The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  La Follette family papers, 1781-1988
Part I: Fola La Follette Papers, 1781-1970 (continued)
Biography File, 1781-1962 (continued)
Feb. 1-10 (continued)
(3 vols.)
BOX I:E44 Feb. 11-Mar. 15
(3 vols.)
BOX I:E45 Mar. 16-May 30
(3 vols.)
BOX I:E46 June-Sept.
(3 vols.)
BOX I:E47 Oct.-Dec.
(2 vols.)
BOX I:E48 May-Sept.
(3 vols.)
BOX I:E49 Oct.-Dec.
(2 vols.)
BOX I:E50 Aug.-Dec.
(2 vols.)
(2 vols.)
BOX I:E51 Mar.-Dec.
(2 vols.)
BOX I:E52 1916
(3 vols.)
BOX I:E53 Apr.-Sept.
(3 vols.)
BOX I:E54 Oct.-Dec.
(2 vols.)
BOX I:E55 Mar. 1-15
(3 vols.)
BOX I:E56 Mar. 16-Apr. 6
(3 vols.)
BOX I:E57 Apr. 7-June
(3 vols.)
BOX I:E58 July-Sept. 20
(3 vols.)
BOX I:E59 Sept. 21-Oct. 5
(3 vols.)
BOX I:E60 Oct. 6-16
(3 vols.)
BOX I:E61 Oct. 17-Nov. 20
(3 vols.)
BOX I:E62 Nov. 21-Dec.
(3 vols.)
BOX I:E63 1918
(3 vols.)
BOX I:E64 Mar.-Apr.
(3 vols.)
BOX I:E65 May-Oct.
(3 vols.)
BOX I:E66 Nov.-Dec.
(2 vols.)
BOX I:E67 Mar.-Dec.
(3 vols.)
BOX I:E68 1920
(3 vols.)
BOX I:E69 1921-1922
(3 vols.)
BOX I:E70 1923
(2 vols.)
BOX I:E71 Apr.-Aug.
(3 vols.)
BOX I:E72 Sept.-Dec.
(3 vols.)
BOX I:E73 1925
(3 vols.)
BOX I:E74 1926-1962
(4 vols.)
BOX I:E75 Interviews and correspondence
Vol. 1
Baker, Ray Stannard, 1937
Baldwin, Roger Nash, interview with Helene Maxwell Hooker Brewer, 1950
Beveridge, Catharine (Mrs. Albert J.), interview with Howard K. Beale, 1946
Bigelow, Herbert S., 1937
Borah, William Edgar, 1938-1940
Bourne, Jonathan
Brandeis, Louis Dembitz, 1935-1941
(2 folders)
Vol. 2
Bristow, Joseph L., 1937-1942
(2 folders)
Budlong, Percy E., 1937-1938
Vol. 3
Clark, Barrett H., 1933, 1939
Cochran, Negley D., 1938
Commons, John Rogers, 1937-1938
Corrigan, Walter D., Sr., 1934
Crane, Charles Richard, 1937
Crockett, John C., 1940
Ervin, Charles, 1943
Evans, Elizabeth Glendower, concerning interview with Alice Thacher Post, circa 1938
Evjue, William Theodore, 1935
Fornaro, Carlo de, 1938
Frazier, Lynn J., 1939
BOX I:E76 Vol. 4
Gardner, Gilson, interview with Mrs. Gilson Gardner, 1938-1939
Gore, Thomas P., 1938
Haines, Lynn J., interview with Dora B. Haines, 1937-1938
Halsey, Edwin Alexander, undated
Hardwick, Thomas W., 1935-1941
Hays, Arthur Garfield, 1938
Holmes, Fred L., 1935
Vol. 5
Keating, Edward, 1939
Kingsbury, John A., 1937
Kirwan, Michael Joseph, 1937
Kohler, Henry, 1939
Vol. 6
La Follette, Charles Sumner, interview with Nellie Dunn MacKenzie, 1932
La Follette, Chester, 1942
La Follette, Fola, interviews with
Lindsay, Suzanne (“Clara”) La Follette, 1962 See also same container, La Follette, Suzanne (“Clara”)
Sucher, Ralph G., 1920s[?]
La Follette, Philip Fox, 1940
La Follette, Robert M., Jr., excerpt from correspondence with Philip Fox La Follette, 1916
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