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Lucy Kroll papers, 1908-1998

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Client File, 1916-1998 (continued)
BOX 308 Heiferman, Marvin, and Carole Kismaric, 1986, undated
Heller, Joseph, and George Mandel, 1952-1953, 1965, undated See also Container 313, Heyman, Kenneth and Container 511, Mandel, George
Heller, Susi, and Douglas Wallin, 1978-1979, undated
Hellwig, Basia See Container 49, Campbell, Bruce
Heminway, John Hylan, 1968-1969, undated
Hendrick, George
Contracts, 1987-1988
Correspondence, 1987-1989
Financial records, 1988
Notes, 1987-1989, undated
Printed matter, 1988-1989
Proposal, 1988
Henkel, Kim, 1977-1979, undated
Henkel, Kim, and Tobe Hooper See also Container 322, Hooper, Tobe
Bleeding Hearts
Correspondence and notes, 1975-1976
Script, 1975
(2 folders)
The Heisters, 1974-1977, undated
BOX 309 Miscellany
Contracts, 1976
Correspondence, 1974-1977
Notes, 1975-1977, undated
(2 folders)
Printed matter, 1976, 1982
The Runner Stumbles, 1976
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, 1974-1977, undated
The Viper
Correspondence, 1977
Notes, 1976-1977, undated
Scripts, 1977
(2 folders)
BOX 310 Hennes, Randy, 1981
Henritze, Bette
Contracts, 1961-1980
Correspondence, 1961-1980
(2 folders)
Financial records, 1963-1968
Miscellany, 1964-1976
Notes, 1962-1980
Printed matter
(2 folders)
BOX 311 1974-1976, undated
Herbert, F. Hugh
Contracts, 1944-1954
(9 folders)
BOX 312 1950-1954
(3 folders)
Financial records, 1947-1955, 1964-1965, undated
(2 folders)
Notes, 1948-1954, 1962, undated
Printed matter, 1946-1954, 1964, undated
Herman, Mel, circa 1981
Herman, Patricia, 1971-1978, undated
Hess, Penny, 1974-1975
Hewitt, Mary Jane
Angela Davis project
Correspondence, 1970-1971
Notes, 1970
Printed matter, 1968-1972, undated
BOX 313 “Black Omnibus,” 1972-1973
Mammy Pleasant, 1973, undated
Contracts, 1970
Correspondence, 1968-1981
Notes, 1968-1976, undated
Printed matter, 1968-1976, undated
Museum of African-American Art, Santa Monica, Calif., 1996, undated
Heyert, Elizabeth
Metropolitan Places
Contracts, 1986-1989
Correspondence, 1986-1990
(2 folders)
Notes, 1986-1990
Printed matter, 1986-1990
Proposal, circa 1986
Miscellany, 1988-1990, undated
Heyman, Kenneth, and George Mandel, 1957-1961, undated See also Container 308, Heller, Joseph, and Container 511, Mandel, George
Heyward, Louis, 1954-1955, undated
BOX 314 Higgins, Michael
Anthony and Cleopatra, 1963
Arena Stage, Washington, D.C., 1954-1956, 1966-1967
The Arrangement, 1968-1969
“As the World Turns,” 1960-1968, undated
Boston Arts Festival, Boston, Mass., 1964-1966
“The Catholic Hour,” 1968-1969
Cushingura, 1963
The Crucible, 1958
“The Defenders,” 1962-1965
Desire Under the Elms, 1964
Diff'rent and Long Voyage Home, 1961
“Directions,” 1961-1966
“The Doctors,” 1963-1965
J.B., 1959-1960
King Lear, 1962
“Kraft Mystery Theatre,” 1958
“Lamp Unto My Feet,” 1961-1964
Life Is a Dream, 1964
Long Day's Journey into Night, 1964-1967
“Look Up and Live,” 1958-1964
Macbeth, 1962-1963
Correspondence, 1958-1969, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 315 Notes, 1958-1969, undated
Photographs, 1958, undated
Printed matter, 1962-1970, undated
Only Game in Town, 1967-1968
“Our Five Daughters,” 1962
A Pair of Pairs, 1962
The Queen and the Rebels, 1965
Television productions, 1956-1968, undated
(2 folders)
Theater productions, 1955-1966, undated
Theatre on the Green, Wellesley, Mass., 1953-1957
A Tiger at the Gates, 1961
Tom Paine, 1969
“Treasury Agent,” 1959-1960
(3 folders)
“What Every Woman Knows,” 1966
Hill, Errol
Dance Bongo, 1964
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