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Tissandier collection on the history of aeronautics, 1539-1929

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Oversize, 1803-1889 (continued)
Siege of Paris, France, vol. III, “Les aérostats pendant la guerre,” 1870-1871 (Container 21)
BOX OV 15 Dupuis-Delcourt File
Altamura, drawing of a dirigible, undated (Container 22)
Deschampes, Louis, broadside fragment, 1852 (Container 22)
Hampton, John, broadsides, 1848-1851 (Container 22)
Latouche, M.A., subscription certificate, 1846 (Container 23)
Leinberger, L. A., and F. A. Meinecke, rules and a table of administrators for a museum, undated (Container 23)
Nardin, Edouard, drawing of an airship navigation system, undated (Container 23)
Pétin, Ernest
Broadsides, undated (Container 23)
Description of system of navigation, 1849 (Container 23)
Newspaper clippings, 1850 (Container 23)
“Pétin System,” with color drawing, 1851 (Container 23)
Robertson, E. G., advertisement, 1803 (Container 24)
Balloon flights
Newspaper clippings, undated (Container 25)
BOX OV 16 Balloon navigation
Notes, articles, and drawings, 1833, 1846 (Container 25)
Broadsides, notices, and tickets
Three copies of a broadside, undated (Container 25)
BOX OV 17 Printed matter
Political affairs
French political posters, 1848-1852 (Container 26)

Contents List