The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Edgar Ansel Mowrer and Lilian T. Mowrer papers, 1898-1978
Lilian T. Mowrer Papers, 1936-1969 (continued)
Speech, Article, and Book File, 1937-1969 (continued)
The Indomitable John Scott (1960) (continued)
BOX 105 (8 folders)
BOX 106 (8 folders)
BOX 107 (6 folders)
BOX 108 (12 folders)
BOX 109 (4 folders)
BOX 110 (7 folders)
BOX 111 (13 folders)
BOX 112 (11 folders)
BOX 113 (11 folders)
BOX 114 (12 folders)
BOX 115 (12 folders)
BOX 116 (8 folders)
BOX 117 (8 folders)
BOX 118-120 Photocopies of maps and related documents
BOX 121-124 Index cards
BOX 125 I've Seen It Happen Twice (1969)
Journalist's Wife (1937)
Rip Tide of Aggression (1942)
(1 folder)
BOX 126 (10 folders)
BOX 127 (1 folder)
The United States and World Relations (1952)
(6 folders)
BOX 128 (9 folders)
BOX 129 Research notes for novel
Body Dynamics: The Zen and Zest of Self-Development (1960) by Gertrude Enelow assisted by Lilian T. Mowrer
BOX 130 Miscellany
Biographical and miscellaneous papers.
BOX 130 Biographical material
BOX 131-137 Addition: Edgar Ansel Mowrer Papers, 1898-1978
BOX 131 Correspondence, 1917-1977
General and family correspondence.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material and therein chronologically.
Family, 1917-1977, undated
General, 1925-1941, 1951-1977, undated
(4 folders)
BOX 131-135 Speeches and Writings, 1914-1977
Articles, book reviews, books, lectures, and miscellaneous research material.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material. Books are further arranged by title; other types by date.
BOX 131 Articles and columns
1940, 1968-1971
BOX 132 1972-1975, undated
(2 folders)
New York Post and other columns on the Vatican and fascism
Columns and clippings, 1944-1945, undated
Reader response, 1944-1945
(2 folders)
Published copies, 1914, 1933-1946, 1962-1976
(2 folders)
Book reviews, 1933, 1958-1962
Freedom Diary (also titled A Crucial Year and Whom the Gods Would Destroy)
Background and notes, 1972-1974, undated
Correspondence regarding publication, 1973-1975
BOX 133 Drafts, 1972-1974
(2 folders)
Germany Puts the Clock Back, Dutch reviews, 1933
This American World, correspondence, 1970-1972
Triumph and Turmoil (1968)
Background and notes
Art and culture, 1947-1971, undated
(2 folders)
Conclusion, 1965-1967, undated
Clippings and notes
1916, 1940-1967
(2 folders)
BOX 134 Undated
Correspondence, 1922, 1940-1967, undated
Science, 1951-1953, 1963-1966, undated
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., correspondence with graduates, 1962-1965
Correspondence, 1967-1974, undated
Drafts and research material not included in final draft, 1947-1950, 1963-1967, undated
Reviews, 1968-1970
Umano and the Price of Lasting Peace (1973)
Background and notes, 1922-1923, 1969-1973, undated
Correspondence, 1969-1975
Morelli, Piero, nephew of Umano, 1970-1975
Morelli, Piero, manuscript on Umano, undated
BOX 135 Lectures, 1968-1971
Miscellaneous research material
Communist intentions, 1970-1976, undated
General, 1965-1977, undated
Postwar plans
Clippings, 1943, undated
Other material, 1940-1943, undated
BOX 135-136 Subject File, 1933-1978
Correspondence, memoranda, and printed matter concerning Mowrer's associations and activities.
Arranged alphabetically by topic and therein chronologically.
BOX 135 Accuracy in Media, 1971-1976
American Security Council, 1968-1977
Authors Guild, 1971-1974, undated
Dumbarton Oaks plan for the United Nations, 1944
Expulsion from Germany, 1933, 1978
BOX 136 For America program, Committee to Unite America, 1970-1973, undated
Freedom House, 1973-1977
Kissinger, Henry, file gathered by Stephen M. Weld, 1967-1975, undated
Mowrer, Edgar Ansel, death and obituaries, 1977
Office of Facts and Figures/Office of War Information, 1941-1945
Paris, France, apartment, rentals and furnishings, 1953-1972
Parke-Bernet Galleries, sale of Mowrer property, 1968-1971, undated
Tax questions and personal finance, 1934, 1967-1976
BOX 137 Miscellany, 1898-1976
Address books, notebooks, photographs, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material and therein chronologically.
BOX 137 Address books, undated
Biographical entries, 1962-1976, undated
Clippings on Edgar Ansel Mowrer and Paul Scott Mowrer, 1948-1976, undated
High school and college class notes and records, 1909-1910
Invitations and honors, 1920-1975, undated
Notebooks, 1911-1951
(2 folders)
Passport and identification papers, 1917-1974
Photographs, 1898-1968, undated See also Oversize
Poster, "Proverbes de Salomon," 1935 See Oversize
Quotations collected by Mowrer in Paris, France, 1911
BOX 138-141 Addition: Lilian T. Mowrer Papers, 1928-1977
BOX 138 Correspondence, 1928-1977
General correspondence and condolence letters.
Arranged alphabetically and therein chronologically.
BOX 138 Condolence letters on death of Edgar Ansel Mowrer, 1977
General, 1928, 1940-1968, undated
(2 folders)
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