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Frank Farrell papers, 1897-1988

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Subject File, 1897-1983 (continued)
"I Take This Woman" See Container 68, "A New York Cinderella"
"Inquiring Photographer," 1950
"Jimmy Jemail Show," 1950
"Judge for Yourself," 1950
(1 folder)
BOX 68 (1 folder)
"The Lady Eve," circa 1941
(2 folders)
Marble, Harry, and Margaret Arlen program, undated
"Modern Romances," 1958
"The Morning After," 1948
"My Son, My Son!" undated
(2 folders)
"A New York Cinderella," 1938
(2 folders)
"New York--Tonight," undated
"Ninotchka," 1939
(2 folders)
"On the Town with Frank Farrell," 1950
"Quizzing the News," 1949
Ross, Lanny, program, undated
BOX 69 "Roving Assignment with Frank Farrell," circa 1950
"Some of My Best Friends Are Ghosts," undated
"Tournament of Laurels," undated
"Two Sides of the News," undated
"We the People," 1941
"World-Mirror," 1948
Unidentified, 1939, 1951, undated
Rao, Charles, 1976, undated
Rao, Paul P., 1978, undated
Raye, Martha, undated
Redding, Eric David, 1935-1939, undated
Redding, Jack Howard
Correspondence, 1900-1901, 1911-1913, undated
(4 folders)
Diary, 1911
Miscellany, 1897-1900, 1933, undated
Relin, Bernard, 1969
Residences, 1938, 1947-1951
(2 folders)
Restaurants See Containers 47-49, Clubs and restaurants
Reynolds Metals Company
1958, July-1971, June
(2 folders)
BOX 70 1971, July-1982, Sept., undated
(5 folders)
Ricciardelli, Vincent, 1977
Richard H. Roffman Associates, 1964
Richards, Guy, 1956, 1970, undated
Ridgewell, Rosemary, 1953, undated
Risch, Gustav, undated
Ritchie, R. George, circa 1909-1917
Ritchie, Robert L., 1971-1972
Russell, William H., 1952-1980, undated
R-Way Furniture Co., 1978-1979
St. Francis Xavier School, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1926 See also Oversize
St. James Academy, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1922 See Oversize
St. Vincent's Hospital and Medical School, New York, N.Y., 1972
Scarola, 1956
Scrapbook captions, 1936-1947, undated
BOX 71 Screen Actors Guild, 1964
Seeman, Billy, undated
Shepherd, Lemuel C., 1954
Silhouettes, undated
Simmons, Edwin H., The U.S. Marines in the Pacific War, undated
Sino-American Amity Fund, 1959, 1975-1980, undated
Sloan, Ernest G., 1966-1967, undated
Smokers United, undated
Society of Illustrators, 1970-1981, undated
Sotheby Parke Bernet, 1975, undated
Southampton, N.Y., 1972-1974
(2 folders)
Spellman, Francis, 1964
Stage, 1940-1941
Stein, David, 1968, 1975-1981, undated
Stenography notes, 1979
(2 folders)
Stevens, Nina Lunn, 1950-1952, 1961, undated See also Container 51, Farrell, Nina Lunn Rownd
(1 folder)
BOX 72 (2 folders)
Taiwan, consulate general, 1972-1976, undated
Tashjian, Haig, 1969-1970
Taylor, Elizabeth, undated
Telephone logs, 1978-1980, undated
(5 folders)
Television authority, 1952
Thomas, Lowell, 1957, 1965, 1978-1981, undated See also Oversize
Thoroughbred Racing Association, 1950-1951
Thurber, James, 1940, undated
Tobin, Ben, undated
Tokyo Rose, 1948-1949, 1969-1978, undated
Towers, Constance, 1969-1972, undated
Trilateral Commission, 1980, undated
BOX 73 Tulsa Philharmonic Orchestra, Tulsa, Okla., 1956-1957, undated See also Container 8, Mayer, Terry
Ultra Mission Corp., 1966, undated
[Underhill?], Duncan, 1939-1940, undated
Unger, Peter, 1979-1980, undated
United States Marine Corps
Enlisted women in Japan, 1967, undated
Fifth Marine Division Association, 1951
First Marine Division Association, 1948-1956, 1969-1978, undated
Fourth Marine Division Association, 1950
Marine Corps Historical Center, Washington, D.C.
1961-1967, undated
Miscellany, circa 1958
Third Marine Division Association, 1958
Voluntary inactive reserve enrollment drive, 1947
Van Allen, James H., 1966, 1975-1979, undated
Van Arsdale, Harry, 1964
Van Caulaert, Jean Dominique, 1957, undated
Waldemar Medical Research Foundation, 1968
Ward, George A., 1950, 1961-1966, undated See also Oversize
Warner, Carl E., undated
Waterbury, Nelson J., 1961-1966, undated
Wheel, Patricia, 1979
Whitney, Cornelius Vanderbilt, undated
Wilson, Earl, undated
Winchell, Walter, 1938, 1944-1948, 1972, 1978, undated
Winrod, Gerald, undated
Wood, Sidney B., 1950, undated
Work Projects Administration, Federal Theater Project, undated
World Journal Tribune See Container 58, New York
Wynter, Dana, undated
BOX 74 Ying, Lily, undated
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