| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Part I: Gilbert E. Roe Papers, 1887-1961
(continued) |
Special Correspondence, 1891-1930
(continued) |
La Follette, Robert M., Jr. |
Rogers, Alfred Thomas |
Smedley, Agnes |
1930, Steffens, Lincoln |
BOX I:H9-H12 |
Legal File, 1903-1929
Briefs, arguments, memoranda, and statements of cases in which Roe
participated. |
Arranged chronologically by year and thereunder alphabetically by name of
case, person, or organization, or by topic. |
BOX I:H9 |
1900, Certificate of incorporation of the
Associated Press |
1903, Van Tine v. Hilands |
1904, Republican National Committee,
arguments concerning |
1905, Hurlbutt, Hatch & Co. v.
Quigley |
1906 |
Milliken Bros. v. Roebling Bros.
Union Refrigerator Trust Co. of Wisconsin
v. S. S. McClure Co. |
1908, Robinson v. Mutual Reserve Life
Insurance Co. |
1911, Tams v. Mitchell-Lewis Motor
Co. |
1912-1914, Montessori case |
1914 |
Carnes, Thomas, United Mine
Workers |
Connolly, C. P., West Virginia |
Fahay, W. F., Associated Press |
Masses Publishing Co. v.
Patten |
Myers, Gustavus, Associated Press and West
Virginia strike |
Northrop, W. B., Associated
Press |
Reid, W. Bruce, Associated
Press |
Scoble, John M., Associated
Press |
Sibley, Frank P., Associated
Press |
Taylor [Mr.], Associated Press |
United States v. Flagg |
Weed, Inez, Associated Press |
1915 |
Flagg v. Cook |
International Seamen's Union of
America |
Lusitania incident |
Sanger v. People of New York |
Sinclair, Upton |
1916 |
Alien property cases (through
1929) |
Maurer, James, case |
BOX I:H10 |
May v. Hettrick Brothers Co. |
State laws concerning drafting reserve
militia, Library of Congress compilation |
1917 |
La Follette, Robert M., Sr., expulsion
attempt |
Lusitania incident, Edwin M. Borchard's
legal interpretation |
Statements |
(2 folders) |
Neutrality |
Phillipps and Cattell v. United
States |
Selective service and espionage
laws |
Suspended teachers' case, New York,
N.Y. |
United States v. Pettigrew |
United States v. Werner and
Darkow |
BOX I:H11 |
1918 |
Debs v. United States |
Hannan, John J. |
La Follette v. Brandenburg and Democrat
Printing Co. |
(2 folders) |
La Follette, Robert M., Sr., expulsion
attempt, Senate Privileges and Elections Committee |
(7 folders) |
Libel cases, Crownhart and
Wylie |
Peterson v. United States |
Smedley v. McCarthy |
Stephens, Frank |
BOX I:H12 |
1919 |
Bopp and Von Schack cases (2
folers) |
Glassberg, Benjamin |
Hindu deportation cases |
(2 folders) |
Gobind Behari, Lal |
O'Connell v. United States |
1920 |
Abrams v. United States, Frederick
Pollock |
Socialists exclusion from New York State
Assembly case |
(2 folders) |
1921, Hymans, Sarah |
1921-1922, Flagg, Jared |
1922 |
Amnesty for political hearings, House
Judiciary Committee |
Oil industry investigation |
Teachers' qualifications case, New York,
N.Y. |
1926, alien property, return of, House Ways
and Means Committee |
1929, Schwimmer, Rosika |
Undated |
Nath, Surenda |
Sullivan, Jesse L. |
Unidentified |
BOX I:H13-H14 |
Speech and Article File, 1898-1929
Typed and printed copies of speeches and articles. |
Arranged chronologically by year and thereunder alphabetically by title or
topic. |
BOX I:H13 |
Articles |
1906, “The Gospel of Wealth” by Andrew
Carnegie, letter to the editor |
1908, “Senator La Follette and
Representative Government,” Independent, Apr. 2 |
(2 folders) |
1912, “The Truth about the Contests,”
La Follette's Weekly
Magazine, Aug. |
1919 |
“Repeal the Espionage Law,” Dial, Jan. 11 |
1920 |
The Socialist Trial at Albany,” La Follette's Magazine, Apr. |
“Gilbert E. Roe on the Espionage Act,”
Woman Citizen, Nov. 20 |
“Why Senator La Follette Declined the
Nomination” |
1921, “Discriminations against Women in
the Laws of New York” |
1923, “One Cent Gas Raise Brings 40
Millions,” La Follette's
Magazine, Nov. |
1929, “Senator La Follette and the World
War,” written for Belle Case La Follette in connection with biography of
Robert M. La Follette, Sr. |
(4 folders) |
Undated |
“The Case of James C. Garrison,” La Follette's Magazine
“Evils of Espionage” |
“Pay American Claims and Return
Property of German Nationals,” La Follette's Magazine, Dec. |
“Supreme Court
Progressivism” |
“There Is Popular Dissatisfaction of
the Courts” |
BOX I:H14 |
Speeches |
1898, party reform, Cronk's Opera House,
Oregon, Wis., Nov. 4 |
1900, “Platform and Issues of
1900" |
1905, “The Insurance Investigation and the
Remedy for the Evils Disclosed,” Philosophical Society, Brooklyn,
N.Y. |
1908, “Domestic Relations,” American
Correspondence School of Law, Chicago, Ill. |
1910, Harman, Moses, tribute |
circa 1911, “Railroad
Taxation” |
1912 |
Enfranchisement of women, Albany, N.Y.,
Mar. 12 |
Roosevelt, Theodore (1858-1919), and
the courts, notes |
“The Recall of Judges,” Academy of
Political Science, New York, N.Y. |
“Roosevelt on Direct
Primaries” |
1915 |
“Argument... before the Judiciary
Committee of the Constitutional Convention,” on the election of
judges, June 24 |
“Freedom of Assemblage,” American
Sociological Society annual meeting, Princeton, N.J., Dec.
29 |
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