| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 122-133 |
Photographs, 1865-1978
Portraits and snapshots of Millay arranged alphabetically by topic and thereunder
chronologically. Other photographs are arranged alphabetically by name of
subject. |
BOX 122 |
Millay, Edna St. Vincent |
Childhood and youth in Maine, circa
House and other landmarks |
Friends and acquaintances |
Millay with friends |
School groups |
Croton, N.Y., home of Eugen Boissevain,
Album, including wedding
See also Container 126, Wedding
(2 folders) |
Miscellaneous prints and
negatives |
“Afternoon of bee swarm,” and
“Hattie” |
Batik background |
Illness and recuperation |
Wearing dressing gown, bathrobe, or
draped in blanket |
Wearing kimono |
BOX 123 |
Reading letters |
Wearing khaki pants rolled to knees,
seated and smoking or reclining |
Wearing wide-brimmed hat and
dress |
Greenwich Village, New York,
N.Y., circa 1919-1923
See also Oversize
Groups |
With Eugen Boissevain, 1925-circa
With Eugen Boissevain, Arthur Davison
Ficke, and Gladys Brown Ficke, circa 1923-1930
With family, circa 1895-1935
With other groups, 1917-circa
Miscellaneous snapshots, circa
1920-circa 1940
Portraits |
1892, circa 1905-1912, miscellaneous |
1913, Arnold Genthe |
circa 1920, miscellaneous |
1923, in Croton, N.Y. |
BOX 124 |
circa 1920s, miscellaneous |
1931 and undated, Berenice Abbott |
1932-1933, Flowers of Evilpromotion tour and Carl Van Vechten |
circa 1930s, miscellaneous |
(2 folders) |
circa 1940s, for Town & Countrymagazine |
circa 1940s, miscellaneous |
(2 folders) |
Radio broadcasts, 1940s
Sacco and Vanzetti protest, 1927
Steepletop estate, Austerlitz,
N.Y. |
Bird dogs and hunting, circa
Farm animals and operations, circa
Outdoor bar with friends, circa
BOX 125 |
Renovations and building projects,
circa 1925-1930
Snow |
Campsite and bonfire with group,
circa 1930s
Winter scenes, circa 1930s
Swimming pool, circa 1930s
Visitors and outdoor parties |
Miscellaneous, circa 1925-circa
Sheehan, Vincent, 1940s
Theater Guild production, “Bonds of
Interest,” undated
Travel |
Albania, 1921
Mediterranean [?], 1934
Miscellany and unidentified,
New Mexico and Arizona with
Eugen Boissevain, Arthur Davison Ficke and Gladys Brown Ficke,
See also Oversize
Trip around the world, 1924
India |
BOX 126 |
Java |
Shipboard |
Southeast Asia |
Vassar College, Poughkeepsie,
N.Y. |
Campus life,
See also Oversize
Drama department productions,
Friends |
Miscellaneous, circa 1915
Ralli, Elaine, 1915,
The Lamp and the Bell, play commissioned for fiftieth anniversary, 1921
Wedding, 1923
See also Container 122, Croton, N.Y.,
BOX 127 |
Other photographs |
Family |
Boissevain, Eugen (husband) |
Childhood and youth,
Friends and travel, circa
Milholland, Inez (married
to Boissevain, died 1916) |
Miscellaneous snapshots, circa
Portraits, circa
With Boissevain, circa
Woman suffrage parade, Washington,
D.C., 1913
Miscellany, circa
Portraits and snapshops, circa
Boissevain family |
Boissevain, Charles and Emily
(parents-in-law) |
Commemorative album,
(2 folders) |
BOX 128 |
Portraits and snapshots, circa
1880-circa 1925
Miscellaneous, circa 1900-1947
(3 folders) |
Buzzell family |
Buzzell, Bert (uncle), and family,
circa 1880-circa 1925
Buzzell, Charles (uncle), and family,
circa 1880-circa 1925
Buzzell, extended family |
Miscellaneous, circa
1870-1929, 1959
Unidentified, circa 1880-circa
BOX 129 |
Parsons, Clementine Buzzell (aunt), and
family, circa 1890-1910, 1957
Ricker, Susie Buzzell (aunt), and
family |
Miscellaneous, circa
1890-1929, 1959
Travel album, state capitals and
Americana, 1954-1955
Todd, Susan Emery (great aunt), and
family, circa 1890-circa 1915
Millay, Cora Buzzell (mother) |
“Breezy Knoll” cottage, Camden, Maine,
circa 1930
Friends and travel, circa 1910,
Landmarks, circa 1930-1938, circa
1950, undated
Miscellaneous snapshots, circa
1910-circa 1930
BOX 130 |
Portraits, circa 1870-circa
With family and friends, circa
1900-circa 1930
Millay, extended family, 1892-1913,
Millay, Henry (father),
circa 1890, 1927-1932
See also Oversize
Millay, Kathleen (sister) |
Miscellaneous snapshots, circa
1915-circa 1930
Portraits, 1912-circa 1920
School groups, circa 1910-circa
Theatrical production, Vassar College,
Poughkeepsie, N.Y., undated
BOX 131 |
Young, Howard Irving
(brother-in-law), circa 1920-circa 1930
See also Oversize
Millay, Norma (sister) |
California trip, circa
Childhood and youth in
Maine |
Friends, circa 1910-1917
(2 folders) |
Miscellaneous snapshots, circa
1895-circa 1918
School groups, circa
1905-circa 1915
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