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Canal Zone Library-Museum Panama Collection, 1804-1977

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Oversize, 1814-1970 (continued)
BOX OV 3 Inventory, 1898 (Container 19)
BOX OV 4 Labor
"Notice to the Jamaican Labourers," 1898 (Container 19)
BOX OV 5 Compagnie universelle du canal interocéanique
Financial material, 1888 (Container 20)
Garner, Donald James, 1886-1893 (Container 21)
Technical papers
Blanchet, 1881 (Container 21)
Culebra, 1886 (Container 21)
Emperador, 1881-1884 (Container 21)
Borings and geological profiles of test pits in Culebra cut Miscellaneous, 1889-1890 (Container 21)
BOX OV 6 Geological profile along Culebra to Paraiso
Part I, 1882 (Containter 21)
BOX OV 7 Part II, 1882 (Containter 21)
BOX OV 8 Test pits and boring on Culebra valley, 1889-1890
(Container 21)
BOX OV 9 Hotel Washington, Colon
Register, 1913 (Container 23)
BOX OV 10 Isthmian Canal Commission
Financial material, 1902-1906
Vol. I (Container 24)
BOX OV 11 Vol. II (Container 24)
BOX OV 12 Organizations File
Isthmian Canal Commission
Financial material, 1902-1906
Vol. III (Container 24)
BOX OV 13 Isthmian Historical Society
Vols. 1-4, 1954-1964 (Container 26)
BOX OV 14 Vols. 5-7, 1958-1967 (Container 26)
BOX OV 15 Teatro Nacional, undated (Container 32)
Tivoli club
Menu, undated (Container 32)
Miscellaneous Manuscripts
Anniversary celebrations, 1964 (Container 32)
Autograph and postage stamp collection, 1906, undated (Container 32)
BOX OV 16 Bank ledger, 1849-1862 (Container 32)
BOX OV 17 Bath mosquito trap, 1912, 1960, undated (Container 32)
Canal proposal of 1826 by Aaron H. Palmer, copy, undated (Container 33)
Colon International Exposition, 1954 (Container 33)
BOX OV 18 Miscellaneous, 1908, 1916, 1924, 1943-1947, 1962, 1970, undated (Container 33)
Marks, David, commission and passport, 1913-1914 (Container 35)
Núñez, Ramos Rafael, death of, 1894 (Container 35)

Contents List