The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  La Follette family papers, 1781-1988
Part I: Gilbert E. Roe Papers, 1887-1961 (continued)
Special Correspondence, 1891-1930 (continued)
La Follette, Robert M., Jr.
Rogers, Alfred Thomas
Smedley, Agnes
1930, Steffens, Lincoln
BOX I:H9-H12 Legal File, 1903-1929
Briefs, arguments, memoranda, and statements of cases in which Roe participated.
Arranged chronologically by year and thereunder alphabetically by name of case, person, or organization, or by topic.
BOX I:H9 1900, Certificate of incorporation of the Associated Press
1903, Van Tine v. Hilands
1904, Republican National Committee, arguments concerning
1905, Hurlbutt, Hatch & Co. v. Quigley
Milliken Bros. v. Roebling Bros.
Union Refrigerator Trust Co. of Wisconsin v. S. S. McClure Co.
1908, Robinson v. Mutual Reserve Life Insurance Co.
1911, Tams v. Mitchell-Lewis Motor Co.
1912-1914, Montessori case
Carnes, Thomas, United Mine Workers
Connolly, C. P., West Virginia
Fahay, W. F., Associated Press
Masses Publishing Co. v. Patten
Myers, Gustavus, Associated Press and West Virginia strike
Northrop, W. B., Associated Press
Reid, W. Bruce, Associated Press
Scoble, John M., Associated Press
Sibley, Frank P., Associated Press
Taylor [Mr.], Associated Press
United States v. Flagg
Weed, Inez, Associated Press
Flagg v. Cook
International Seamen's Union of America
Lusitania incident
Sanger v. People of New York
Sinclair, Upton
Alien property cases (through 1929)
Maurer, James, case
BOX I:H10 May v. Hettrick Brothers Co.
State laws concerning drafting reserve militia, Library of Congress compilation
La Follette, Robert M., Sr., expulsion attempt
Lusitania incident, Edwin M. Borchard's legal interpretation
(2 folders)
Phillipps and Cattell v. United States
Selective service and espionage laws
Suspended teachers' case, New York, N.Y.
United States v. Pettigrew
United States v. Werner and Darkow
BOX I:H11 1918
Debs v. United States
Hannan, John J.
La Follette v. Brandenburg and Democrat Printing Co.
(2 folders)
La Follette, Robert M., Sr., expulsion attempt, Senate Privileges and Elections Committee
(7 folders)
Libel cases, Crownhart and Wylie
Peterson v. United States
Smedley v. McCarthy
Stephens, Frank
BOX I:H12 1919
Bopp and Von Schack cases (2 folers)
Glassberg, Benjamin
Hindu deportation cases
(2 folders)
Gobind Behari, Lal
O'Connell v. United States
Abrams v. United States, Frederick Pollock
Socialists exclusion from New York State Assembly case
(2 folders)
1921, Hymans, Sarah
1921-1922, Flagg, Jared
Amnesty for political hearings, House Judiciary Committee
Oil industry investigation
Teachers' qualifications case, New York, N.Y.
1926, alien property, return of, House Ways and Means Committee
1929, Schwimmer, Rosika
Nath, Surenda
Sullivan, Jesse L.
BOX I:H13-H14 Speech and Article File, 1898-1929
Typed and printed copies of speeches and articles.
Arranged chronologically by year and thereunder alphabetically by title or topic.
BOX I:H13 Articles
1906, “The Gospel of Wealth” by Andrew Carnegie, letter to the editor
1908, “Senator La Follette and Representative Government,” Independent, Apr. 2
(2 folders)
1912, “The Truth about the Contests,” La Follette's Weekly Magazine, Aug.
“Repeal the Espionage Law,” Dial, Jan. 11
The Socialist Trial at Albany,” La Follette's Magazine, Apr.
“Gilbert E. Roe on the Espionage Act,” Woman Citizen, Nov. 20
“Why Senator La Follette Declined the Nomination”
1921, “Discriminations against Women in the Laws of New York”
1923, “One Cent Gas Raise Brings 40 Millions,” La Follette's Magazine, Nov.
1929, “Senator La Follette and the World War,” written for Belle Case La Follette in connection with biography of Robert M. La Follette, Sr.
(4 folders)
“The Case of James C. Garrison,” La Follette's Magazine
“Evils of Espionage”
“Pay American Claims and Return Property of German Nationals,” La Follette's Magazine, Dec.
“Supreme Court Progressivism”
“There Is Popular Dissatisfaction of the Courts”
BOX I:H14 Speeches
1898, party reform, Cronk's Opera House, Oregon, Wis., Nov. 4
1900, “Platform and Issues of 1900"
1905, “The Insurance Investigation and the Remedy for the Evils Disclosed,” Philosophical Society, Brooklyn, N.Y.
1908, “Domestic Relations,” American Correspondence School of Law, Chicago, Ill.
1910, Harman, Moses, tribute
circa 1911, “Railroad Taxation”
Enfranchisement of women, Albany, N.Y., Mar. 12
Roosevelt, Theodore (1858-1919), and the courts, notes
“The Recall of Judges,” Academy of Political Science, New York, N.Y.
“Roosevelt on Direct Primaries”
“Argument... before the Judiciary Committee of the Constitutional Convention,” on the election of judges, June 24
“Freedom of Assemblage,” American Sociological Society annual meeting, Princeton, N.J., Dec. 29
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