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Lucy Kroll papers, 1908-1998

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Client File, 1916-1998 (continued)
The International Book of Lofts, 1981-1988
Japanese Style
Contracts, 1984-1985, 1991, undated
Correspondence, 1983-1992
Notes, 1983-1986
BOX 657 Printed matter, 1984-1988
Contracts and correspondence, 1981-1995, undated
Notes, 1977-1992, undated
Printed matter, 1994-1995, undated
A Modern Maintenance Manual, 1985-1986
The New York Times Book of Modern Design Styles, Problems, and Solutions
Contracts, 1981-1982
Correspondence, 1981-1988
Notes and printed matter, 1981-1982
On Earth As It Is In Heaven, 1991-1994
Spanish Style, 1988-1992
Sloane, Allan, 1947-1948, undated
Slocum, William See Containers 568-569, Riccio, Vincent
Small, Mauri See Container 19, Beling, Stephanie
Smiley, Leonard V., 1975-1976, undated
Smith, Alison G. See Container 512, Marengo, Francesca (“Peggy”)
Smith, Brant See Containers 563-564, Prumbs, Lucille
Smith, Catherine Lee, 1977, undated
Smith, Charles
Contracts, 1991-1992
Correspondence, 1991-1993
Miscellany, 1992-1993, undated
Script, undated
Smith, Daniel Blake, 1983
Smith, Frederick W., 1980, undated
Smith, Joanna, 1972, undated
BOX 658 Smith, Lillian, 1984-1985, undated
Smith, Orde See Containers 563-564, Prumbs, Lucille
Smith, S. Mark, 1978-1979
Smith, Sally Bedell
Correspondence, 1979-1990, undated
Notes and printed matter, 1978-1985, undated
Up the Tube (formerly titled The Nineteen Inch Man)
Contracts, 1978-1981
Correspondence, 1978-1986, undated
Financial records, 1980-1983
Notes, 1978-1981, undated
Printed matter, 1981-1982
Draft, 1981
(2 folders)
BOX 659 Outlines, 1979, undated
Smith, Sara B., 1948-1950 See also Containers 563-564, Prumbs, Lucille
Smith, Stanley E.
Contract, 1958
Correspondence, 1958, 1966-1967
Notes, 1958, 1965-1968, undated
Printed matter, 1966, undated
Smithyman, Samuel David, 1976-1979
Snell, David
Contract, 1980
Correspondence, 1978-1981, undated
Financial records, 1978-1989
Notes, 1978-1980, undated
Printed matter, 1977-1979, undated
BOX 660 Typescripts, 1978, undated
(3 folders)
Solomon, Jonathan, 1991-1992
Spencer, Elizabeth
Contracts and correspondence, 1989-1992, undated
Notes, 1988-1989, undated
Photograph, undated
Printed matter, 1988-1989, undated
Spencer, Nelsie, and Laury Marker, 1992-1994, undated
Sperber, Ann M., 1986-1987
BOX 661 Sperdakos, George, 1979-1982
Sperling, Carol, 1984
Spiegel, Steven F., and Mark Drop, 1988-1989 See also Container 105, Drop, Mark
Spitzer, Edwin E., 1964-1967, undated
(2 folders)
Spivak, Alice, undated
Spock, Benjamin, 1955-1960 See also Oversize
Stacy, Donald L., 1968-1974, undated
Stanley, Kim
The Assassination and Mrs. McKinley, 1963
“Ben Casey,” “A Cardinal Act of Mercy”
Contracts and correspondence, 1962-1966
Miscellany, 1962-1966, undated
Bus Stop
Box office receipts
Music Box Theatre, New York, N.Y., 1955
Other theaters, 1955
Contracts and correspondence, 1955
Miscellany, 1955-1956
Notes, 1954-1955, undated
BOX 662 Photographs, circa 1955
Printed matter, 1955-1956, undated
“The Cake Baker,” 1960, undated
“CBS Playhouse,” “Secrets,” 1968, undated
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
Contracts and correspondence, 1955-1958, undated
(2 folders)
Notes, 1957, undated
Printed matter, 1958
The Chase, 1952, 1963, undated See also Oversize
Contracts and correspondence, 1959, undated
Financial records
Box office receipts, 1959
Salary, 1959
Notes, 1959, undated
Printed matter, 1959, undated
A Clearing in the Woods
Contracts and correspondence, 1956-1957
Financial records, 1957
Miscellany, 1956-1957
BOX 663 Photographs, undated
“Dupont Show of the Month”
“Ethan Frome,” 1960
“Something to Hide,” 1963
“The Eleventh Hour,” 1963-1964, undated
Elmer Gantry, 1959, n..d.
A Far Country
Contracts and correspondence, 1960-1963
Financial records
Box office receipts, 1961
(3 folders)
Profit participation, 1961-1965
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