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Lucy Kroll papers, 1908-1998

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Client File, 1916-1998 (continued)
Allure, 1990-1995, undated
Family Weekly, 1983-1984, undated
House and Garden, 1990-1992
New York, 1974-1979, undated
(2 folders)
New York Times, 1975-1992, undated
BOX 432 Philadelphia Magazine, 1973-1975, undated
Vogue, 1974, undated
Wall Street Journal, 1984-1990
Washington Star, 1980
Book projects
The Coffee Table Book, 1980, undated
Death and Dying, 1974-1977, undated
Marijuana smuggler, 1974, undated
Miller, Nolan, 1984-1985, undated
Miscellany, 1976-1977, 1984-1989, undated
The Platform Book, 1979, undated
Quinlan, Karen Ann, 1975-1976, undated
High Tech
Contracts, 1973-1978, undated
Correspondence, 1977-1984
(3 folders)
Draft, 1977, undated
Financial records, 1977-1988
(2 folders)
BOX 433 Notes, 1976-1984, undated
(3 folders)
Printed matter, 1978-1987, undated
(2 folders)
Home Psych
Contracts, 1979-1988
Correspondence, 1978-1988, undated
BOX 434 Drafts, 1982-1983, undated
Financial records, 1980-1986
Notes, 1978-1988, undated
(3 folders)
Page proof, 1983
Photographs, 1983
BOX 435 Printed matter, 1983-1984, undated
(2 folders)
Proposal, 1979
Correspondence, 1974-1980, 1986-1992, undated
Notes, 1974-1989, undated
Printed matter, 1975-1977, 1983, undated
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth
AIDS: The Ultimate Challenge
Contracts, 1985-1988
Correspondence, 1985-1988
Miscellany, 1985-1988, undated
Notes, 1985-1988
Printed matter, 1985-1988, undated
Death: The Final Stage of Growth, 1980
Death of a Parent, 1988-1990
BOX 436 Living with Death and Dying
Contracts, 1973-1983, undated
Correspondence, 1978-1986
(4 folders)
Notes, 1980-1982
Printed matter, 1981-1982
Biographical material
Fact sheets, undated
Press clippings, 1971-1981, 1995, undated
Contracts, 1974, 1983, undated
(4 folders)
BOX 437 1984-1995
Macmillan Publishing Co. v. Ross Medical Associates
Correspondence and legal documents, 1978-1980
Notes and printed matter, 1979-1980
Newsletters, 1979-1995
(2 folders)
(3 folders)
BOX 438 1984-1990
Publication lists, 1987-1989, undated
Representation agreements, 1990
Speaking engagements and workshops
Correspondence, 1977-1983
Notes, 1983
Printed matter, 1974-1983, undated
Schedules, 1978-1986
Nothing Final, 1981, undated
On Children and Death
Contracts, 1973-1984
Correspondence, 1978-1988
(2 folders)
Notes and printed matter, 1982-1984, undated
Proof, 1983
On Death and Dying, 1969-1976, undated
BOX 439 Quest: The Life of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, 1980
Remember the Secret, 1984-1985
To Live Until We Say Good-bye
Contracts, 1978-1979
Correspondence, 1978-1981
(2 folders)
Notes, 1978-1980
Printed matter, 1977-1979, undated
Proof, 1978
Royalty statements, 1981
Typescript, 1978
(2 folders)
Über den Tod und das Leben danach, 1984-1990
BOX 440 Working It Through
Contracts, 1980-1982, undated
Correspondence, 1978-1988
(3 folders)
Galley proofs, 1982
Notes, 1980-1988
Photographs, 1977-1981 See also Oversize
Printed matter, 1980-1982, undated
Kukucka, Christina, 1978-1979, 1984-1985, undated
Kulberg, Jesse
Correspondence, 1956-1977, undated
(2 folders)
Miscellany, 1968-1973, undated
BOX 441 Kulberg, Monroe B., 1973, undated
Kuroki, Ben
Contracts, 1945-1949
Correspondence, 1945-1953
(3 folders)
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