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Lucy Kroll papers, 1908-1998

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Client File, 1916-1998 (continued)
Royalty statements, 1963-1973
(2 folders)
BOX 268 1964-1965, 1974, undated
Photographs, undated
Printed matter, 1962-1964, 1978, undated
(3 folders)
The World of Carl Sandburg, 1966-1967
The Wrastling and the Fall, 1952-1953, undated
You Never Can Tell
Contracts and correspondence, 1986-1987, undated
Miscellany, 1986-1987, undated
Notes, 1986-1987, undated
Printed matter, 1986, undated
The Young Elizabeth, 1952-1953
Hall, Myrtle, 1979, undated
Hall, Norman, 1955-1959, undated
Hall, Paul, 1958-1960
Hallin, Brian, 1980
Hamilton, Charles, and Sharon Presley, 1978-1980, undated
BOX 269 Hample, Stuart
Actors Theatre of Louisville, Louisville, Ky., 1980-1981, undated
Alms for the Middle Class
Contracts, 1981
Correspondence, 1977-1983, undated
Notes and printed matter, 1981-1982, undated
Scripts, 1981, undated
(2 folders)
The Asshole Murder Case, 1982, undated
Between Jobs, 1980-1981, undated
Miscellany, 1980-1981, undated
Scripts, 1981, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 270 Miscellany, 1980-1982, undated
The Most Trusted Man in America, undated
Paint the Icebergs, undated
Hampton-Cain, Brenda
“Bagdad Café,” 1990
“Blossom,” 1991-1994
(2 folders)
“Lenny,” 1990, undated
Little People, 1991
Miscellany, 1987-1991, undated
“Sister Kate,” 1989-1990, undated
Hampton-Cain, Michael
Correspondence, 1988-1991, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 271 Notes and photograph, 1989, undated
Scripts, undated
Hancock, John
The Architect and the Assyrian Emperor, 1967, undated
Don't Get Married, We Need You, 1967-1968, undated
Endicott and the Red Cross, 1967-1968, undated
The Freaking Out of Stephanie Blake, 1967, undated
A Midsummer Night's Dream, 1967, undated
Correspondence, 1965-1968, undated
Notes, 1966-1967, undated
Pittsburgh Playhouse School of the Theater, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Correspondence, 1966-1967, undated
Notes, 1966-1967, undated
Printed matter, 1966-1967, undated
San Francisco Actor's Workshop Guild, San Francisco, Calif., 1965-1966, undated
Hansberry, Lorraine
Miscellany, 1963-1965, undated See also Oversize
Script, 1969
Hansen, William
BOX 272 1962-1968
Correspondence, 1951-1969, undated
(3 folders)
Notes, 1952-1968, undated
Photographs, undated
Printed matter, 1952-1965, undated
Hansome, Rhonda, 1990
Hanson, Wendy, 1984-1985, undated
Harding, John Briard
Contracts, 1959-1961, 1968, 1982-1983
(2 folders)
BOX 273 Correspondence, 1951-1984, undated
(7 folders)
(3 folders)
BOX 274 1964-1985, undated
Printed matter, 1959-1983, undated
Script, 1957, undated
(3 folders)
Correspondence, 1948-1984, undated
Notes, 1951-1964, undated
Photographs, undated
Printed matter, 1952-1967, undated
A Place on Earth (formerly titled Come to Life)
Contracts, 1948-1949
Correspondence, 1948-1952, undated
BOX 275 Notes, 1948-1951, undated
Uncle Marston
Box office receipts, 1953
Contracts, 1949-1952
Correspondence, 1949-1963, undated
(2 folders)
Notes, 1949-1963, undated
Printed matter, 1952-1953, undated
Hardy, Joseph, 1967-1969, undated
Hardy, Mark, 1987-1990, undated
Harley, Pamela, 1991-1992
Harmon, Jennifer, 1970-1975, undated
Harper, J. W., undated
Harris, Rosemarie, 1994
Harrison, E. Earl, 1968-1971, undated
Harrison, Elliott, 1988, undated
Harrison, Stanley R., 1965-1966
Harrower, Molly
Correspondence, 1973-1982, undated
Miscellany, 1982, undated
Printed matter, 1978-1983, undated
BOX 276 Hart, Cecilia
Correspondence, 1984-1985, undated
Design for Living, 1984-1985, undated
Notes, 1985, undated
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