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Jules Feiffer papers, 1919-1995

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Writings, 1940-1995 (continued)
“Car Ride” See also Containers 45-48 , Little Murders
Drafts, 1964
“Little Murders,” undated
“The Mother Questions,” undated
Harry, the Rat with Women
Correspondence, contracts, and critique, 1961-1970, undated
Fragments, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 29 Full text, 1962, undated
(4 folders)
Newspaper clippings and related material, 1963
Playscript, undated
BOX 30 “Little Murders” See Containers 45-46, same heading
The Man in the Ceiling
Full text, 1992
(3 folders)
Holograph, undated
Typescript, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 31 Typescript and galley, undated
Newspaper clippings and related material, 1993
“Answers,” drafts of screenplay
Fragments, undated
Full text, 1971
(2 folders)
Anthony Rose
Fragments, undated
Full text, undated
(3 folders)
BOX 32 Reading script, Philadelphia Festival for New Plays, Philadelphia, Pa., 1989
Theater production and promotion records, 1988-1990
“Baby Pictures,” drafts of screenplay
Holograph, undated
Typescript, 1991
Revisions, undated
(2 folders)
“Bea Plus”
Script for television, drafts, 1975, undated
Sketch for “Carol Burnett Special,” undated
“Bernard and Huey”
Contract, 1986
Drafts of screenplay
Fragments and notes
Holograph, undated
BOX 33 Typescript, 1987, undated
Full text, undated
“Boomtown,” undated
Carnal Knowledge
Correspondence, 1969-1987
Dust jacket, undated
Film production
Financial statements, 1973-1978
Newspaper clippings and related material, 1971-1972, 1978
Legal documents, 1973-1977
Newspaper clippings and related material, 1973-1974
Notes, undated
Photographs and promotional material, 1971
Shooting schedule, 1970
Fragments, “True Confessions,” undated
(3 folders)
BOX 34 Full text, 1969
(2 folders)
Revisions, undated
First draft, undated
Subsequent drafts, 1970
(2 folders)
Theater productions
Kaufman Theater, New York, N.Y., 1990
Pasadena Playhouse, Pasadena, Calif., 1988
Stages Repertory Theater, Houston, Tex., 1988
BOX 35 “Cherry Tree Lane,” musical adaptation of Mary Poppins, with P. L. Travers
Correspondence and memoranda, 1982-1985
Draft fragments and notes
Holograph, undated
Typescript, undated
Outlines, 1981, undated
“Come Back, Go Away, I Love You” See Container 50 , “Passionella”
“Comedy Zone,” television script, pilot episode, undated
Crawling Arnold
Printed text
Theater productions, 1961-1965 For additional material see Container 4 , Royalty statements
“Deep Pockets,” drafts of screenplay
Fragments, undated
BOX 36 Full text, undated
Revisions, undated
Elliot Loves
Playscript, drafts
Fragments, undated
Full text
Early, undated
Revised, 1987-1988
(2 folders)
BOX 37 Revisions, undated
(2 folders)
Theater productions
Correspondence, contracts, and miscellany, 1988-1990 Correspondents include Mike Nichols
Newspaper clippings and related material, 1990
Photographs and sketches, 1990
Playbills and promotional material, 1990
The Explainers
Playscript, drafts, undated
Theater productions
Newspaper clippings and related material, 1961, undated
Playbills and promotional material, 1961, undated
BOX 38 Feiffer's America
Playscript, drafts, by Russell Vandenbroucke, 1988
(2 folders)
British production, 1985
Northlight Theater, Evanston, Ill.
Correspondence and promotional material, 1987-1988
Newspaper clippings and related material, 1988
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