The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Edna St. Vincent Millay papers, 1830-2013
General Correspondence, 1897-1953 (continued)
BOX 84-88 Chronological File, 1897-1950
Correspondence with associates and readers.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 84 1897-1919
(4 folders)
BOX 85 1920-1930
(4 folders)
BOX 86 1931-1937
(4 folders)
BOX 87 1938-1943
(5 folders)
BOX 88 1944-1950
(2 folders)
(3 folders)
Undated draft fragments and notes
BOX 89-94 Literary File, 1897-1953
Correspondence, biographical notes, contracts and legal documents, financial records, reviews and notices of plays and published works, promotional material, playbills, and other printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by topic or type of material and thereunder chronologically.
BOX 89 Ainslee's Magazine, 1918-1919
Biographical notes, 1938, undated
Brandt & Brandt, agents, 1922-1950, undated
Contracts, 1920-1948
Copyright, list of poems, undated
General correspondence
(5 folders)
BOX 90 1931-1950, undated
(8 folders)
BOX 91 General review articles and miscellaneous notices, 1921-1941, undated
(2 folders)
Harper & Brothers, Cass Canfield, and staff, 1923-1950, undated
(6 folders)
BOX 92 Mitchell Kennerley, Publisher, 1912-1921, undated See also Container 94, Second April
Poetry Magazine, 1917-1940, undated
Promotional pamphlet, Frank Shay's Bookshop, circa 1922
Public readings, recordings, and lecture tours
Correspondence and promotional material, 1920-1943, undated
Expenses, undated
Map, reading tour, 1938-1939 See Oversize
Scrapbook, Hartford Poetry Club, Hartford, Conn., 1927-1928, undated
Published works
Aria da Capo, reviews, notices, program, and photographs, 1919-1929, 1940, undated
The Buck in Snow, reviews and notices, 1928-1929
Collected Lyrics, reviews and notices, 1943
Collected Sonnets
Correspondence and notes, 1941-1942, undated
Reviews, 1941, undated
Conversations at Midnight, reviews and notices, 1937-1939, undated
(2 folders)
Distressing Dialogues, reviews and notices, 1924-1925
Fatal Interview, reviews, 1931-1933, undated
A Few Figs from Thistles, reviews and notices, 1921
Flowers of Evil
Correspondence and notes, 1935-1936, undated
Reviews, 1936, undated
BOX 93 The Harp-Weaver and Other Poems, reviews and notices, 1924-1927
Huntsman, What Quarry? reviews and notices, 1939, undated
The King's Henchmen
Correspondence and notes, 1924-1928, undated
Programs and printed matter, 1926-1927, undated
Reviews and related newspaper articles, 1926-1928, undated
(2 folders)
The Lamp and the Bell, reviews and notices, 1921-1924, undated
Make Bright the Arrows, reviews and notices, 1940-1941, undated
Murder of Lidice
Public readings, radio broadcasts, and recordings, 1941-1943, undated
Reviews, 1942-1943
Poems for Young People, reviews, 1941
Renascence, reviews and related newspaper articles, 1912-1925
BOX 94 Second April See also Container 92, Mitchell Kennerley
Correspondence, 1915-1921, undated
Reviews and notices, 1921-1925
There Are No Islands Any More, reviews and newspaper articles, 1940
Three Plays, reviews, 1927-1928
Wine from These Grapes, reviews and notices, 1934-1935
Pulitzer Prize, 1923
Royalty statements, 1919-1945
(2 folders)
Theatrical productions, 1919-1923, 1940-1942, undated
Vanity Fair magazine and Conde Nast Publications, 1920-1927, undated
BOX 94-118 Writings, 1897-1950
Diaries and notebooks along with handwritten and typed drafts of plays and performance pieces, poetry, prose, and songs and music. Includes galley, page, and printer's proofs for books of poetry.
Arranged alphabetically by genre and thereunder by title of the work.
BOX 94 Diaries and notebooks
Vol. 1, diary, including portion entitled “Ole Mammy Hush Chile,” 1907-1911
Vol. 2, 1908-1910, “Poetical Works of Vincent Millay” and poetry drafts, 1918-1920, undated
Vol. 3, diary, 1910
Vol. 4, “Journal of a Little Girl Grown Up,” 1910
BOX 95 Vol. 5, essay on faith, 1911
Vol. 6, “Vincent Millay – Her Book,” diary with transcript, 1911-1913
Vol. 7, “Sweet and Twenty,” 1912-1913
Vol. 8, “Renascence,” draft fragment, circa 1912
Vol. 9, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., class notes, circa 1913
Vol. 10, diary, 1913-1914
Vol. 11, drafts, 1913-1917
Vol. 12, lecture notes and drafts, circa 1915-1919
BOX 96 Vol. 13, drafts, circa 1918-1920
Vol. 14, drafts, 1919, undated
Vol. 15, Paris, France, diary notes, 1921
Vol. 16, draft fragments, 1921
Vol. 17, drafts and notes, 1921-1922
Vol. 18, drafts, including notes for “Hardigut,” 1922, undated
Vol. 19, travel notes, Japan, 1924
Vol. 20, diary with typed transcript, 1927, undated
(2 folders)
Vol. 21, drafts, circa 1927-circa 1930
Vol. 22, “The House of Vincent and Ugin,” circa 1928
Vol. 23, drafts, 1928-1934
BOX 97 Vol. 24, diary with typed transcript, 1928-1942
(2 folders)
Vol. 25, drafts, circa 1930-1931
Vol. 26, drafts, 1932-1934, undated
Vol. 27, diary and drafts, Caribbean trip and Baudelaire translations, 1935
Vol. 28, drafts, preface to Flowers of Evil and fragments of Conversations at Midnight, circa 1935-1936
Vol. 29, drafts, Conversations at Midnight and Baudelaire translations, circa 1935-1936
Vol. 30, drafts including Conversations at Midnight, 1937, undated
BOX 98 Vol. 31, drafts, 1936-circa 1940
Vol. 32, “For Dr. Cassel,” notes on questions, circa 1938
Vols. 33-34, drafts, 1940, undated
(2 folders)
Vol. 35, drafts and medical notes, 1940, undated
Vol. 36, drafts, 1940-1941, undated
Vols. 37-38, drafts, circa 1940
(2 folders)
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