The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Muriel Rukeyser papers, 1844-1986
Some or all content stored offsite.
Part I: General Correspondence, 1931-1980 (continued)
Marshall, Robert Louis, 1972, undated
Mary of the Child Jesus, Sister, 1968-1976
McCall, Monica, 1950-1977, undated
BOX I:9 McCullers, Carson, undated
McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1976-1979
Mendelssohn, Mel and Suzanne, 1976-1977
Meredith, William, 1938-1978, undated
Miles, Josephine, 1946-1979, undated
Moore, Marianne, 1959-1966, undated
Mottram, Eric, 1966-1979
Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass., 1977-1978
Mumford, Lewis, 1961-1965
Murray, William D., 1955-1959, undated
Museum of Modern Art, New York, N.Y., 1954-1969
"M" miscellaneous, 1934-1979, undated
(2 folders)
Nash, Edith and Philleo, 1962-1979, undated
Nathans, Rhoda, 1968-1976, undated
Nathanson, Jerome, 1970-1977, undated
Norman, Dorothy, 1941-1979, undated
North, Mary, 1971-1977, undated
"N" miscellaneous, 1941-1978, undated
Olds, Sharon, 1977-1980, undated
BOX I:10 Oppenheimer, Joel, 1969-1977, undated
Osterlund, Steve, 1975-1979, undated
"O" miscellaneous, 1944-1979, undated
Packard, William, 1970-1979, undated
Pantheon Books, 1958-1974
Payne, Robert, 1947-1979, undated
Paz, Helenita, 1978
Pearson, Norman Holmes, 1941-1973, undated
Perry, Bernard B., 1952-1977, undated
Pitts, Rebecca E., 1937-1979, undated
(3 folders)
Poetry, 1934-1979
Poetry Center, 1963-1976, undated
Porter, Katherine Anne, 1939-1953, undated
Posner, Louis S., 1958-1969
Princeton University Press, 1971-1979
"P" miscellaneous, 1939-1979, undated
BOX I:11 Random House, 1946-1975
Raushenbush, Esther, 1967-1969, undated
Reik, Miriam M., 1936-1979, undated
Rexroth, Kenneth, 1952-1979, undated
Rhodes, Lucille, 1975-1978, undated
Robinson, Earl, 1971-1972, undated
Rosenthal, Mark L., 1951-1974
Rotha, Paul, 1939-1972, undated
"R" miscellaneous, 1934-1979, undated
Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, N.Y., 1955-1975, undated
Sarton, May, 1941-1968, undated
Scarboro, Verona DePaola, 1978-1979, undated
Scheffrin, Gladys, 1951-1969, undated
Schulman, Samuel, 1944-1951, undated
Schwartz, Rhoda, 1974-1976
Sexton, Anne, 1968-1969, undated
Shih-hsiang, Chen, 1951-1963, undated
Simon and Schuster, 1947-1977
Sjoberg, Leif, 1964-1979, undated
Smiley, Gloria, 1971-1978
Stewart, Donald, 1944-1974, undated
BOX I:12 "S" miscellaneous, 1939-1979, undated
(2 folders)
Täubert, Klaus, 1971-1975
Tagliabue, John, 1958-1980, undated
Tyler, Alicia, 1974-1975
"T" miscellaneous, 1952-1978, undated
Unicorn Press, 1966-1979, undated
Untermeyer, Bryna Ivens and Louis, 1937-1977, undated
"U" miscellaneous, 1968-1978, undated
"V" miscellaneous, 1939-1977, undated
Walker, Alice, 1966-1979, undated
BOX I:13 Warren, Eleanor Clark and Robert Penn, 1946-1978, undated
Weber, Marc, 1973-1975, undated
Weiss, Lenore, 1976-1977, undated
Welch, Marie de L., 1944-1978, undated
(4 folders)
West, Mariquita, 1972-1978, undated
BOX I:14 Wickes, Frances G., 1955-1967, undated
Willett, John, 1971-1972
Williams, Jonathan, 1968-1978, undated
Willson, Toni, 1940-1975, undated
Winant, Towers, Ltd., 1968-1976, undated
Winter, Ella, 1944-1979, undated
(2 folders)
Wolfert, Helen, 1952-1976, undated
Won, Ko, 1975-1978
"W" miscellaneous, 1942-1979, undated
BOX I:15 "X-Y-Z" miscellaneous, 1940, 1957-1978, undated
Yale University, New Haven, Conn., 1940-1978
Zaturenska, Marya, 1939-1940, undated See also Container I:6, Gregory, Horace and Marya Zaturenska
(4 folders)
(1 folder)
BOX I:16 (1 folder)
BOX I:16-49 Part I: Literary File, 1928-1980
Holograph drafts and typescripts, correspondence, literary and research notes, notebooks, printed copies, proofs, outlines, and miscellaneous items relating to Rukeyser's prose and poetry, books, plays, screenplays and media scripts, speeches and lectures, and translations. Also includes a file of the speeches and writings of writers and lecturers other than Rukeyser.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material.
BOX I:16 Articles and other writings
Correspondence, 1941-1979
Drafts, 1949-1952, 1965, 1971-1980, undated
(3 folders)
Printed copies, 1933-1943, 1949, 1965, 1972, undated
Proofs, 1974, undated
BOX I:17 Book reviews, 1964-1971, undated
29 Poems (1972), 1969-1972, undated
Body of Waking(1958)
Book reviews, 1958-1959
Correspondence, 1955-1958, undated
Drafts and notes, 1942-1959, undated
Typescript, 1958
Breaking Open(1973)
Book reviews, 1973-1974
Correspondence, 1971-1979
Drafts and notes, 1968-1974, undated
Miscellany, 1973-1975, undated
Bubbles (1967), 1962-1966, undated
Collected Poems (1978)
Book reviews, 1978-1979
BOX I:18 Drafts and notes, 1978, undated
Miscellany, 1978
Proofs, 1978
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