| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
2024 Addition, 1830-2013
(continued) |
BOX 134-140 |
Edna St. Vincent Millay Papers,
Family correspondence, personal papers, general correspondence, literary
material, writings, and miscellany. |
Arranged according to the series of the original collection. |
BOX 134 |
Family correspondence |
BOX 134 |
Boissevain, Eugen (husband), transcripts,
BOX 134 |
Burns, Nannie (cousin), 1922,
BOX 134 |
Millay, Cora Buzzell, Norma, and Kathleen
(mother and sisters), 1901, 1909-1917, 1924-1949, undated
(4 folders) |
BOX 134 |
Parsons, Clementine Buzzell (aunt),
1911-1914, 1920-1949
(3 folders) |
BOX 134 |
Personal papers |
BOX 134 |
Academic records |
BOX 134 |
Vassar College, Poughkeepsie,
N.Y. |
BOX 134 |
Class notes, German, circa
1915, 1952
BOX 134 |
Correspondence, 1914-1917,
1950, undated
BOX 134 |
Printed matter, miscellaneous,
1914, undated
BOX 134 |
Program for commencement week
activities, 1917
BOX 134 |
Songs for class and college
ceremonies, 1917
BOX 135 |
Address book with notes on drug dosages,
circa 1944
BOX 135 |
Clippings file |
BOX 135 |
(13 folders) |
BOX 136 |
1932-1952, 1965, 1980,
(10 folders) |
BOX 136 |
Financial records |
BOX 136 |
Account statements and canceled checks,
Guaranty Trust Company of New York, 1949-1950
BOX 137 |
Bills and receipts |
BOX 137 |
Automobile and boat,
BOX 137 |
Books and music,
BOX 137 |
Clothing and linens, 1929,
BOX 137 |
Flower and garden,
BOX 137 |
Food and drink, 1930,
BOX 137 |
Hardware, farm implements, fuel, and
lumber, 1919-1920, 1928-1930, 1939-1946
BOX 137 |
Hospital and pharmacy, 1929,
BOX 137 |
Hotels, 1929, 1940,
BOX 137 |
Insurance, 1920, 1929,
BOX 137 |
Miscellany, 1928-1930,
BOX 137 |
Plumbing, heating, and appliances,
1929, 1934-1946
BOX 137 |
Telephone bills with toll service
statements, 1918-1920, 1928-1929, 1939-1946
BOX 137 |
Veterinarian, 1939-1944
BOX 137 |
Identification card, war savings stamps,
undated |
BOX 137 |
Real estate |
BOX 137 |
Ragged Island, Maine, deeds,
BOX 137 |
Steepletop, Austerlitz,
N.Y. |
BOX 137 |
Deeds, 1925-1939
BOX 137 |
Electricity, undated |
BOX 137 |
General correspondence |
BOX 137 |
Alphabetical file |
BOX 137 |
Bain, Read, 1916-1917,
BOX 137 |
Dillon, George, telegrams,
BOX 137 |
Ficke, Arthur Davison,
undated |
BOX 137 |
Gregory, Alyse, and Llewelyn ("Lulu")
Powys, 1934-1935, undated
BOX 137 |
Helene, Sister Ste., 1931
BOX 137 |
Johnson, Burges, 1917
BOX 137 |
Lawyer, Jim, 1937
BOX 137 |
Mischoulon, Manuel Maria, with letters
from Norma Millay and Mary Herron, 1949-1954, undated
BOX 138 |
Perkins, Hattie, 1927
BOX 138 |
Taylor, Deems, 1926
BOX 138 |
Chronological file |
BOX 138 |
1909-1950, undated
(4 folders) |
BOX 138 |
Literary file |
BOX 138 |
Brandt & Brandt (agents),
BOX 138 |
Harper & Brothers, Cass Canfield, and
staff, 1934, 1943
BOX 138 |
Humphries, Rolfe, Aeneid translation, comments for book jacket, correspondence and notes,
BOX 138 |
Permission requests and fan mail,
1928-1929, 1936, 1944, 1950
BOX 138 |
Published works |
BOX 138 |
Conversations at Midnight, reviews, circa 1937
BOX 138 |
Murder of Lidice, radio broadcasts, correspondence, circa 1942
BOX 138 |
Poem and Prayer for an Invading Army, radio broadcast, correspondence, 1944
BOX 138 |
Royalty statements, 1928-1939
BOX 138 |
Writings |
BOX 138 |
Plays and performance pieces |
BOX 138 |
Miscellaneous fragments,
undated |
BOX 138 |
"Mother Goose Up-to-Date," circa
BOX 138 |
Poetry |
BOX 138 |
Books |
BOX 138 |
A Few Figs From Thistles
BOX 138 |
Poems not used,
undated |
BOX 138 |
Published volume, New York and
Cincinnati: Frank Shay and Stewart Kidd,
BOX 139 |
Huntsmen, What Quarry?, second carbon copy, undated |
BOX 139 |
Collections |
BOX 139 |
Early draft poems, 1910-1913,
(2 folders) |
BOX 139 |
Individual publications |
BOX 139 |
The Ballad of the Harp-Weaver, New York: Frank Shay (2 copies),
BOX 139 |
Magazines and newspapers, "The
President with a Candidate's Face," circa
BOX 139 |
Working drafts |
BOX 139 |
"Dusk, New York City,"
undated |
BOX 139 |
undated |
BOX 139 |
Prose |
BOX 139 |
Short stories and related
material |
BOX 139 |
Boyd, Nancy (pseudonym),
stories |
BOX 139 |
"M.R.," undated |
BOX 139 |
Songs and music |
BOX 139 |
Handwritten music and lyrics by Millay,
circa 1917, undated
BOX 139 |
Lyrics transcribed by Norma Millay,
undated |
BOX 139 |
Miscellany |
BOX 139 |
Applicants for domestic position
advertised in the New York Times, 1935
BOX 139 |
Genealogy research |
BOX 139 |
Boissevain family,
BOX 139 |
Buzzell and Millay families,
BOX 139 |
Hall of Fame, New York University, New
York, N.Y., 1950
BOX 139 |
Pressed flowers, undated |
BOX 139 |
Printed matter, 1897, circa 1922,
1941, 1949, undated
BOX 139 |
Selva, Salomón de la, poems,
undated |
BOX 139 |
Taylor, Deems, material |
BOX 139 |
Howard, John Tasker, Studies of Contemporary American Composers: Deems Taylor, New York: J. Fischer & Bro.,
BOX 140 |
Scores |
BOX 140 |
"Breath of Scandal,"
BOX 140 |
"Through the Looking Glass,"
inscribed to Millay, 1936
BOX 140 |
Taylor, Joan, correspondence,
BOX 140 |
Wastebasket contents, Steepletop,
Austerlitz, N.Y., 1950
BOX 140-160 |
Other Family Papers, 1830-1986
Papers of Eugen Boissevain, Charles Ellis, and Millay family members,
particularly Norma Millay. |
Arranged alphabetically by name of family member and thereunder by topic or
type of material. |
BOX 140 |
Boissevain, Eugen (husband) |
BOX 140 |
Correspondence, 1939, 1954,
BOX 140 |
Milholland, Inez (wife) |
BOX 140 |
Correspondence, 1914-1916
BOX 140 |
Essay, "My Predicament,"
undated |
BOX 140 |
Poem, "To My Husband,"
undated |
BOX 140 |
Ellis, Charles (brother-in-law) |
BOX 140 |
Acting career, 1919-1923, 1929,
1943, 1949-1950, 1960, undated
(2 folders) |
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