the Allied war debts |
Commercial treaty with Germany |
BOX 183 REEL 140-141 |
Relations with Soviet Russia |
Relations with Turkey |
Relations with Mexico |
Brazilian trip of 1922 |
Latin-American intervention and the Monroe
Doctrine |
Latin-American boundary disputes |
“The Fall Oil Scandals” |
Treaties to prevent the smuggling of
intoxicating liquors into the U.S. |
Japan and the Immigration Act of
European trip of
Latin-American conferences |
Activities during the years
Charles Evans Hughes, by Merlo J. Pusey |
Draft |
Chapters 1-15 |
(3 folders) |
BOX 184 REEL 141 |
Chapters 16-50 |
(7 folders) |
BOX 185 REEL 141-142 |
Chapters 51-73 |
(5 folders) |
Index and appendix |
BOX 186 REEL 142 |
Galley proofs |
(5 folders)[not microfilmed] |
Miscellany |
Recollections of classmates |
Views on duty of a lawyer |
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