The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  La Follette family papers, 1781-1988
Part I: Robert M. La Follette, Jr., Papers, 1895-1960 (continued)
Senate Office File, 1917-1948 (continued)
Special Case File, 1917-1948 (continued)
BOX I:C450 Tariff bill of 1930, Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act
General correspondence
Schedule 1, chemicals, oils, and paints
(5 folders)
BOX I:C451 (3 folders)
BOX I:C452 (4 folders)
BOX I:C453 Printed matter
Statements concerning sugar and chemicals
BOX I:C454 Schedules 2-7
(6 folders)
BOX I:C455 Schedules 7-14
(3 folders)
United States Tariff Commission
BOX I:C456 Printed desk copy, annotated
Congressional Record material
Minutes of hearing before United States Tariff Commission on aodium nitrite and methanol
BOX I:C457 Printed congressional documents
Printed matter, including statements and speeches See Oversize ; See also Container I:C599, same heading
BOX I:C458 Taxation
1926, tax bill
Estate tax
(2 folders)
Memoranda and reports
(2 folders)
Printed matter
(2 folders)
BOX I:C459 1934, revenue bill
(2 folders)
Printed matter
(2 folders)
Memoranda and reports
Printed matter
(1 folder)
BOX I:C460 (2 folders)
Publicity of income tax returns
Printed matter
1936, tax bill
BOX I:C461 1936-1937
(2 folders)
1940, revenue bill, concerning excess profits amendment
(5 folders)
BOX I:C462 (1 folder)
1941, revenue bill
(4 folders)
Revenue Act
BOX I:C463 Concerning
Burden by income groups
Corporation taxes
Estate tax
Exempt securities
Individual surtax and income
Joint return
Mine relief
Mutual insurance
Percentage depletion
Public utility corporations
Renegotiation of contracts
Ruml plan, witholding tax
BOX I:C464 Sales tax
Spendings tax
Ruml-Carlson bill, printed matter
Tax Payment Act
Memoranda, reports, and correspondence
Minority report
Printed matter
(2 folders)
1945, correspondence and reports
BOX I:C465 Taxes, filing returns by cooperatives, 1943-1944
(2 folders)
Texas lecture trip, 1936
Third term issue
(3 folders)
Trade restraints
Truman, Harry S., article for Fortune magazine, 1945
“A Twentieth Century Congress” by Estes Kefauver, 1946
Tydings-McCormack bill, 1936
Unemployment compensation
Unemployment Relief Commission Report
BOX I:C466 United Nations
Conference on Food and Agriculture, 1943
(2 folders)
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.
BOX I:C467 Vare, William S., investigation
(7 folders)
BOX I:C468 (4 folders)
BOX I:C469 Venereal disease
(2 folders)
Veteran vocational rehabilitation, 1942-1943
(4 folders)
Veterans Administration
General, 1945
Confidential reports, 1946
Vocational education bill, 1945
BOX I:C470 Voting record, La Follette, Jr., 1926-1946
(7 folders)
Voting records, House and Senate, 1933-1946
BOX I:C471 War costs, 1943
War profits
Washington Railway Co., liquidation, 1946
Water power case, Ekern memorandum, 1934
Watson, Albert L., nomination
Wisconsin-Fox River development project
Works Progress Administration, 1937
(2 folders)
World Court
Debate, 1926
(3 folders)
Speech, 1926
BOX I:C472-C478 Hearings, 1941-1946
Edited transcripts of proceedings of joint congressional committees.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX I:C472 1941, Joint Committee on Nondefense Expenditures in the 1942 Budget, vols. A-E
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