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Edna St. Vincent Millay papers, 1830-2013

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BOX 122-133 Photographs, 1865-1978
Portraits and snapshots of Millay arranged alphabetically by topic and thereunder chronologically. Other photographs are arranged alphabetically by name of subject.
BOX 122 Millay, Edna St. Vincent
Childhood and youth in Maine, circa 1890s-1913
House and other landmarks
Friends and acquaintances
Millay with friends
School groups
Croton, N.Y., home of Eugen Boissevain, 1923
Album, including wedding photographs See also Container 126, Wedding
(2 folders)
Miscellaneous prints and negatives
“Afternoon of bee swarm,” and “Hattie”
Batik background
Illness and recuperation
Wearing dressing gown, bathrobe, or draped in blanket
Wearing kimono
BOX 123 Reading letters
Wearing khaki pants rolled to knees, seated and smoking or reclining
Wearing wide-brimmed hat and dress
Greenwich Village, New York, N.Y., circa 1919-1923 See also Oversize
With Eugen Boissevain, 1925-circa 1945
With Eugen Boissevain, Arthur Davison Ficke, and Gladys Brown Ficke, circa 1923-1930
With family, circa 1895-1935
With other groups, 1917-circa 1940
Miscellaneous snapshots, circa 1920-circa 1940
1892, circa 1905-1912, miscellaneous
1913, Arnold Genthe
circa 1920, miscellaneous
1923, in Croton, N.Y.
BOX 124 circa 1920s, miscellaneous
1931 and undated, Berenice Abbott
1932-1933, Flowers of Evilpromotion tour and Carl Van Vechten
circa 1930s, miscellaneous
(2 folders)
circa 1940s, for Town & Countrymagazine
circa 1940s, miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Radio broadcasts, 1940s
Sacco and Vanzetti protest, 1927
Steepletop estate, Austerlitz, N.Y.
Bird dogs and hunting, circa 1930
Farm animals and operations, circa 1925-1930
Outdoor bar with friends, circa 1940s
BOX 125 Renovations and building projects, circa 1925-1930
Campsite and bonfire with group, circa 1930s
Winter scenes, circa 1930s
Swimming pool, circa 1930s
Visitors and outdoor parties
Miscellaneous, circa 1925-circa 1935
Sheehan, Vincent, 1940s
Theater Guild production, “Bonds of Interest,” undated
Albania, 1921
Mediterranean [?], 1934
Miscellany and unidentified, undated
New Mexico and Arizona with Eugen Boissevain, Arthur Davison Ficke and Gladys Brown Ficke, 1926 See also Oversize
Trip around the world, 1924
BOX 126 Java
Southeast Asia
Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Campus life, undated See also Oversize
Drama department productions, 1915-1917
Miscellaneous, circa 1915
Ralli, Elaine, 1915, undated
The Lamp and the Bell, play commissioned for fiftieth anniversary, 1921
Wedding, 1923 See also Container 122, Croton, N.Y., Album
BOX 127 Other photographs
Boissevain, Eugen (husband)
Childhood and youth, 1880-1908
Friends and travel, circa 1910-1921
Milholland, Inez (married to Boissevain, died 1916)
Miscellaneous snapshots, circa 1910-1916
Portraits, circa 1900-1916
With Boissevain, circa 1913-1916
Woman suffrage parade, Washington, D.C., 1913
Miscellany, circa 1920-1925
Portraits and snapshops, circa 1930-1948
Boissevain family
Boissevain, Charles and Emily (parents-in-law)
Commemorative album, 1912
(2 folders)
BOX 128 Portraits and snapshots, circa 1880-circa 1925
Miscellaneous, circa 1900-1947
(3 folders)
Buzzell family
Buzzell, Bert (uncle), and family, circa 1880-circa 1925
Buzzell, Charles (uncle), and family, circa 1880-circa 1925
Buzzell, extended family
Miscellaneous, circa 1870-1929, 1959
Unidentified, circa 1880-circa 1920
BOX 129 Parsons, Clementine Buzzell (aunt), and family, circa 1890-1910, 1957
Ricker, Susie Buzzell (aunt), and family
Miscellaneous, circa 1890-1929, 1959
Travel album, state capitals and Americana, 1954-1955
Todd, Susan Emery (great aunt), and family, circa 1890-circa 1915
Millay, Cora Buzzell (mother)
“Breezy Knoll” cottage, Camden, Maine, circa 1930
Friends and travel, circa 1910, 1922
Landmarks, circa 1930-1938, circa 1950, undated
Miscellaneous snapshots, circa 1910-circa 1930
BOX 130 Portraits, circa 1870-circa 1910
With family and friends, circa 1900-circa 1930
Millay, extended family, 1892-1913, undated
Millay, Henry (father), circa 1890, 1927-1932 See also Oversize
Millay, Kathleen (sister)
Miscellaneous snapshots, circa 1915-circa 1930
Portraits, 1912-circa 1920
School groups, circa 1910-circa 1915
Theatrical production, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., undated
BOX 131 Young, Howard Irving (brother-in-law), circa 1920-circa 1930 See also Oversize
Millay, Norma (sister)
California trip, circa 1975
Childhood and youth in Maine
Friends, circa 1910-1917
(2 folders)
Miscellaneous snapshots, circa 1895-circa 1918
School groups, circa 1905-circa 1915
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