The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  La Follette family papers, 1781-1988
Part I: Fola La Follette Papers, 1781-1970 (continued)
Biography File, 1781-1962 (continued)
La Follette, Suzanne (“Clara”), 1939 See also same container, Lindsay, Suzanne (“Clara”) La Follette
Lief, Alfred, 1937
Ludlow, Louis, 1939
Lundeen, Ernest, 1939
BOX I:E77 Vol. 7
La Follette, Robert M., Jr.
Interview with Ralph G. Sucher, 1939
Interviews with Fola La Follette and excerpts of material submitted by her for verification and comment, 1939-1946
Vol. 8, Lenroot, Irvine Luther, 1937-1939
Vol. 9, Merriam, Charles Edward, and George L. Record, interview with Frank Sommer, 1937-1938
BOX I:E78 Vol. 10
Mathews, Jerry A., 1939
Middleton, George, 1933, undated
Nelson, John M., 1938-1939
Norris, George W., 1939
Otto, Max Carl, 1940
Vol. 11
Paine, Robert F., 1937-1938
Phillips, John S., 1937
Pinchot, Amos, 1938-1939
Pollock, Walter W., 1937-1938
Pope, James E., 1937
Reed, James A., 1938-1940
Rogers, Walter S., 1937
Rublee, George, interview with Helene Maxwell Hooker Brewer, 1950
Sauthoff, Harry, 1936
Savage, Carlton, interview with George Middleton, 1937
Shipstead, Henrik, 1946
Sommer, Frank, 1937-1938
Steensland, Henry H., interview with Albert O. Barton, 1931
Sucher, Ralph G., article by, undated
Tausig, Carl, 1949
Villard, Oswald Garrison, 1937-1938
Welliver, Judson, 1938-1940
BOX I:E79 Roosevelt, Theodore (1858-1919)
Papers at the Library of Congress, notes, 1910-1911
(3 vols.)
BOX I:E80 Papers at the Library of Congress, 1911-1918, undated
(3 vols.)
BOX I:E81 “Book,” 1904-1917
(2 vols.)
BOX I:E82 Wilson, Woodrow, notes re papers at the Library of Congress, 1913-1929
(2 vols.)
BOX I:E83 Persons
Vol. 1
Amidon, Charles F., 1919-1923
Anderson, C. H., 1939
Baker, Ray Stannard, 1905-1939
Ballard, Clint B., 1939
Barlow, Anna Maria Heywood Denman, Lady, 1917
Barton, Albert O., 1931
Bashford, [Robert M. ?], undated
Beard, Charles Austin, 1913
Beatty, Bessie, 1937
Bennett, J. H., 1917
Benson, Allan L., 1911
Beveridge, Albert Jeremiah, 1908-1910, undated
Borchard, Edwin, 1938
Bourne, Jonathan, 1910, undated
Brandeis, Alice Goldmark and Louis Dembitz, 1915
Bristow, Joseph L., 1911-1912, 1940, undated
Brown, Walter F., 1912
Bryan, William Jennings (1860-1925), 1912-1918, 1937, undated
Bryant, George E., 1902-1906
Buchanan, Frank, 1917
Bullitt, William C., 1939
Burlingham, Charles C., 1913
Vol. 2
Clapp, Moses E., 1912
Clark, Bennett Champ, 1917
Clark, Walter, 1911-1913, 1924
Cobb, Irvin S., 1918
Cochems, Henry, 1938
Cochran, Negley D., 1937, undated
Colby, Everett, 1911, undated
Colver, William B., 1916
Commons, John Rogers, 1910-1914, 1924, 1937
Cooper, Henry Allen, 1917
Costigan, Edward P., 1939
Crane, Charles Richard, 1911-1915
Crownhart, Charles Henry, 1918
Cummins, Albert B., 1910-1912
Daniels, [Josephus ?], 1918
Debs, Eugene V., 1917, 1924
Ekern, Herman Lewis, 1910
Evans, Elizabeth Glendower, 1911, 1925, 1937-1938
Vol. 3
Fackler, John D., 1911
Fall, Albert D., 1944
Ferber, Edna, 1938
Fornaro, Carlo de, 1938
Frankfurter, Felix, 1939
Frazier, Lynn J., 1939
Frear, James A., 1939
Furuseth, Andrew, 1915, 1929, undated
Gale, Zona, 1938-1939
Gannett, Lewis, undated
Gardner, Gilson, 1911-1912, 1937
Garfield, James Rudolph, 1911-1912
Glavis, Louis R., 1909, 1941
Gore, Thomas T., 1916-1917, 1938, undated
Grey, Edward, undated
Gronna, Asle J., 1910-1912
Haines, Lynn J., 1919, 1938
Halbert, Hugh T., 1909-1910
Hallanan, Charles, circa 1918
Hanna, Louis B., 1910
Hannan, John J., 1912, 1919, 1938
Hapgood, Norman, 1937
Hardwick, Thomas W., 1939
Harper, Cornelius A., 1910
Harrison, Frank A., 1912, undated
Hicks, John, 1911
Higgins, Frank, 1925
Hill, Russell, 1917
Hoard, William D., 1910
Holmes, Fred L., 1940
Hopper, John J., 1912
Hostettler, Gordon, 1939-1940
House, Edward M., 1916
Houser, Walter L., 1911-1912, undated
Husting, Paul, 1916, 1938
BOX I:E84 Vol. 4
Joffre, Joseph Jacques Césaire, 1917
Johnson, Hiram, 1911-1912, 1937
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